In Albanien gibt es viele Namen, die mit der Vorsilbe „Fat-„ beginnen, denn dies bedeutet „Glück“ bzw. Title: AH-4-2005.indd Author: Besitzer Created Date: 3/21/2006 4:31:03 PM Era means ‘smell’. This name is derived from the word qendrim, which means ‘stay’. Lefter is probably derived from the Greek name Lefteris. [ Read: Baby Names Inspired By Greek Mythology ]. So it will make a perfect pick for parents looking for a traditional name. But we think it originated as a variation of Amina. The name also comes from the Albanian word ‘bese’, which means ‘faith, believe and promise’. It is used quite often in Albania, primarily because of its meaning ‘the free one’. Also, ich finde den Namen super cool!!! Bardhyll is a legendary name to consider for your kid. Emily 10. The name comes from Albanian work ‘bukuri’, which means ‘beauty’. Jahrhunderts wurde von den albanischen Kommunisten die Abstammung von den Illyern mit Hilfe 'gefälliger' Vornamen propagiert. Doruntina was the name of a character in ‘Konstandini dhe Doruntina’, an Albanian ballad. 38 Ergebnisse zu Aferdita Salihu: Disqus, Poezia,, Recommend, Tweet, Salihu-Kurti, kostenlose Person-Info bei Die folgende Liste stellt eine Auswahl an albanischen Vornamen dar. {{ || 'Unknown'}}, {{ || || || 'Unknown'}}, Uploaded by: {{}} on {{ | date:'mediumDate'}}. It means ‘high above or exalted’. We love this Albanian name, meaning ‘flower of life’. With this name, you wee one will feel closer to Mother Nature. Then you can go for Xhesika. Mehrere Namen haben sowohl eine männliche als auch eine weibliche Variante. The meaning of Ylbere is as beautiful as its name. Ich gab meiner Tochter 2017 den für mich schönsten Mädchennamen FLORA! in allen Landesteilen, die an andere Länder des Balkans grenzen. The name Besjana derives from Besiana, the Albanian name of Podujeva, a city in northeastern Kosovo. Xevahire derives from the Turkish word ‘cevahir’, which means ‘gem’. According to tradition, he sheltered a fugitive priest in his house. This name of the Albanian supermodel (Emina Cunmulaj) is considered a short form of many Slavic names. Sie sehen die Liste der Vornamen, die in der Region Albanien vorkommen - Seite: 3 Dalmat is enjoying a comeback, thanks to its cultural overtones. Elizabeth 14. It means ‘green, meadow’. Please read our Disclaimer. Here is a beautiful name for your beautiful daughter. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services. It originates from the verb xixellon, which means ‘to twinkle’. If you are looking for an interesting and usable Albanian name for your son, pick Zamir, which means ‘good voice’. This Albanian name, meaning ‘white moon’, comes from the elements bardhe, which means ‘white’ and hene, which means ‘moon’. Emma 2. The correct pronunciation of this name is either loo-lee-yeta or loo-lyeta. This name has been used by the royals since the 11th century. This name is used by the modern Albanians as they consider themselves to be the descendants of the ancient Illyrians. This one is derived from the Albanian word ndrit, which means ‘to twinkle and shine’. It has slowly but steadily begun to catch up with the Americans. Esad is the Albanian form of the Arabic name Asad. Nora is actually a diminutive of Greek name Honora, but it’s used widely in Albania as a standalone name. You can help our automatic cover photo selection by reporting an unsuitable photo. B. Bliri für Blini (Linde) und laberist FIC zitier füKr labenistt (ljabisch). Suche albanische Namen für Jungs und für Mädchen, sollen aber wenn möglich modern sein und mit B oder M anfang Guzim is a relatively modern name, deriving from the Albanian word meaning ‘courage’. It comes from the name Bardyllis, which belonged to the ancient Illyrian king. The name has been common since the early 20th century, and we do not see its popularity fading anytime soon. After being in obscurity for ages, this name is ready for a comeback. Frenk is the Albanian variation of the good old English name Frank. We’re sure you would want your daughter to become as strong as a warrior when she grows up. Would you like to suggest this photo as the cover photo for this article? Charlotte 8. It means ‘man from Krajina’. The name Arber represents the demonym of Albania. This moniker is much more distinctive than its cousins Samira and Samara. In diese Gruppe gehört Edon is both saucy and robust, a rare combination in Albanian names. 