The film was co-written and directed by Zack Snyder, while Miller served as executive producer and consultant. 300 (2007) Film Online Subtitrat - Bazat pe romanul grafic al lui Frank Miller, „300” se bazează foarte vag pe 480 B.C. Like his predecessor Darius I he ruled the … The northern Corinthian site doubled as Thermopylae and the surrounding areas as it had become impossible to shoot at the actual location in Thermopylae. Accompanying him are Artemisia, the Queen of Halicarnassus, who beguiles Xerxes with her feminine charm, and Demaratus, an exiled king of Sparta, to whose warnings Xerxes pays little heed. The 300 Spartans is a 1962 CinemaScope epic film depicting the Battle of Thermopylae. Synopsis – Nonton Movie 300 2006 GENRE : ACTION, FANTASY Pada 481 SM, satu tahun di masa lalu pertempuran Thermopylae, Dilios, hoplite di Tentara Spartan, memulai keseimbangannya dengan menggambarkan energi Leonidas I dari masa kanak-kanak hingga raja melalui doktrin Spartan. Sparta was a militaristic state, reputed for its disciplined warriors—the special-ops forces of their time. After several days of fighting, Xerxes grows angry as his army is repeatedly routed by the Greeks, with the Spartans in the forefront. Videomega 300 Spartans – 300 Eroii de la Termopile (2006) Online Subtitrat – Regele Leonidas al Spartei și o forță de 300 de bărbați luptă cu perșii la Thermopylae în 480 î.Hr. The 300 Spartans is an account of the 480 B.C. Greek warriors, led by 300 Spartans, fight against a Persian army of almost limitless size. Xerxes I of Persia (/ˈzɜrksiːz/; Xšayaṛšā, meaning \"ruling over heroes\", Greek Ξέρξης [ksérksɛːs]; 519–465 BC), also known, Darlyn the Great was the fourth of the king of kings of the Achaemenid Empire. Promising to richly reward the traitorous goatherd for his betrayal (just as Ephialtes had expected) an emboldened Xerxes sends his army onward. König Leonidas marschiert mit einer kleinen Armee von loyalen Spartanern auf Thermopylen zu. Perhaps the biggest problem with the movie 300 is that the film leaves the audience believing that the Spartans were the only Greek force to lead an attack against the Persians. 300 is a 2006 American epic period action film based on the 1998 comic series of the same name by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. Leonidas receives word sent by his wife that, by decision of the Ephors, the remainder of the Spartan army, rather than joining him as he had expected, will only fortify the isthmus in the Peloponnese and will advance no further. Being too few to hold the pass, the Spartans instead attack the Persian front, where Xerxes is nearby. There are essentially two things you need to know about 300: It's extremely violent, and it's unlike anything you've seen before. Leonidas is killed in the melée. Sign Up For Our Newsletter As it turns out though they were […] [10] In 2006, his book was adapted into a successful film of the same name directed by Zack Snyder. It was also the last film appearance of David Farrar, who then chose to retire from acting. Meanwhile, the Thespians, who had refused to leave, are overwhelmed (offscreen) while defending the rear. Events. Log in for full digital access. A(z) "Sparta_a_kobon_2008.teljes magyarul" című videót "Teljes Filmek Magyarul.HD. " But now it is time for "The 300 Spartans". The passage of 2,500 years of the receding coastline turned the strait where the actual battle was fought in 480 BCE into a broad coastal plain facing the Malian Gulf adding about 3.5 kilometers of dry land to the coastline by mid-20th century. 300 Spartalı Film Bilgileri Gerçek bir hikayeyi anlatan bu filmde Sparta Kralı Leonidasın çok küçük bir Yunan Ordusunu Pers Kralı Xerxes'e karşı savumak için yaptıgı mücadele ve hazırlıkları konu alan harika bir savaş aksiyon filmini izledikten sonra yorum yazmayı unutmayın. So then you probably assumed that all the cheesy one liners growled by Gerard Butler during the film were the brainchild of some hack Hollywood writer. ", Then ends with : "...But it was more than a victory for Greece, it was a stirring example to free people throughout the world of what a few brave men can accomplish once they refuse to submit to tyranny!". One of the final images of the film is the stone memorial bearing the epigram of Simonides of Ceos, which the narrator recites in honour of the slain 300 Spartan men's bravery : "Oh stranger, tell the Spartans that we lie here obedient to their word. Events View all Events Virtual history events ... And it became Sparta’s myth. They are then all annihilated as the remaining Immortals rain down a barrage of arrowfire. TV & Film. Both are fictionalized retellings of the Battle of Thermopylae within the Persian Wars. He ruled from 486 BC until his assassination in 465 BC at the hands of Artabanus, the commander of the royal bodyguard.He is notable in Western history for his invasion of Greece in 480 BC. