Although it was in 1867 that Stasov first referred to the 'kuchka' ('The Five') of Russian composers loosely grouped around Balakirev, Mussorgsky was by then ceasing to seek Balakirev's approval and was moving closer to the older Alexander Dargomyzhsky. [9][10] The addition of the "g" to the name was likely initiated by the composer's elder brother Filaret to obscure the resemblance of the name's root to an unsavory Russian word:[11], Mussorgsky apparently did not take the new spelling seriously, and played on the "rubbish" connection in letters to Vladimir Stasov and to Stasov's family, routinely signing his name Musoryanin, roughly "garbage-dweller" (compare dvoryanin: "nobleman"). Member of the Russian Five. Roman Vasilyevich bore the nickname "Musorga" (from Greek: μουσουργός, romanized: musorgos, meaning 'music maker'[4]), and was the grandfather of the first Mussorgsky. 5.0 out of 5 stars 3 ratings. Feb. 3, 2021. Jahrhunderts In addition, he has a certain base side to his nature which likes coarseness, uncouthness, roughness. [30], In 1858, within a few months of beginning his studies with Balakirev, Mussorgsky resigned his commission to devote himself entirely to music. Modest Mussorgsky - Russian composer of operas and orchestral works Modest Moussorgsky, Modest Petrovich Moussorgsky, Modest … Mussorgsky's career as a civil servant was by no means stable or secure: though he was assigned to various posts and even received a promotion in these early years, in 1867 he was declared 'supernumerary' – remaining 'in service', but receiving no wages. "[40] Mussorgsky spent day and night in a Saint Petersburg tavern of low repute, the Maly Yaroslavets, accompanied by other bohemian dropouts. Er wurde hauptsächlich durch seine Opern sowie den Klavierzyklus Bilder einer Ausstellung bekannt und gilt als einer der eigenständigsten russischen Komponisten des 19. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky was a Russian composer, one of the group known as "The Five". Balakirev started filling these gaps in Mussorgsky's knowledge. [13], The addition of the "g" and the accompanying shift in stress to the second syllable (i.e., Mu-SÓRK-skiy), sometimes described as a Polish variant, was supported by Filaret Mussorgsky's descendants until his line ended in the 20th century. The 26-year-old was, however, on the point of writing his first realistic songs (including "Hopak" and "Darling Savishna", both of them composed in 1866 and among his first "real" publications the following year). Letter to Vladimir Stasov, 9 October 1875. In talent he is perhaps superior to all the [other members of The Five], but his nature is narrow-minded, devoid of any urge towards self-perfection, blindly believing in the ridiculous theories of his circle and in his own genius. Mussorgsky's parents planned the move to Saint Petersburg so that both their sons would renew the family tradition of military service. At times, however, his alcoholism would seem to be in check, and among the most powerful works composed during his last six years are the four Songs and Dances of Death. He wrote to Vladimir Stasov, "[T]he Mighty Handful has degenerated into soulless traitors. Many of his works were inspired by Russian history, Russian folklore, and other national themes. 1863 wurde er dazu in die Ingenieursabteilung des Ministeriums für Kommunikation berufen. [d] This may have been the reason Tsar Alexander III personally crossed off Boris Godunov from the list of proposed pieces for the Imperial Opera in 1888.[44]. The opera Khovanshchina was unfinished and unperformed when Mussorgsky died, but it was completed by Rimsky-Korsakov and received its premiere in 1886 in Saint Petersburg. He completed the large-scale score the following year while living with friends and working for the Forestry Department. Im Juni 1874 schrieb er den Klavierzyklus Bilder einer Ausstellung, der durch eine Ausstellung der Zeichnungen und Bühnenentwürfe seines verstorbenen Freundes Viktor Hartmann inspiriert war. / 28. Antonyms for Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgsky. in Karewo, Ujesd Toropez, Gouvernement Pskow, Russisches Kaiserreich; † 16.jul./ 28. Though far from being a critical success – and in spite of receiving only a dozen or so performances – the popular reaction in favour of Boris made this the peak of Mussorgsky's career. De Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski (ru. Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgsky war ein russischer Komponist, der u. a. die Oper „Boris Godunow“ (1868), den Klavierzyklus „Bilder einer Ausstellung“ (1874) sowie die sinfonische Dichtung „Nacht auf dem kahlen Berge“ (1867) schuf und dessen oftmals unvollendete Werke sich durch eine eigenständige „russische“ Tonsprache auszeichnen. Mai 1867 jedoch schon wieder entlassen. The baptismal record gives the composer's name as "Muserskiy". However, neither work was completed (although Khovanshchina, in piano score with only two numbers uncomposed, came close to being finished). Among the composer's other works are a number of songs, including three song cycles: The Nursery (1872), Sunless (1874) and Songs and Dances of Death (1877); plus Mephistopheles' Song of the Flea and many others. [42], Mussorgsky, like others of 'The Five', was perceived as extremist by the Emperor and much of his court. Im Alter von sieben Jahren beherrschte er bereits kurze Stücke von Franz Liszt und im Alter von neun Jahren spielte er vor einem zahlreichen Publikum in seinem Elternhaus ein Konzert von John Field. As a result, Mussorgsky became a fixture at Dargomyzhsky's soirées. "[24], Music remained important to him, however. Jahrhunderts. The opera has also been revised by other composers, notably Shostakovich, who made two versions, one for film and one for stage. "Real life" affected Mussorgsky painfully in 1865, when his mother died; it was at this point that the composer had his first serious bout of alcoholism, which forced him to leave the commune to stay with his brother. "[52], Mussorgsky's tone poem Night on Bald Mountain was used in the 1940 animated film Fantasia, accompanied by an animation of Chernobog summoning evil spirits on a mountain. In 1863 he began an opera – Salammbô – on which he worked between 1863 and 1866 before losing interest in the project. Transliteration Modest Petrovič Musorgskij; Betonung: Modést Petrówitsch Mússorgski; * 9. Russian composer. Modest Mussorgsky wurde am 21. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky was a Russian composer, one of the group known as "The Five". Januar 1880 musste Mussorgski den Staatsdienst wegen seiner Trunksucht verlassen, erhielt jedoch unter der Bedingung, dass er seine halbfertige Oper Chowanschtschina zu Ende bringe, eine Pension von 100 Rubel zugebilligt. He strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, often in deliberate defiance of the established conventions of Western music. Nach einer Krise verließ er am 17. What are synonyms for Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgsky? 154–55, footnote 24). He was an innovator of Russian music in the romantic period. zu Karewo, Krees Toropez, Gouvernement Pskow, Russescht Keeserräich a gestuerwen de 16. jul. Learn more about the composer Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski, his life and work! 16 (28), 1881, in St. Petersburg. All in him is flabby, dull. Also, Modest suffered from delirium tremens during this period. Sie kämpften gegen den akademischen Professionalismus. As quoted in Rimsky-Korsakov (1923: pp. [26] Borodin later remembered, His little uniform was spic and span, close-fitting, his feet turned outwards, his hair smoothed down and greased, his nails perfectly cut, his hands well groomed like a lord's. 2011 gestaltete der Choreograph Wang Xinpeng zusammen mit dem Dramaturgen und Schriftsteller Christian Baier das Märchenballett Fantasia – Erwache in deinem Traum (UA Ballett Dortmund 2011) nach Musik des Komponisten. During this period he had returned to Saint Petersburg and was supporting himself as a low-grade civil-servant while living in a six-man "commune". 