100 Wonderful European Names For Your Baby, 4th Week Pregnancy: Symptoms, Baby Development, Tips And Body Changes, Top 10 Food Ideas For Your 10 Months Baby, Pregnancy Gingivitis (Bleeding Gums): Causes And Treatment, 20 Amazing Ben 10 Coloring Pages Your Toddler Will Love, 133 Notably Beautiful Singaporean Names For Baby Girls And Boys, 73 Most Popular Indian Christian Surnames, With Meanings, 200 Unique And Meaningful Non-religious Or Atheist Baby Names, 50 Unusual And Weird Baby Boy Names You Have Never Heard Of, 21 Scenic April Baby Names To Spring Happiness In Your Kids. The name Mirlind means ‘well born’. Vetone is a strong and powerful Albanian name to consider for your little angel. Saemira is an intriguing Albanian name meaning ‘good’. ALBAN m German, French, Albanian, English (Rare) From the Roman cognomen Albanus, which meant "from Alba".Alba (from Latin albus "white") was the name of various places within the Roman Empire, including the city Alba Longa. Besides the last Illyrian king of the Ardiaen kingdom, many eminent Albanian personalities also share the name Genti. Jahrhunderts wurde von den albanischen Kommunisten die Abstammung von den Illyern mit Hilfe 'gefälliger' Vornamen propagiert. Viele der Namen stammen ursprünglich auch aus Europa. It means ‘good life’. The most famous bearer of this name is Drita D’Avanzo, the participant of American reality series Mob Wives. Tell us which one of these would suit your child. This lovely and refined name, meaning ‘sun’ conjures up the image of the royal women of Albania. The name Arber means ‘field, cropland’. This name got its oomph factor from Murim Myftiu, the Albanian-American photographer. Blerta, a feminine version of the Albanian male name ‘Blerma’, is back in the top 100 Albanian baby names after nearly a decade. ️ Ich würde den Namen immer und immer wieder wählen! Kejsi is the Albanian adopted form of the name Casey. The honest and sincere name Afrim is on the rise as a male Albanian name. Zjarrta is a long-running favorite Albanian name. This moniker is taken directly from the Albanian word lendina, which means ‘meadow’. Auch in den deutschen Namenshitlisten finden sich an den obersten Positionen immer mehr amerikanische Mädchennamen wie Cheyenne oder Kimberley wieder. Ava 4. It has a delicate and distinctive appeal to it, just like your little daughter. Most parents are heading (virtually) towards different regions of the world to find a name that is beautiful yet unique. Have a look! See a medical professional for personalized consultation. If you notice closely, you’ll find that Yeti has a mid-century feel to it. The Albanian name Mirarber is composed of two parts: mire, which means ‘good’ and arber, which refers to predecessors of Albanians. Hitliste amerikanischer Mädchennamen. Ich finde krasniqi, morina und berisha, die hört man am häufigsten :D Maj, the first element of the name Majlinda, means ‘May’ and the second element lind, means ‘give birth to’. Alternativ können Sie auch oben rechts nach einem Albanischen Namen mit T suchen. This name is also used in Slavic, Spanish and Portuguese languages. Ilir is a charming Albanian name inspired by a tribe in southwestern Europe. the following list.Thus this page here with Albanian names plus information about many of them is special. Since it’s an uncommon name, it is unlikely that your daughter will share it with any of her schoolmates. Your input will affect cover photo selection, along with input from other users. Februar 2021 Kommentar zu Vanessa von Iliya. Flutura is a famous Albanian name, coming from the word ‘flutter’. It is one of the few Albanian baby girl names to boast of a refreshing and lively ‘e’ ending. Are you looking for a baby name steeped in the Albanian heritage? View the latest boy and girl Albanian names at Mom365. This Albanian name will fit very well on your little czarina. Typisch für die Vornamen sind auch das Trema auf dem Buchstaben „ë“ wie bei Thëllënza oder Xajë. Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Flamur is also the name of a famous Albanian footballer Flamur Kastrati. It means ‘scent of linden tree’. You can use Erag as a nickname for Eragim. Hope you liked our collection of Albanian names and their meanings. This name has a quiet and subtle appeal, which makes it extremely popular with the Albanians. It means ‘foreign’ or ‘stranger’. Give good old Wikipedia a great new look: Cover photo is available under {{ || 'Unknown'}} license. Në moshën 22-vjeçare Luteri hyri në manastirin e Agustinit në Erfurt. You have to pronounce the name as ‘Di-Yeh-Zah’. Xhyljeta is the Albanian form of Juliette. It means ‘rainbow’. Hallo, wir wollen unserem Sohn unbedingt einen Namen serbischer Herkunft geben. The name Liridon means ‘desire for freedom’. Just like this name, we hope even your daughter twinkles and shines in every endeavor she undertakes. The lovely and elegant name Yeta is famous all over the Balkan Peninsula. Rovena is the Albanian form of Rowena. The Abri people inhabited a part of the modern day Albania. Saranda comes from the Greek word ‘Agioi Saranda’, which means ‘Forty Saints’. The name is symbolic of patriotism among the Albanians. The name has been around for decades but saw a meteoric rise in the last two years. This name means ‘butterfly’. This moniker would ring with familiarity amongst our Albanian readers. Sihana is a beautiful Albanian name and means ‘moon’. Here is MomJunction’s compilation of 100 Albanian baby names, with meanings. Mars means ‘March’ in Albania. Its newfound popularity stems from its association with Albanian politician Abdyl Kellezi. The name also has references to Albanian history and culture. The name means ‘freedom or free’. The name honors the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. Antigona is the Albanian variation of the Greek name Antigone. Ge is the short for Gheg living on the north side of the Albanian Islands. 1. Albanische Namen gibt es auch im Kosovo bzw. Obtained from the word Theranda, this moniker denotes stability, strength and vastness. Armend is a masculine Albanian name meaning ‘golden mind’. Erag, meaning ‘dawn wind’ or ‘scent’, is one of the most easily pronounced Albanian names. So you have an uncommon nature inspired name for your daughter. Isabella 6. Evelyn 13. The name means ‘brave’, a virtue to bestow on your little boy. Harper 11. Arben, the collective name of the citizens of the Illyrian principality, is quite popular in Albania. 12.01.2017 - Erkunde Besianas Pinnwand „Albanische Rezepte“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu albanische rezepte, rezepte, albanisch. One famous bearer of this name is Albanian singer Kejsi Tola. It is inspired by the tribal name Arber or Arbereshe. Driton is a variant of Dritan. *grins* Hdl=Nessi. Sindi is the Albanian spelling for the popular name Cindy. Meriton, meaning ‘dedicated to Mars,’ has a relaxed and friendly feel to it. It is obtained from the Albanian term vale, which means ‘wave’ and mire, which means ‘good’. Altin is a strong and friendly name that is very popular with the Albanians. Abdyl, the modern form of Abdullah, is a name with enormous charm and energy. Über 53 Bewertungen und für köstlich befunden. Sie sehen die Liste der Vornamen, die in der Region Albanien vorkommen - Seite: 13 The name Fisnik, meaning ‘noble or gallant’, got a boost as a prominent name over the years. Welche Albanische Nachnamen hört ihr am meisten ?? Saban is an Albanian name of Arabic origin. To is for the Tosk living on the south, and ar is for Arberesh, the Albanians residing in Greece and Italy. Gerade zu Zeiten des Kommunismus im 20. Parents choose this name for its statesmanlike appeal. This joyful sounding name would make an original option for your daughter. Debora is the Albanian version of the name Deborah. Elira is a sweet name, ripe with vowel sounds. Names inspired by countries and region are making a strong comeback. verwendet. Read on! The name has seen a significant surge in the popularity, partly because of its association with an Albanian physicist Engjell Licaj. The name means ‘goof fortune’. Olivia 3. Check it out! Debora Rodrigues, the participant of “Real Housewives” of Brazil, is its namesake. Bei byrion ist auch an das echt albanische bun (Hütte, Schlafstätte aus nie bujt, schlafen) zu denken. The ultimate A-Z list of Albanian girl names, complete with name meanings and origins for all Albanian baby girl names. It comes from Old Turkish word ‘altun’, which means ‘gold’. Mit Portionsrechner Kochbuch Video-Tipps! Arber is one of the highly recommended Albanian baby boy names in our list. Die Tabelle beinhaltet zudem die sprachliche Herkunft und die Bedeutung bzw.
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