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. Already a CT subscriber? However, despite his requests to dispatch the combined Greek army for retaliation, the local priests and their oracle refused, apparently because of a religious festival—Sparta's equivalent to the Sabbath. nevű felhasználó töltötte fel a(z) "film/animáció" kategóriába. Leonidas gelingt es … The 300 Spartans was the last film of Richard Egan's seven-year contract with 20th Century Fox. To unlock this article for your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. CTWeekly delivers the best content from to your inbox each week. great film epics") is my recommendation if you want to read the Stories of other Epic Movie Productions. We use cookies to provide statistics that help us give you the best experience on our site. When it was released in 1962, critics saw the movie as a commentary on the Cold War,[3] referring to the independent Greek states as "the only stronghold of freedom remaining in the then known world", holding out against the Persian "slave empire". All Behind the Scenes photos are from the archive. Made with the cooperation of the Greek government, it was shot in the village of Perachora in the Peloponnese. Not if King Leonidas could help it. The Truth . [11], This article is about the 1962 film. The battle was previously depicted in Rudolph Maté's 1962 film The 300 Spartans, but not with this level of graphic detail. With defiant loyalty to his country and firm convictions bordering on madness, Leonidas rallied together all he could muster: a small detachment of his 300 finest warriors, plus a small army of less experienced Greeks willing to participate. Director of Photography Geoffrey Unsworth made good use of the tree groves, which lined the coastal plain aside the Limni Vouliagmeni[5] lagoon, to cover for the obvious deficiency in the number of troops that would have been amassed on the Persian-side of the battle line. [citation needed], Originally developed as an Italian sword-and-sandal project, the cooperation and blessing of the Greek government allowed the producers to both finance and complete the production on a budget of 500,000 GBP (equivalent to £10,745,341 in 2019) or approximately US$1,350,000 (equivalent to $11,410,396 in 2019), roughly twice for what most Italian peplum films were being made at the time. After this, Leonidas learns of the Persian advance and travels to Sparta to spread the news and rally the rest of the troops. For closer compositions of the fighting and encampments, military extras were called (call-sheeted) by company-size or smaller units, in meeting the specific needs of the day's shooting schedule. Detailed description Confirm The first point should come as little surprise for a movie about the Greco-Persian Wars, specifically The Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. Pertempuran Thermopylae, tempat Raja Sparta memimpin pasukannya melawan orang Persia yang maju; pertempuran dikatakan telah menginspirasi seluruh Yunani untuk bersatu melawan Persia, dan … For the historical Spartan contingent, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, List of films based on military books (pre-1775),,,,, Pages using infobox film with unknown empty parameters, Articles needing additional references from March 2016, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2019, Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Sandro Giglio as Xenathon, a Spartan Ephor, Nikos Papakonstantinou as Grellas, a Spartan in Xerxes' camp, John G. Contes as Artovadus, Persian general, This page was last edited on 26 January 2021, at 11:29. Author Lee Strobel also plans to revise his “Case for Faith” to remove the late apologist. The film was directed by Rudolph Mate and stars Richard Egan and Ralph Richardson. Battle of Thermopylae, in which the Spartan King Leonidis, played by Richard Egan, led a remarkably small number of men to victory over an invading Persian army led by evil King Xerxes that was about 20 times as large. The Greek Defense Ministry agreed to make available to the producers up to 5,000 members of the Hellenic Army for a pre-negotiated fee. Sparta was a militaristic state, reputed for its disciplined warriors—the special-ops forces of their time. It’s hard to meet people at church these days. To block the advance of the army of Xerxes, the Greek cities join forces, led by the Spartan King Leonidas. [citation needed], In 1970, despite the attributed Cold