7 benefits of working from home; Jan. 26, 2021. Mussorgsky was born in Karevo, Toropets Uyezd, Pskov Governorate, Russian Empire, 400 km (250 mi) south of Saint Petersburg. His politeness and good manners were exceptional. Sharp controversy had arisen over the educational attitudes at the time of both this institute and its director, a General Sutgof. His wealthy and land-owning family, the noble family of Mussorgsky, is reputedly descended from the first Ruthenian ruler, Rurik, through the sovereign princes of Smolensk. / 21. [39] One contemporary notes, "an intense worship of Bacchus was considered to be almost obligatory for a writer of that period. Doubling the consonant thus reinforces its voiceless sibilant /s/ sound. [18][c] At age six, Mussorgsky began receiving piano lessons from his mother, herself a trained pianist. Juli 1858 das Regiment, setzte die Zusammenarbeit mit Balakirew jedoch fort. Mussorgsky and his brother were also inspired by the gothic script, they were using an "M" personal sign instead of family coat of arms, very similar to the symbols of the early Rurikids.[32]. Modeste Moussogorski. and suchlike. Synonyms for Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgsky in Free Thesaurus. Mussorgsky's eventual supporters, Vladimir Stasov and Mily Balakirev, initially registered strongly negative impressions of the composer. During the next year, which he spent sharing rooms with Rimsky-Korsakov, he made changes that went beyond those requested by the theatre. At this point in time the Balakirev circle was disintegrating, something Mussorgsky was especially bitter about. Dies führte schließlich dazu, dass auch die Intendanz des Mariinski-Theaters sich nicht länger querstellte, so dass es am 8. 9 March 1839 (in Julian calendar) Karevo (Toropets Uyezd, Pskov Governorate, Russian Empire) Date of death. [21] To this end, Mussorgsky entered the Cadet School of the Guards at age 13. Authorship of the Romance Song "Letter After the Ball" as a Source of Study, Historical and Cultural Problem", Russian Masters 1: Glinka, Borodin, Balakirev, Musorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky's Youth: In the Light of the Latest Information, The New York Times Essential Library: Classical Music: A Critic's Guide to the 100 Most Important Recordings, International Music Score Library Project, The St Petersburg Mussorgsky State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre — Mikhailovsky Theatre,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Russian-language text, Instances of Lang-el using second unnamed parameter, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 23:21. The Western convention of doubling the first "s", which is not observed in scholarly literature (e.g., The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians), likely arose because in many Western European languages a single intervocalic /s/ often becomes voiced to /z/ (as in "music"), unlike in Slavic languages where the intervocalic /s/ is always unvoiced. Mussorgsky's most imaginative and frequently performed work is the cycle of piano pieces describing paintings in sound called Pictures at an Exhibition. He sat at the piano and, throwing up his hands coquettishly, played with extreme sweetness and grace (etc) extracts from Trovatore, Traviata, and so on, and around him buzzed in chorus: "Charmant, délicieux!" Gerald Abraham, a musicologist, and an authority on Mussorgsky: "As a musical translator of words and all that can be expressed in words, of psychological states, and even physical movement, he is unsurpassed; as an absolute musician he was hopelessly limited, with remarkably little ability to construct pure music or even a purely musical texture. Tchaikovsky, in a letter to his patroness Nadezhda von Meck, was also critical of Mussorgsky: Mussorgsky you very rightly call a hopeless case. Im Jahre 1852 trat er in die Kadettenschule in St. Petersburg ein, wo er sich besonders mit Geschichte und Philosophie beschäftigte. Außer Balakirew waren alle Musikliebhaber, also keine Berufsmusiker. Une Nuit sur le Mont Chauve by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, published by Alphonse Leduc. At the instigation of the art critic Vladimir Stassov a commemorative exhibition was put on of drawings, watercolours, designs etc. Member of the Russian Five. [55], The 2020 film Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga starring Dan Stevens as Alexander Lemtov, a flamboyant singer representing Russia, had a non-typical Russian character development as an obvious cultural reference to Modest Mussorgsky, also known domestically for encouraging a female opera singer Daria Leonova [ru] to compose a classical song "Letter After the Ball". [31] He also suffered a painful