(Lothringen) an. Claude was a favorite of her mother, who occasionally visited her in Lorraine, visits described as rare occasions of private family gatherings in the life of Catherine de' Medici, who enjoyed to see her grandchildren by Claude and also liked her son-in-law Charles very much. VON FRANKREICH 1544-1560; Elisabeth VON VALOIS 1545-1568; Claudia VON VALOIS 1547-1575; Ludwig VON FRANKREICH 1549-1550; Karl IX. Further Biographical Data 1547-1575. He died peacefully in his Mill Valley home on August 13th, 2008. Claude Akins (1926–1994), US-amerikanischer Schauspieler; Oyon Marius Claude Amba (* 1987), kamerunischer Schachspieler; … Henry II (French: Henri II) (31 March 1519 – 10 July 1559) was a monarch of the House of Valois who ruled as King of France from 31 March 1547 until his death in 1559. Claudia de' Medici (June 4, 1604 – December 25, 1648) was a daughter of Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Christina of Lorraine. During the last of her frequent visits to the French court, her brother the king gave her the gift of "the ransoms of Guyenne, which came from the confiscations that took place there", and in turn gave one of the ransoms to Jeanne de Dampierre when asked. Claudia von Valois – Wikipedia. Anna de' Medici (21 July 1616 – 11 September 1676) was a daughter of Cosimo II de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany and his wife Maria Maddalena of Austria.A patron of the arts, she married Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Further Austria in 1646. Claude attended the wedding between Henry of Navarre and her sister Margaret of Valois in Paris in August 1572. VON FRANKREICH 1519-1559. von Lothringen und dessen Frau Claudia von Valois. Claude de France : duchesse de Lorraine by Roger de Magnienville ( Book ); Oraison funebre de tres-vertueuse princesse, Claude de France, fille de tres-hault, & tres-chrestien roy Henry seco[n]d, sœur des roys, duchesse de Lorraine : prononcée en l'eglise de Nostre Dame, en Paris, le trentiesme iour de mars by Arnaud Sorbin ( … Claude was born in Fontainebleau, but as she was believed to have been conceived at Chateau d'Anet, she was nicknamed as 'Mademoiselle d'Anet' at court, a nickname that displeased her mother. [2] The marriage was arranged as a symbolic union of peace between France and Lorraine, after Charles III had spent his childhood as a hostage at the French royal court, and completed after the Treaty of Chateau-Cambresis. It can also be an uncommon given name for females or a family name. Wikipedia. 13 October 1499 d. 20 July 1524. Franz II. Claudia von Valois, Herzogin von Lothringen 1547-1575. Sie wurde am französischen Hof zusammen mit ihrer älteren Schwester Elisabeth von Valois, der zukünftigen Königin von Spanien, und Maria Stuart, der zukünftigen Königin von Frankreich und Königin von Schottland, erzogen. von Lothringen (1543–1608) und seiner Frau Claudia von Valois; seit 1599 verheirtatet mit Johann Wilhelm, Herzog von Jülich-Kleve-Berg; nach dem Tod ihres Gatten entglitt ihr im Jülich-Klevischen Erbfolgestreit die Regentschaft über die Herzogtümer Jülich … Claude of France (12 November 1547 – 21 February 1575) was a French princess as the second daughter of King Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici, and Duchess of Lorraine by marriage to Charles III, Duke of Lorraine . He came to power unexpectedly after the murder of his nephew Gaius (Caligula). Aside from his expansion and colonization, he also increased the control of the emperor over the treasury and provincial administration. Claude was victim of the unhealthy traits that Catherine appeared to pass on to all her children with the exception of Marguerite, and suffered from a hunchback and a club foot, and during her childhood she was frequently vulnerable to various child diseases. November 1547 im Schloss Fontainebleau; † 21. Philippe of Belgium's 8-Great Grandfather. Valois-Angoulême: Sex : Female Full name (at birth) Madeleine de Valois Parents ♂ Francis II Valois-Angoulême [Valois-Angoulême] b. Date of death. 