War connotations, the film was dubbed in Russian and shown in the USSR. The 300 Spartans were a minority of the defending force – not just in the army but even in the last stand – but the clash became the battle of the Spartan 300, not … 300 (2007) is based on Frank Miller's graphic novel of the same name, and loosely based on the events that occured at The Battle of Thermopylae. It stars Richard Egan as the Spartan king Leonidas, Sir Ralph Richardson as Themistocles of Athens and David Farrar as Persian king Xerxes, with Diane Baker as Ellas and Barry Coeas Phylon providing the requisite romantic element in the film. Description. The comic and film are extreme examples of historical movies being Very Loosely Based on a True Story, as artistic license is liberally employed (more so in the film than in the comic). Once Leonidas realizes he will be surrounded, he sends away the Greek allies to alert the cities to the south. Log in to continue reading. The 300 Spartans The hopeless but ultimately inspiring defense of their country by a band of 300 Spartan soldiers against an immense army of Persian invaders in 480 B.C. The working title was Lion of Sparta. [6], Frank Miller's 1998 graphic novel 300 depicts the same Battle of Thermopylae. [2] It stars Richard Egan as the Spartan king Leonidas, Sir Ralph Richardson as Themistocles of Athens and David Farrar as Persian king Xerxes, with Diane Baker as Ellas and Barry Coe as Phylon providing the requisite romantic element in the film. Surrounded, the surviving Spartans refuse Xerxes's demand to give up Leonidas' body. The working title was Lion of Sparta. After this, narration states that the Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plataea end the Persian invasion, but that the Greeks could not have been organized and victorious without the time bought by the 300 Spartans who defied the tyranny of Xerxes at Thermopylae. Nonton Film 300 (2006) Streaming Movie Subtitle Indonesia Gratis Download Online Nonton Film 300 (2006) Berdasarkan novel grafis Frank Miller, "300" sangat longgar berdasarkan 480 SM. The Greeks constantly beat back the Persians, and following the defeat of most of his personal bodyguard in battle against the Spartans plus the killing/death of Xerxes' own two brothers, Xerxes begins to consider withdrawing to Sardis until he can equip a larger force at a later date. Many states were easily conquered by Persia's might, and Sparta seemed poised to fall next. He prepares to withdraw, as advised by Artemesia (who, having a Greek mother, has her own agenda to dissuade the king from continuing the invasion). Eddig 1441 alkalommal nézték meg. As Leonidas asks in the film, what must a king do to save the very city whose laws demand he do nothing? King Xerxes of Persia leads a vast army of soldiers into Europe to defeat the small city-states of Greece, not only to fulfill the idea of "one world ruled by one master", but also to avenge the defeat of his father Darius at the Battle of Marathon ten years before. According to history, King Xerxes (yep, the same guy who takes Esther to be queen in the Bible) launched a massive campaign against Greece with an army that most claim to have numbered in the hundreds of thousands—some even say the millions. The film proved to be very popular, with 27.1 million total viewers. Contrary to what 300 portrays (that sure has come up a lot in this article) King Leonidas … The battle scenes were shot around Vouliagmenis Lagoon [4] (north of Loutraki and the Corinth Canal and west of the village of Perachora; northwest of Athens)--not to be confused with the much smaller Lake Vouliagmeni, due south of Athens. Can social media help fill the gap? As the film tells it, nationalistic pride drove Leonidas to refuse Xerxes' demand for submission. Essentially true story of how Spartan king Leonidas led an extremely small army of Greek Soldiers (300 of his personal body guards from Sparta) to hold off an invading Persian army now thought to have numbered 250,000. Wir schreiben das Jahr 480 vor Christus. With Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham, Dominic West. It was filmed mostly with a superimposition chroma key technique to replicate the imagery of the original comic book. Carsten Thiemann, July 2011. The king’s soldiers, 300 hoplites, have to defend the mountain pass of Thermopylae to allow the rest of the Greek army to organize itself for the battle. However, the film's budgetary constraints reduced the numbers drawn to only two battalions (approximately 1,100 men). « 300 – Ascensiunea unui imperiu (2014) Michiel de Ruyter – Amiralul (2015) » In Corinth, Themistocles of Athens wins the support of the Greek allies and