He has a lean, muscular body with long legs, long ears and with a strong, noble appearance. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a large purebred scenthound of French origin. Grand Bleu de Gascogne Training. This is a very, very old breed, which likely has more genetic diversity than some younger breeds. Grand bleu de Gascogne. It is first and fundamentally a hunting and working breed, and it still embodies many of the physical and temperamental characteristics of its ancient ancestors. The following is a quote from the book 'Les Cheins Courant', by De Castets "THERE IS NOT AMONG THE BREEDS OF HOUNDS A MORE NOBLE BEAST THAN THE BLEU DE GASCOGNE. Today's breed is the descendant of a very old type of large hunting dog, and is an important breed in the ancestry of many other hounds. cette page est dédiée à tout les amateurs de grand bleu de gascogne Grand Bleu de Gascogne weight is 80 to 110 pounds, approximately the same for both males and females. Races : Grand bleu de Gascogne ; Petit bleu de Gascogne ; Basset bleu de Gascogne ; Griffon bleu de Gascogne. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne (FCI No.22) is a breed of dog of the scenthound type, originating in France and used for hunting in packs. Der Jagdgebrauchshundeverband (JGHV) hat den Griffon Bleu de Gascogne (GrBG) als ausländische Jagdhunderasse zugelassen. MORE IN SCENTHOUND GROUP The hounds are the Classic French type, descendants of the original scenting dogs of Gaul and the Phoenician hound trade. Les bleus de Gascogne sont des Chiens courants pleins de classe et de distinction. I cacciatori francesi definirono il Grand Bleu de Gascogne “il più imponente e nobile segugio del mondo” dotato di ottimo olfatto. 01.11.2020 Wurfplanung 2020. Intensity Dilution. Ce chien peu répandu semble venir d’ailleurs avec sa robe à l’apparence bleutée. 15 sur 18 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile. Le Grand Bleu de Gascogne descend du Saint-Hubert et de chiens courants locaux. Search Keywords. 2 talking about this. The bluetick coonhound’s history begins much more recently, and in fact, lists the grand bleu de Gascogne as an ancestor, along with the English foxhound. They are descended from the original scenting dogs of Gaul and the Phoenician hound trade, and are one of the two types from which most modern hound breeds developed. Originaire du Sud-ouest de la France, il doit sa belle livrée bleue à l'influence du climat chaud et sec de cette région. Mit Laufhundegruß, Katrin und Volker Ewert. The grand bleu de Gascogne is an old breed with a lineage that can be traced to the original scent hounds of the Phoenicians and Gauls. The Griffon Bleu de Gascogne is a medium-large dog, 50 to 57 cm (10.5-22.4 ins) at the withers, with a distinctive rough (shaggy) blue speckled coat, drop ears that are not as long as those on other hounds, and a tail carried up and in a slight curve.. Grand bleu de Gascogne de grand bleu - 21-09-10 20:47. j'aurais une question possedent des bleu de gascogne je voudrais savoir si vous avez des solution pour limiter les torsion d'estomac qui son assez nombreuses dans ma meutes ? 7 en parlent. cette page est dédiée à tout les amateurs de grand bleu de gascogne Like many of the French Hounds he came to England with the French forces during the Norman Conquest in the 11th century. Karakter en gedrag. 29.11.2020 D-Wurf. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a large dog, standing at 65–72cm with the female usually being slightly smaller at 62–68cm. Le Grand Bleu de Gascogne est très doué pour la chasse. Il est massif, lent, mais avec un train soutenu, très fin de nez, doté d'une voix de hurleur, aux tons graves, très appliqué dans sa façon de travailler, s'ameutant d'instinct ou chassant individuellement comme limier. Grand Bleu de Gascogne Puppies, Grand Bleu de Gascogne Breeders, Grand Bleu de Gascognes For Sale, Grand Bleu de Gascognes Learn about your this breed of dog with our extensive breed profile. Today's breed is the descendant of a very old type of large hunting dog, and is an important breed in the ancestry of many other hounds. De Bleu de Gascogne is een echte zuiderling: adoreert warmte en heeft een hekel aan kou. This is quite long for a dog of this size, particularly the Grand Bleu de Gascogne. Michael Russell. 5 personas están hablando de esto. It originates from the Gascony and Guyenne Provinces which are on the South-Western coast of France, near the Pyrenees Mountains and Spanish Border. Every point of the Grand Bleu de Gascogne is for a purpose relevant to … The intensity coat color gene variant causes an extreme dilution of phaeomelanin (red or yellow pigment), resulting in a cream to white coat in dogs. Neueste Beträge. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a large to giant sized purebred from France and it has a life span of 10 to 12 years. Répondre. Yet the dog has a voice that will intimidate the strangers on the property and consequently he makes a reliable watchdog also. A Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a large dog standing at 65 to 72cm tall and weighing 35 to 39 kg. Type of Test. The Bleu de Gascogne Club of Great Britain, is the only Bleu de Gascogne Club in Britain. They are instantly recognisable as bloodhound hunting dogs due to … The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is first and fundamentally a hunting/working breed, a trail hound "par excellence,” which has retained the extreme physical and hunting characteristics of its ancient stem. It is an aristocratic looking hound, developed centuries ago to hunt with, one of a number of types of Bleu Gascogne dogs. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne temperament makes him challenging to train for anything but hunting. Bluetick Coonhounds tend to have a … Breed. Het is een intelligente en "gehoorzame" hond, heel zacht voor mensen maar behoorlijke eigenzinnig waardoor de Grand Bleu niet voor iedereen geschikt is. Région d’origine; Région France: Région d'élevage Il est le plus répandu dans le Midi Caractéristiques; Silhouette Chien courant de grande taille, d'allure tranquille et noble. There is also a Griffon Bleu, which is less well known. The life expectancy for the Bleu de Gascogne is 12 years. Het ras is verwant aan de Petit bleu de Gascogne, waar het een grotere versie van is.Een volwassen reu is ongeveer 69 centimeter hoog, een volwassen teef ongeveer 65 centimeter. It is run to promote the health, welfare and ownership of the Bleu of all sizes, The Grand, Petite and then down to the Basset. Der Grand Bleu de Gascogne (Großer Blauer Gascogner Laufhund) ist ein edler französischer Jagdhund, der sowohl einzeln als auch in der Meute geführt werden kann. Le Grand bleu de Gascogne fait partie des plus anciennes races canines françaises. Secretary: Mr C Roberts. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne was recognized by the United Kennel Club in January 1991. 08.08.2020 Laufhundmixe im Tierheim Kehl und Offenburg. Read about height, weight, temperament, good with children, activity level, grooming tips and training requirements. Species. WITH IT'S MAJESTIC ALLURE, HEIGHT, SHIMMERING COAT, POWERFUL VOICE, . G. Grand Bleu de Gascogne; Media in category "Grand Bleu de Gascogne" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a Scenthound of ancient lineage, eminently French. Polonia, cane cieco scappa dalla famiglia adottante e percorre 30 km per raggiungere le persone che se ne erano prese cura prima dell’adozione. PuppyFind® provides a convenient and efficient means of selecting and purchasing the perfect Grand Bleu de Gascogne puppy (or Grand Bleu de Gascogne puppies) from the comfort of your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. merci d'avance. This long legged aristocrat of the French scent hounds was used originally for hunting wolves, and more recently for hare. GRAND GASCON SAINTONGEOIS (IT) GRAND BLEU DE GASCOGNE (IT) Taille 65 à 72 cm (M), 62 à 68 cm (F). Height is 26-28 inches for males and 24-27 inches for females. DocFile Bleu.jpg 1,159 × 1,056; 618 KB. Appearance. Grand Bleu de Gascogne Find DNA Tests. The dog weighs about 36 to 42kg. De Grand bleu de Gascogne is een hondenras dat afkomstig is uit Frankrijk.Het is een jachthond, die oorspronkelijk werd gebruikt voor de jacht op wolven.Tegenwoordig jaagt het dier vooral op ander groot wild. Excellent dans les activités de chasse, il s’investit aussi pleinement en tant qu’animal de compagnie. Finesse de nez, belle gorge, plein d'ardeur, résistant, s'ameutant bien. … The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is an ancient French breed. History The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is one of the most ancient of French scenthounds and it is thought they have been around for hundreds of years. The coat is short and smooth and the color of the coat is white and black mottled. Finding the right Grand Bleu de Gascogne puppy can be dog gone hard work. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a Scenthound of ancient lineage, eminently French. Il Grand Bleu de Gascogne è un cane di antica razza di media-grande taglia, originario della Guascogna nel Sud-ovest della Francia. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a healthy breed, but there are certain health issues that you should check with your vet regularly. Pages in category "Grand Bleu de Gascogne" This category contains only the following page. Die feine Nase des Hundes, sein gutes Auge und seine eigenständige Arbeitsweise machen ihn zu einem beliebten Jagdpartner. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a large breed. The Bleu de Gascogne is known for being an extremely healthy breed. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne (FCI No.22) is a breed of dog of the scenthound type, originating in France and used for hunting in packs. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne always has a sad appearance about them, but they are known to be kind, placid gentle giants with the added bonus being they are always well-behaved around children. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen und Kennenlernen! Sa joie de vivre et sa douceur font partie de … The Grand Bleu de Gascogne has become a breed that is admired as a home or farm companion of great gentleness and affection.
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