25 January 1515 other: Duke of Orléans. She was born in Florence, and was named after her grandmother Claude of Valois, herself granddaughter of Claude, Duchess of Brittany, consort to King Francis I of France. Born: Fontainebleu, , , France 12th Nov 1547 Baptised: Died: Nancy, , Lorraine, France 21st Feb 1575 Buried: Family: French Royalty. Jun 7, 2017 - Isabelle Adjani - la reine Margot - Bartholomäus Nacht - as Margarete von Valois Oktober 2020 um 22:41 Uhr bearbeitet. Prinzessin von Frankreich und Herzogin von Lothringen. Claudia litt wie alle ihre Geschwister unter körperlichen Mängeln, die über ihre Mutter an die Kinder (mit Ausnahme von Margarete) vererbt worden waren, und litt folglich unter einem Klumpfuß und einem Buckel am Rücken. Married Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor. 13 October 1499 d. 20 July 1524. After the massacre started, one of the courtiers of Navarre, de Leran, broke into the bedchamber of Margaret and begged her to save him from the captain of the Guards, M. de Nancay, who gave her the man's life, and then escorted her to the chamber of Claude, where she was given refuge during the massacre. Sie war die Lieblingstochter von Katharina von Medici und wird als sehr schweigsam und diskret beschrieben. September 1524 auf Schloss Saint-Germain-en-Laye) war eine aus dem Haus Valois stammende Prinzessin von Frankreich. von Lothringen (* 27. Das Valois ist eine Landschaft in Nordfrankreich.Sie gehört zur Region Picardie und dem Departement Oise – daher auch der Name Valois von Val d’Oise, Tal der Oise.Der größte Ort im Valois ist Crépy-en-Valois.. Im Frühmittelalter bildete das Valois die Grafschaft Crépy, deren Bezeichnung erst im Lauf der Zeit auf Grafschaft Valois … Claude took Margaret's arm and begged her not to leave: she was contradicted by their mother, who warned Claude not to tell Margaret anything. Claude de Lorraine, duc de Guise (1496–1550) ∞ Antoinette de Bourbon (1493–1583), Tochter von François de Bourbon, comte de Vendôme (1470–1495) Nachkommen siehe Guise; Von Karl III. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Claudia_von_Valois&oldid=205008482, Familienmitglied des Hauses Valois-Angoulême, Familienmitglied des Adelsgeschlechts Vaudémont, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Claudia translation in German-English dictionary. ; Daughter (born and died … von Lothringen verheiratet, nachdem bereits am 10. VON … Jiná rozlišení: 187 × 240 pixelů | 506 × 650 pixelů. Claude de Valois. Februar 1575 in Nancy) war Prinzessin von Frankreich und Herzogin von Lothringen. 12 November 1547. HM Manuel II's 7-Great Grandfather. von Frankreich , König von … Im Alter von 11 Jahren wurde sie am 22. Er war ein jüngerer Sohn des Herzogs Karl III. Sie war das zweite Kind sowie zweite Tochter des französischen Königs Franz I. und seiner ersten Frau Claudia von Frankreich und damit eine ältere Schwester des Königs Heinrich II. Sie verließ oft Nancy, die Hauptstadt von Lothringen, um an der Seite ihrer Mutter am französischen Hof zu leben. Upon the death of her second husband, Archduke Leopold V of Austria, Claudia … Claude of Valois. 1496 title: Count of Angouleme. Christine von Salm, Gräfin von Vaudémont 1575-1627. Eleonora de Medici, Herzogin von Mantua 1567-1611. Claude is a relatively common French given name for males originating from the Latin name Claudius, itself deriving from 'claudicatio' meaning "limping" or "stuttering". Create an account or Sign in to Alchetron - The free social encyclopedia where you can search & share millions of topics. Entgegen den Wünschen ihrer Mutter versuchte Claudia ihre jüngere Schwester Margarete vor den Folgen zu warnen, die eine Hochzeit mit dem hugenottischen König Heinrich von Navarra nach sich ziehen würde. Herzogin von Jülich-Kleve-Berg; zweite Tochter Herzog Karls III. en Reference has been made to the Court of Justice of the European Communities by order of the Tribunale di Roma (District Court, Rome) (Italy) of 7 April 2004, received at the Court Registry on 6 May 2004, for a preliminary ruling in the case of Stefano Macrino and Claudia … Claude told their mother that it was not right to send Margaret to be "sacrificed", as she would risk becoming a target, but Catherine de' Medici replied to Claude that Margaret would be safe if God wished it, that it would arouse suspicion if she did not go, and then told Margaret to leave, upon which Claude cried. Philippe of Belgium's 9-Great Grandfather. (de) Francisco II (François de