convinces both the delegates and the Spartan representative, warrior king Leonidas I, to grant Sparta leadership of their forces. For the wider establishing scenes of the battle, one battalion was retained to play both Greeks (about 450 soldier-extras) and Persians (some 650 soldiers). Bătălia de la Thermopylae, unde regele Spartei și-a condus armata împotriva persilor înaintați; se spune că bătălia a inspirat toată Grecia să se unească împotriva perșilor și a ajutat la lansarea primei democrații din lume. ... To continue reading, subscribe now. This slideshow is only available for subscribers.Please log in or subscribe to view the slideshow. Outside the hall, Leonidas and Themistocles agree to fortify the narrow pass at Thermopylae until the rest of the army arrives. Miller was introduced to the Thermopylae story through a 1962 Sword & Sandal movie version called The 300 Spartans, which influenced him deeply as a child. Already a subscriber? (for graphic battle sequences throughout, some sexuality, and nudity), When A Word Is Worth A Thousand Complaints (and When It Isn’t), Why There Are So Many ‘Miraculous’ Stories of Bibles Surviving Disaster, Ravi Zacharias’s Books Pulled by HarperCollins After RZIM Investigative Report, Twitterpated: How Christians Find Love on a Divisive Site, Complete access to articles on, Over 120 years of magazine archives plus full access to all of CT’s online archives. Hail King Leonidas - The Lion of Sparta. Greek warriors, led by 300 Spartans, fight a… The comic artist saw The 300 Spartans as a boy and said "it changed the course of my creative life". Directed by Zack Snyder. Subscribers have full digital access. Christianity Today strengthens the church by richly communicating the breadth of the true, good, and beautiful gospel. Although there were 300 Spartans present at the defense of Thermopylae, there were at least 4,000 allies involved on the first two days and 1,500 men involved in the fatal last stand.Still a tiny figure compared to the forces against them—there is evidence that the vast Persian army has been vastly exaggerated—but more than the legend, which forgets some contributors. Both are fictionalized retellings of the Battle of Thermopylae within the Persian Wars. Guard It! Xerxes, however, receives word from the treacherous and avaricious Ephialtes of a secret old goat-track through the mountains that will enable his forces to attack the Greeks from the rear. Those odds seem suicidal, yet the fiercely courageous Spartans managed to wipe out wave after wave of stunned Persian soldiers at a strategic mountain pass, with hope that reinforcements might eventually arrive. Despite the odds, the Spartans will not flee or surrender, even if it means their deaths. When Scripture makes it through flood or fire, we see signs of a faith that endures. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. The 300 Spartans is a 1962 CinemaScope epic film[1] depicting the Battle of Thermopylae. King Leonidas of Sparta and a force of 300 men fight the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C. The largest establishing scenes, of the Persian Army entering Greece, utilized many of these soldiers, together with a combined total of several hundred civilian extras, horses, cattle, ox carts, and chariots. Yıl - … The film 300 took more creative liberty with the past than that directors cut of Braveheart where Mel Gibson punches out King John wearing a mirrored tuxedo. They are subsequently reinforced by about 700 volunteer Thespians led by Demophilus and few other Greek allies. 300 is a 2006 American epic period action film based on the 1998 comic series of the same name by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. In Sparta, his fellow king Leotychidas is fighting a losing battle with the Ephors over the religious harvest festival of Carnea that is due to take place, with members of the council arguing that the army should wait until after the festival is over before it marches, while Leotychidas fears that by that time the Persians may have conquered Greece. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Dominic West, David Wenham. Plot – In 480 BC the Persian King Xerxes decides to invade Greece, starting again the war begun by his father Darius I. Leonidas decides to march north immediately with his personal bodyguard of 300 men, who are exempt from the decisions of the Ephors and the Gerousia. Dort befindet sich eine hundertausende Soldaten umfassende Übermacht an Persern, die Griechenland erobern wollen. Made with the cooperation of the Greek government, it was shot in the village of Perachora in the Peloponnese.
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