crisis at this time. The family name derives from a 15th- or 16th-century ancestor, Roman Vasilyevich Monastyryov, who appears in the Velvet Book, the 17th-century genealogy of Russian boyars. He was an innovator of Russian music in the romantic period. For many years, Mussorgsky's works were mainly known in versions revised or completed by other composers. Noun 1. ), 1881, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire. $4.99: $16.51: Audio CD $13.25 1 Used from $16.51 7 New from $4.99 The spelling and pronunciation of the composer's name has caused some confusion. Modest Mussorgsky 1 ruble 1989.JPG 1,050 × 1,050; 324 KB Modest Mussorgsky Monument Karevo.jpg 396 × 450; 20 KB Modest Mussorgsky signature.jpg 150 × 110; 3 KB Mussorgsky's works, while strikingly novel, are stylistically Romantic and draw heavily on Russian musical themes. His civil service career was made more precarious by his frequent 'illnesses' and absences, and he was fortunate to obtain a transfer to a post (in the Office of Government Control) where his music-loving superior treated him with great leniency – in 1879 even allowing him to spend three months touring twelve cities as a singer's accompanist. Transliteratioun Modest Petrovič Musorgskij), gebuer den 9. jul. Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgsky wurde am 21. Ein Besuch in Moskau im Sommer 1859 bewegte ihn tief und machte ihn nach eigener Einschätzung vom Kosmopoliten zum Russen. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky. 1987 hat der Saarländische Rundfunk unter dem Titel „Erzähle mir, Nanjuschka“ eine szenische Filmversion des Liederzyklus „Kinderstube“ mit der Sängerin Trudeliese Schmidt ausgestrahlt. Am 23. Februar 1881 besuchte Mussorgski Leonowa noch einmal in verzweifelter Stimmung. 16 March] 1881) was a Russian composer, one of the group known as "The Five". This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Description. By the time of the first production of Boris Godunov in February 1874, Mussorgsky had taken part in the ill-fated Mlada project (in the course of which he had made a choral version of his Night on Bald Mountain) and had begun Khovanshchina. Zu dieser Zeit begann Mussorgski, heftig zu trinken; er sah bei sich selbst Symptome der Demenz. [15][16] He was called 'Modinka' (Russian: Модинька, romanized: Modin'ka), diminutive form with the stressed O, by his close friends and relatives.[17]. Zur selben Zeit entstand der Liederzyklus Ohne Sonne nach Gedichten von Golenischtschew-Kutusow. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky Russian composer. März 1839 geboren und starb am 28. Nach einem Krampfanfall am Abend desselben Tages und drei weiteren am folgenden Tag wurde er am 26. ), 1839, Karevo, Pskov Governorate, Russian Empire Died: March 28 (March 16 O.S. Sutgof's daughter was also a pupil of Gerke, and Mussorgsky was allowed to attend lessons with her. Yet he has flashes of talent which are, moreover, not devoid of originality. Modest Mussorgsky composed the piano cycle Pictures at an Exhibition (Kartinki s wystawki) within a short period of time, between 2nd and 22nd June 1874. Both praised his talent while expressing disappointment with his technique. 1856 verließ er die Kadettenschule und trat dem Preobraschenski-Garderegiment bei. The mutability of the second-syllable vowel in the versions of the name mentioned above gives evidence that this syllable did not receive the stress. His friend Viktor Hartmann had died, and his relative and recent roommate Arseny Golenishchev-Kutuzov (who furnished the poems for the song-cycle Sunless and would go on to provide those for the Songs and Dances of Death) had moved away to get married. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote that Mussorgsky's scores included, absurd, disconnected harmony, ugly part-writing, sometimes strikingly illogical modulation, sometimes a depressing lack of it, unsuccessful scoring of orchestral things... what was needed at the moment was an edition for performance, for practical artistic aims, for familiarization with his enormous talent, not for the study of his personality and artistic transgressions. Die Gruppe wurde ironisch als Das Mächtige Häuflein oder als Gruppe der Fünf bezeichnet. / 28. In 1859, the 20-year-old gained valuable theatrical experience by assisting in a production of Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar on the Glebovo estate of a former singer and her wealthy husband; he also met Konstantin Lyadov (father of Anatoly Lyadov) and enjoyed a formative visit to Moscow – after which he professed a love of "everything Russian". The composer could trace his lineage to Rurik, the legendary 9th-century founder of the Russian state. Als Kind bekam er Klavierunterricht, schlug dann kurzzeitig eine Militärlaufbahn ein, die er 1858 als Gardeoffizier in St. Petersburg abschloss. [5], In Mussorgsky family documents, the spelling of the name varies: "Musarskiy", "Muserskiy", "Muserskoy", "Musirskoy", "Musorskiy", and "Musurskiy". März 1839 in Karewo, Ujesd Toropez, Gouvernement Pskow, Russisches Kaiserreich; † 16. Aus dieser Zeit stammt die erste Fassung seiner sinfonischen Dichtung Eine Nacht auf dem kahlen Berge. Im November 2009 realisierte der norwegische Pianist Leif Ove Andsnes gemeinsam mit dem südafrikanischen Aktionskünstler Robin Rhode das Multimediaprojekt Pictures Reframed, das Mussorgskis Bilder einer Ausstellung neu interpretiert.[2]. Price New from Used from Audio CD, January 11, 2011 "Please retry" $13.25 . [25] In 1856 Mussorgsky – who had developed a strong interest in history and studied German philosophy – graduated from the Cadet School. Since 1866 Dargomyzhsky had been working on his opera The Stone Guest, a version of the Don Juan story with a Pushkin text that he declared would be set "just as it stands, so that the inner truth of the text should not be distorted", and in a manner that abolished the 'unrealistic' division between aria and recitative in favour of a continuous mode of syllabic but lyrically heightened declamation somewhere between the two. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (Russian: Модест Петрович Мусоргский; IPA: ; 21 March 1839 – 28 March 1881) was a Russian composer, one of the group known as "The Five". Er wurde hauptsächlich durch seine Opern sowie den Klavierzyklus Bilder einer Ausstellung bekannt und gilt als einer der eigenständigsten russischen Komponisten des 19. Born: March 21 (March 9 O.S. Die meisten Werke Mussorgskis waren bei seinem Tode in unvollendetem Zustand und wurden nach seinem Tod durch seinen Freund Rimski-Korsakow bearbeitet und „korrigiert“, so die Oper Chowanschtschina. Mussorgsky spent his childhood on his parents’ estate. Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich Born Mar 9 (21), 1839, in the village of Karevo, now in Kun’ia Raion, Pskov Oblast’; died Mar. Concert Calender & Tickets & Information | concert calender and online-shop of the Wiener Symphoniker Although now part of a new circle of eminent personages that included singers, medical men and actors, he was increasingly unable to resist drinking, and a succession of deaths among his closest associates caused him great pain. Within days he took it upon himself to help shape Mussorgsky's fate as a composer. Done. Noun 1. Mussorgsky's single-movement orchestral work Night on Bald Mountain enjoyed broad popular recognition in the 1940s when it was featured, in tandem with Schubert's 'Ave Maria', in the 1940 Walt Disney animated film Fantasia. Viele begonnene Werke blieben unvollendet. Mussorgsky thus edited the work, making a final version in 1874. He strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, often in deliberate defiance of the established conventions of Western music. Many of his most important compositions have posthumously come into their own in their original forms, and some of the original scores are now also available. Name Components. In 1871, however, the finished opera was rejected for theatrical performance, apparently because of its lack of any 'prima donna' role. It segues into Ave Maria by Franz Schubert. Modest Petrowitsch Mussorgski, Category: Artist, Monthly Listeners: 28, Where People Listen: Berlin, Hamburg, Eindhoven, Radebeul, Wernigerode. Dieses Leitprinzip definiert seine gesamte kreative Tätigkeit. [10], The first syllable of the name originally received the stress (i.e., MÚS-ər-skiy), and does so to this day in Russia, including the composer's home district. Under such influences he came more and more to embrace the ideal of artistic realism and all that