Lorraine; 27 de febrero de 1572 – 14 de octubre de 1632), fue el hijo de Carlos III de Lorena y Claudia de Valois. Claude de France duchesse de Lorraine Claude Lothringen, Herzogin 1547-1575 Claude de France, duchesse de Lorraine, 1547-1575 De Valois, Claude, 1547-1575 Claude was raised alongside her sister Elisabeth, and her future sister-in-law, Mary, Queen of Scots. On the evening of the Massacre, Claude was evidently informed that a massacre was to take place against the groom of her sister and his followers, and Margaret of Valois described how Claude had tears in her eyes and tried to stop her from leaving their mother's chamber, when Margaret was about to retire to the chamber of her spouse. Während der Ehe gebar sie neun Kinder und starb im Alter von 27 Jahren an den Folgen einer schweren Geburt. Rochus (Rocky) Johannes von Welczeck Rocky was born in Heidelberg, Germany on March 20, 1929. Claudia VON FRANKREICH 1499-1524. Karl III. 12 September 1494 d. 31 March 1547 ♀ Claudia Valois [Valois-Orléans] b. [1] The second son of Francis I, he became Dauphin of France upon the death of his elder brother Francis III, Duke of Brittany, in 1536. Charles de Valois, Graf von Angoulême 1459-1496 Luise von Savoyen , Herzogin von Angoulême 1476-1531 Ludwig XII. Claudia von Valois, französisch: Claude de Valois, (* 12. von Lothringen, Graf von Vaudémont 1572-1632. Claude of France (12 November 1547 – 21 February 1575) was a French princess as the second daughter of King Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici,[1] and Duchess of Lorraine by marriage to Charles III, Duke of Lorraine. See what Claudia valois (claudiaavalois) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Marriage, children and death. HM Juan Carlos' 7-Great Grandfather. Born at Fontainbleau, Ile-de-France, the youngest child of Philippe III, King of France and his second wife Isabel de Aragon. Vincenzo I. Gonzaga, Herzog von Mantua 1562-1612. HM Manuel II's 6-Great Grandfather. Claude (englisch auch Cloud geschrieben) ein männlicher und weiblicher französischer Vorname, eine Variante des lateinischen Claudius respektive Claudia.. Namensträger Männlich. von Frankreich und seiner Gemahlin Katharina von Medici geboren. Sign in to Alchetron. November 1547 im Schloss Fontainebleau; † 21. -- Vater. 1 January 1515 title: Duke of Valois. Rocky lived a long, colorful and fortuito Louis XVII's 3-Great Grandfather. Velikost tohoto náhledu: 467 × 600 pixelů. November 1547 als drittes Kind und zweite Tochter König Heinrichs II. Leben [Bearbeiten] For the Duchess of Brittany, see Claude of France. Brantôme wrote that she "died in child-bed, through the appetite of an old midwife of Paris, a drunkard, in whom she had more faith than in any other.". Franz II. Geographic Note FR (iso3166) Related Entries. The royal children were raised under the supervision of the governor and governess of the royal children, Jean d'Humières and his wife Françoise d'Humières, under the orders of Diane de Poitiers. On 19 January 1559, at the age of 11, she married Charles III, Duke of Lorraine in the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. von Lothringen und dessen Frau Claudia von Valois. They were the parents of Claudia Felicitas of Austria, Holy Roman Empress. 8 May 1514 marriage: Paris, ♀ Claudia Valois [Valois-Orléans] b. Februar 1575 in Nancy) war Prinzessin von Frankreich und Herzogin von Lothringen. Events. An ambitious man, he gained the title of Comte de Valois about 1285 acquiring also the counties of Alencon and Perche. Claude and her mother never got along and was often shipped overseas to be tutored, but would often be found partying. Januar 1559 mit Herzog Karl III. Claude of Valois.jpg 400 × 555; 41 KB ClaudedeValois.jpg 688 × 1.023; 366 KB François Clouet (Schule) - Herzogin Claudia, Tochter Heinrichs II. Upload media. The relationship between Claude and Charles III was described as a happy one. Januar 1559 in Paris der Heiratsvertrag unterzeichnet worden war. Oktober 1632) war Graf von Vaudémont sowie für fünf Tage Herzog von Lothringen und Bar. Claudius, Roman emperor who extended Roman rule in North Africa and made Britain a province. Reference numbers : GEDCOM::242526.ged::INDI @I30181@
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