Also, sometimes you want to process a lot of different items. Industrial Craft 2 is a modification for Minecraft that focuses on electronics, and methods of storing and generating electricity, as well as adding new Tools.It also changes the properties of several items from the standard Minecraft client. By hovering your mouse over the lightning icon, you can see how many EU the machine currently has. If you have diamonds, you can craft the OV scanner. These recipes are also shapeless. Jump to: navigation, search. Post them here :) Threads 137 Posts 1.5k. This is a community article originally created by ShneekyTheLost. * Wie hoch sollte der Preis bei Wissen sein? You will need to craft the LV Transformer so that your CESU that you're going to craft doesn't make all your machines explode.. Now, we have more machines, and we have more ways to power them. Uranium is a metal resource added by IC and generated as ore between layers 0 and 64, usually in groups of up to 2 blocks. After you begin to heat the Blast Furnace, it won't start working instantly. Why are there two recipes for the forge hammer? One is to use the Solar Distiller, and the other is to use the Steam Boiler, Steam Turbine and the Condenser. The Wind Turbine outputs Kinetic Energy, measured in KU. Place that machine, give it energy, and place an empty Universal Fluid Cell in it! Distilled water can be obtained in two ways. 1 Installation 2 Neue Blöcke und Gegenstände 2.1 Komponenten 2.2 Werkzeuge 2.3 Rüstung 3 Einstellung Die Mod setzt Minecraft Forge voraus. Have an idea of how you can get there, for instance by ladders and tunnels, by staircases or by simply walking on near-flat land if your portal generates next to the lava lake. unfinished, please refer to QuantumSuit Bodyarmor for information. Frequent backing up your world is recommended if possible. Now comes more crafting! Going up from the BatBox is a four-block-long cable that connects to a second BatBox, and then from there to either a Solar Panel or a wind generator of sorts using Tin Cables. Fortunately, they're not one time use, they can be used 80 times before breaking. For an even bigger energy storage unit, there is the MFE Unit. Risugami's ModLoader 2. It operates faster and uses fuel more efficiently. This is a screenshot of a survival world that is played in for about 16 real life hours. The Cables are the primary means of transferring EU from one device to another. Now you have crafted one of the main ingredients of the Generator. This is made by extruding an Iron Block in the Metal Former. In older versions, it can be activated by Redstone, Flint and Steel and other sources. The tier of electric tools decide which EU storage blocks/generators can power them. Yes, you heard it right. The Miner. Main article: Energy Storage Upgrade (IndustrialCraft 2) Energy Storage Upgrades increase the internal Energy Units (EU) buffer of machines by 10,000 EU and are crafted like so: Energy Storage Upgrades add 10,000 EU per upgrade to a machine's internal buffer. Now that you are in the nether, you need to quickly build a small base out of cobblestone that completely surrounds the nether portal, even if it is as simple and ugly as a matchbox. Now that you have got your Electric Jetpack, you can now fly up to avoid creeper explosions! Implement IShapedRecipe on AdvRecipe Should allow output recipe removal in Craft Tweaker again (Chocohead) Fix crash with classic empty cells (Chocohead) jenkins-IC2_112-100. Cutting replaces the Cutter, though it has no real use, as the Extruding mode converts ingots directly into 3 to 4 cables (instead of 2 to 3 from cutting Plates, amount also depends on material, higher tier materials make more cables). Before you actually go into the nether, you need to prepare some materials to build a basic base in the Nether to defend yourself against hostile mobs (mainly the ghast). IC2 is based on Forge API, which needs installing Forge. Tutorials. This tutorial is part of a series on Applied Energistics 2. Put the RE-battery inside and it should be sucking lava for you. You remember the rubber that you have smelted? Like all other maps you begin in, gather some wood, then some cobblestone, and set up a base for your first night, just as how you would do in vanilla survival. We just need 3 more flint and 2 cobblestone. Always keep a stack of logs and half a stack of charcoal in your chest if you can. A Quarry is a machine that automatically mines a large area. For other uses, see Treetap. 