it entailed, whether this concerned the responsibility to depict life "as it is truly lived"; the preoccupation with the lower strata of society; or the rejection of repeating, symmetrical musical forms as insufficiently true to the unrepeating, unpredictable course of "real life". The decline could not be halted, however. Before the premiere, he was regarded as an eccentric in the west. In a heady artistic and intellectual atmosphere, he read and discussed a wide range of modern artistic and scientific ideas – including those of the provocative writer Chernyshevsky, known for the bold assertion that, in art, "form and content are opposites". Name : Musorgskij, Modesto 1839-1881. He is, it seems to me, a thorough idiot", and Balakirev agreed: "Yes, Mussorgsky is little short of an idiot. The year 1867 was also the one in which he finished the original orchestral version of his Night on Bald Mountain (which, however, Balakirev criticised and refused to conduct,[33] with the result that it was never performed during Mussorgsky's lifetime[34]). Russian composer (1839-1881) Upload media. In early 1881 a desperate Mussorgsky declared to a friend that there was 'nothing left but begging', and suffered four seizures in rapid succession. Following family tradition he received a commission with the Preobrazhensky Regiment, the foremost regiment of the Russian Imperial Guard.[25]. waren neue Ideen in Russland populär geworden, und so lebte Mussorgski während dieser Zeit in einer „Kommune“ mit vier anderen jungen Männern: Mili Balakirew, César Cui, Alexander Borodin und Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow zusammen, wo er sich am regen Ideenaustausch über Kunst, Philosophie und Politik beteiligte. Modeste Mussorgski synonyms, Modeste Mussorgski pronunciation, Modeste Mussorgski translation, English dictionary definition of Modeste Mussorgski. Jahrhundert. Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (Russian: Модест Петрович Мусоргский[a], tr. Februar in das Nikolajewski-Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Blog. März 1839greg. Aus der Überzeugung heraus, dass menschliche Rede von musikalischen Gesetzen strikt kontrolliert wird (Virchow, Gervinus), sieht er bei musikalischen Tönen die Funktion der Kunst nicht so sehr in der Erzeugung von Gefühlen, sondern an erster Stelle von menschlicher Rede. However, his mother Julia Chirikova (1813–1865) was the daughter of a comparatively non-rich nobleman. In 1852, the 12-year-old Mussorgsky published a piano piece titled "Porte-enseigne Polka" at his father's expense. Er starb im Alter von 42 Jahren an den Folgen einer jahrelangen Alkoholabhängigkeit. Their example was followed by many influential Russians, such as Fyodor Shalyapin, Nikolay Golovanov, and Tikhon Khrennikov, who, perhaps dismayed that the great composer's name was "reminiscent of garbage", supported the erroneous second-syllable stress that has also become entrenched in the West.[14]. Born: March 21 (March 9 O.S. Nach der Rückkehr nach St. Petersburg begann er die Oper Boris Godunow nach einem Theaterstück von Puschkin zu komponieren. Am 13. Critic Edward Dannreuther, wrote, in the 1905 edition of The Oxford History of Music, "Mussorgsky, in his vocal efforts, appears wilfully eccentric. His manners were elegant, aristocratic: his speech likewise, delivered through somewhat clenched teeth, interspersed with French phrases, rather precious. Modest Mussorgsky sieht die Bilder an und in seinem Inneren verwandeln sie sich in Musik - in Tongemälde. In Mussorgsky's day, his name was written Модестъ Петровичъ Мусоргскій. Engage students in your virtual classroom with Prezi … "[29] Up to this point Mussorgsky had known nothing but piano music; his knowledge of more radical recent music was virtually non-existent. Ihr zufolge glaubte er, aufgrund seiner verzweifelten finanziellen Lage nichts anderes mehr tun zu können, als zu betteln. März 1881 (nach dem gregorianischen Kalender) Er war ein berühmter russischer Komponist aus dem 19. For other uses, see, Rimsky-Korsakov's edited version of the piece, performed by the Skidmore College Orchestra. Finanzielle Schwierigkeiten zwangen ihn jedoch bald dazu, sich in den Verwaltungsdienst des Zaren zu stellen.
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