google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; I haven't got to work at weekends. Positive They haven’t got three dogs and two cats. Professor Yu each of her students write an essay describing their future goals in life. Examples: (NOT He must comes with us. google_color_text = "000000"; 2. 11. If you eat too much you put on weight. John doesn't have to do any work at home. She's got to wear a uniform. google_color_border = "CC6600"; 1 We has to / have to answer the questions. Don't have to is different from shouldn't and mustn't. Don't have to do something ==> you don't need to do it but if you want, you can. John hasn't got to do any work at home. I have a very difficult day tomorrow. a) have to b) has to: c) don't have to d) doesn't have to: 7. 1762Setze die verneinten Formen don't have to oder doesn't have to in die Lücken ein.. Beispiel aufklappen 5 Jay doesn’t have to / don’t have to wait for Emma. //-->. A good pizza ___ taste good. Check the answers to this exercise » Choose the right forms have to , don't have to , can or can't to complete the following sentences in English. Of course, you will! 4) Mandy read the instructions. 1. Click here to see the current stats of this English test 2. google_ad_format = "300x250_as"; Grammar reference and practice exercises for learners of English as a second language. to go to the bank. 6. Don't have to means that there isn't any obligation at all, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." If you have no idea what word should go next, you can 2) We go shopping. You mustn't tell lies. He must come with us. Do I have to pay in advance? 23. Fill in the gaps using “have to”, “has to”, “don’t have to”, “doesn’t have to” We get up early on Mondays Mary go to school on Saturdays She wear glasses because she can’t see very well ; John tidy his bedroom before going to bed. He CAN do sums in his head. Example: You mustn't (du darfst nicht) - do something bedeutet, dass etwas verboten ist.Das darfst du auf keinen Fall machen. (I can stay in bed as long as I want.) Mr Smith, our teacher, don’t doesn’t wash his car on Sundays. like his dog basket. His parents 7. Question "We didn't have to do anything in particular yesterday; we were 5. google_ad_height = 250; English: Have, has or had. have got - has got Regeln. I should get up early. Use must + infinitive without to. This is a free beginner English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. Negative You shouldn't smoke. Aufgaben-Nr. (You can go with me if you want to.) google_ad_width = 300; With have got to negatives and questions are formed differently. Last year, I wasn’t able to dance, but now I am. Must and have to - modal verbs exercises. No sign-up required. With have got to negatives and questions are formed differently. google_color_url = "0000FF"; Übungen und Aufgaben have to – has to üben. ; No -s. Modal verbs don’t add -s after he/she/it.. Exercise. Explanations and examples along with tests and exercises online on English modal verb have to. click on all the words one by one. have to & don't have to - How to Form Positives; Negatives; and Questions, Should and Shouldn't - When to use and how to use. (It is bad for your health.). 4. Have I got to pay in advance? (Now I stay in bed until lunchtime.) ; No -s. Modal verbs don’t add -s after he/she/it.. I've got to work very unsociable hours. She goes by bicycle 3. (Das ist meine (feste) Meinung) You don’t have to eat that if you don’t like it. must/mustn’t . Created by: Nikita Kovalyov 1. Englisch Übungen have got und has got mit Regeln, Beispielen und Lösungen. Peter and Sarah 8. Good luck, everybody. • Sarah hasn’t got a car. 25. I have to work very unsociable hours. Have to / Don’t have to exercises. 6) I study for the test. I haven't got to take my sister to school, my parents do it. clean her room every day. Use don’t have to to say that you can do something if you want to – but it is NOT necessary to do it. You were able to help me.. You don't have to do something bedeutet, dass du etwas nicht machen brauchst. I don't have to get up early at the weekend(of course, if I want to get up early, that's fine, but I can stay in bed if I want). google_ad_type = "text_image"; Examples: (It is very bad to tell lies.) I don't think she pass the exam, she isn't very good. Grammatik - Zeiten und Verbformen - Besondere Verben - Das Verb "to have (got)": Anschauliche Beispiele, hilfreiche Erklärungen und abwechslungsreiche Übungen zur direkten Anwendung - Englisch Lernen Online (The verb "to have (got)") Today it is Saturday, so you don’t have to wake up early. google_ad_height = 250; How? I must be home by ten. You have been able to find me. Download full-size image from Pinterest . 5. I have to get up early, because I start work at 8. Created by: Nikita Kovalyov have to – has to (Positive Sätze) Setze ein; don’t have to – doesn’t have to (Negative Sätze) Examples: I don't have to get up early at weekend. ]|Es besteht keine Verpflichtung, in die Schule zu gehen → don’t have to In Australia you drive on the left. Use contractions where possible. Have to is a construction (structure). (Es ist Pflicht.) I have to get up early, because I start work at 8. R I don’t buy a present. (It is a rule.) must/mustn’t . You needn't fasten your seat belts. have to, must Quiz. Download full-size image from Pinterest . Have I got to do it right now? It’s a holiday. I hope, I’ll be able to pass the test. Don't have to is different from shouldn't and mustn't. You 3. We use auxiliary verbs do and does to form questions and negatives. Die Bedeutung von have got und has got. google_color_link = "0000FF"; don't have to doesn't have to: 2. Es ist ein Feiertag. have to has to don't have to doesn't have to: 4. Use “mustn’t” or “don’t have to”. Englisch Übung zu Hilfsverben must und not have to. google_ad_channel ="2154566617"; You don't have to go with me. Tom had to work late last night. I don't have to work at weekends. . He must come with us. You may as well go home now, I be back for hours. We do not use have to when we talk about what is a good idea to do, but we don't do it yet. You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick; Don't have to means you don't need to do something, but it's fine if you want to do it: . google_ad_client = "pub-6676379291085385"; Pamela is a waitress. More activities on the Eclectic English Home Page. google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_border = "CC6600"; Jenny has to do homework every evening. (NOT I must to go to the doctor. Does your father have to travel a lot at his job? Examples: Example: you don't have to tell me everything. have to & don't have to - How to Form Positives; Negatives; and Questions. You don't have to fasten your seat belts. Students > English File Student's Site > Pre-intermediate third edition > Grammar > File 7 > Lesson C have to, don't have to, must, mustn't (1) Grammar Vocabulary must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to – form . have to & don't have to - When to Use; How to Use, Should and Shouldn't - When to use and how to use. 2 Emma has to / have to go to the studio. Examples: must Simple past. (NOT I must to go to the doctor. Has you father got to travel a lot at his job? Instead, we use should. like my new school bag. She's got to work at weekends. We have to look at those stupid pictures every time we go to her house. [In Australien fährt man auf der linken Seite. John doesn’t need a calculator. positives, negatives and questions with have to / have got to and don't have to / haven't got to. PDF exercises.
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