1. Don't put down any windows yet, for glass can be destroyed easily by ghasts. Slag is an very important source of Coal Dust, which you can get by processing it in an Thermal Centrifuge in the future. I said, that keep in your mind a big, flat place. Take all of your iron inogts and copper ingots, and craft all of them into iron and copper plates. The CES Unit stores 300,000 EU, exactly 5x as much as the BatBox. Be careful not to drop the pump in lava when moving it! However, if you upgrade your wrench into an Electric Wrench, and toggle it to loss-less mode (this mode removed since IC2 v2.3.222), you are guaranteed to get your machines back no matter what, at a cost of 9000 EU per operation. To continue, you need to have the following materials: An alternate route is available: If you REALLY can't get that much iron but you are willing to spend 5 extra redstone dusts, you can save yourself 4 iron ore and a tin ore. HAYO! Soon you will be able to craft an incredible machine: the Macerator, which will give you 2 crushed ores from one ore and other stuff which will be explained later. Also, Bronze can be crafted into tools and armor. The Nuke is a dangerous and expensive explosive device from IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2). In IC2, a E-net is a series of blocks involved in the production, transportation and usage of EU. You need to use a Macerator to grind Copper and Tin Ingots into dusts, then take the dust and mix them in a 3:1 ratio. Click that button again to change into other modes. It will not be introduced here. Then the Electric Motor, You need two Tin Casings, one Iron Ingot, and two Copper Coils: Place the Kinetic Generator next to the Manual Kinetic Generator so that the input face (look for that Iron Shaft in the middle of a dark hole) is in contact with the Manual Kinetic Generator. Most machines can be upgraded using the various upgrades from IndustrialCraft 2. Before we begin, you'll need to get your hands on at least three Gunpowder or 27 netherrack. You just wait there for the machine to do its work? You can see the inside of a little base, 3 Macerators, 3 Electric Furnaces, 1 Extractor, 1 Generator in view, and 2 machines unknown. It doesn't have to be oak wood planks that works, any wood plank (including some of the modded ones) should work, as long as it is registered as plankWood in the oredict. This upgrade can eject any products that a machine contains. In the first days, having an pretty base is not recommended, as it will be much easier to do this in late game. There are several different types of cable, each type made from different metals, and each type can tolerate a different maximum EUP, usually referred to as Voltage. Step-by-step guide: 1: Place the machines in the arrangement shown. On top of these basic resources, one will also need Rubber... and lots of it. In the copy switch to creative mode and enter the nether, so that you can get a rough idea of the landscape that you are going to spawn in. The ore washing plant has a default pulling upgrade on the first slot, an ejector upgrade set to eject towards to the pump on the second slot, and an ejector upgrade set to eject towards the top chest on the third slot. The Metal Former has 3 modes: Rolling, Extruding and Cutting. You can also refer to the guide on Minecraft Wiki or skip this part if you are experienced. Redstone: Redstone is involved in most parts of IC crafting, especially the basic ones. In this image you can see the BatBox, with the Generator to its left, and a length of Copper Cable four blocks long to its right. There are 2 ways to craft a Generator, but both actually requires the same amount of raw materials. Advanced Alloys will be crucial to moving up into the tier 2 above machines, but they are simple to make: Carbon Plates too will be crucial to tier 2+, but they are slightly more complicated to craft: As Advanced Machine Casings are used for making tier 2 machines, information on what can be made using them can be found on the Advanced Machinery (IndustrialCraft) page. Once you acquire stone tools, growing trees and wheat are essential if you don't want to travel long distances to get wood and food. Lapis lazuli: Not shown here, but you know it. Materials needed: (without the bodyarmor). Doppelte Uraniumzelle: Diese nützliche Zelle produziert 20 EU/t bzw. Each smelt requires 400 EU. It is more common to need to make 2 Forge Hammers, and 3 if you make many machines before making a Metal Former. IC2 adds 5 new resources for players to find within their world: Rubber, Copper, Tin, Lead, and Uranium. Always keep a stack of them in your chest. The Refined Iron (Steel) Rotor lasts 3 IRL days (72 hours) inside the KWG and requires wind levels between 17 and 90 MCW. If this is your first time playing with a mod, make sure that you have installed IC2 correctly. Wondering if there is a machine that can do all this crafting without tools? From Industrial-Craft-Wiki. Please keep in mind as this guide is followed that some differences may be seen in game play and progression due to this. Put the flints, the cobblestone, the Machine Casing, the Electronic Circuit on the crafting table and TADA! Sie ist der Nachfolger der veralteten Modifikation IndustrialCraft. Gamepedia. Note: Explosive mode can inflict serious damage on entities. It inputs/outputs at 2048 EU/tick, or Extreme Voltage, which is effective for only the top tier IC2 machines. Harvest the tree, and take at least 1 sapling back to your base. I know, it’s another Circuit to craft, but you are warned that it would be everywhere. One of the first IC2-related things you'll probably want to create is an Iron Furnace. Crafting item casings is the same with other metals. In ihrer gesamten Laufzeit generiert sie 2.000.000 EU (über die 2h. Edit. The MFSU will output EV(Extreme Voltage) and will destroy your wires and machine if transformers are not installed into your EU network properly. IndustrialCraft 2, often stylized as IC 2, is a mod for Minecraft based around industrial processes and is one of the most venerable mods still in use in Feed The Beast today.. IC 2 introduces numerous features across a variety of areas in Minecraft, including resource processing, mining, agriculture and the player's armory itself. Although you have crafted the Mining Laser, it can't be charged it yet, which requires the MFE Unit, which needs 16 Diamonds. This section is also needed to craft the Overclocker Upgrade. To increase or decrease voltage, a Transformer is needed. Or, you can use a RE Battery, 3 Iron Plates, and an Iron Furnace. Rubber is produced by smelting Sticky Resin in a furnace, and sticky resin can be collected by right clicking a Resin Hole on a Rubber Tree with a Treetap. To put a Tfbp in a Terraformer, just hold it and right-click in the Terraformer. You can also make Reinforced Glass, which is more Creeper-resistant than normal Glass: Having trouble finding all of those diamonds? To double ore using IndustrialCraft 2 you must build a Macerator. Material list with an Electric Heat Generator and a single coil: Place the heat generator where you want it, making sure the output side faces in the direction you want to place the Blast Furnace. While you get Steel from Iron, Slag is also produced at a 1:1 ratio to Steel. It's a lot of work to make, but using it doesn't decrease its durability. The next part will introduce some new things. If the rotor is spinning, the kinetic generator will then start producing EU. Then craft the amazing MFSU! So, go ahead and do what you like do and yes, go and browse some pages on this wiki when you have some troubleshooting! It acts like an ordinary TNT block, though it is five times more powerful. Of course, you will need an iron pickaxe to extract it, but you must have a bad spawn point if you don’t find any along the way. Run a power cable to the Electric Heat Generator, or put Biogas fluid cells into the heat generator. The miner use a lot of EU. You can use the Electric Jetpack! Now you have yourself plenty of Advanced Alloys, bane of Creepers (also good for advanced machines, as you will learn later on)! The effects of them are depended on the total amount of them in a machine. Only after being completely warmed up can it process Iron. It runs directly on EU. A valuable resource found in Sheldonite Ore , Iridium Ore [1] and in a Stronghold Corridor, Crossing or Dungeon Chest (0.7%) [2] . You can leave the rubber in the furnace, as it is needed later. have a full durability of 16. If you have plenty of Lava, you can craft another Geothermal Generator to fulfill your EU needs instead of crafting the wind turbine. We'll need to make 2 Universal Fluid Cells, some mining pipes, a treetap, and the basic stuff to craft it: Place the pump directly over a lava lake and place a chest right next to it (it has to touch). We need some for crafting the first part of a machine, and later, other things. Place the CES Unit and the LV Transformer so that the output of the CES Unit connects to the five-dotted side of the transformer. Slag is left in the double chest. Sign In. You will need more of them later, but one is enough for now. First, anyone making a fluid reactor should immediately begin making distilled water. BOOM! You can open a creative mode world to test how to place the BatBox in the correct direction. This is another screenshot of the automatic blast furnace system. Remember that you can craft 3 Copper Cables by extruding a Copper Ingot in the Metal Former? However, keep in mind that empty Crops, which is the IC2 block to plant crops on, will grow Weed after some time and it can destroy all of your farmed crops. Something else will replace that Cable later. Now we have some machines, but don't stop whining. What is also worth noticing is that EU storage blocks can accept any packet sizes equal or lower to its own output packet size without exploding, meaning that a CESU can accept power from a BatBox, but not vice versa. If you have forgotten the recipe, it is below. Power tier is just another name for voltage, or EU per packet. All rotors eventually wear out, but replacing your wooden rotors with steel rotors give a large buff to your wind generators. (Aroma1997) jenkins-IC2_112-99. Electronic Circuits are the basic circuit boards used in every machine.
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