A couple of weaker tracks (Floreana, Back In The Day) fail to connect, but the overriding consistency and variety make Coat Of Arms their strongest record in years. Supersuckers still play rock’n’roll, and they do it better than just about anybody. Having delivered their latest bruising and brilliant portrait of gun-rampaging, post-truth America on 2016’s Revolution Radio, Green Day have knocked together a breezy pop-punk party record about, according to Billie Joe Armstrong, “not giving a fuck”. Neue Alben 2019 – alle VÖ auf einen Blick (Update) von Rolling Stone 25.04.2019 While on first listen the album will surprise some Stone Temple Pilots fans and disappoint others, with repeated listens it could well come to be seen as being among the band’s best. And we also have MARCUS SCHINKEL and JOHANNES KUCHTA as guests in our studio to talk about their recent project "New Pictures At An Exhibition...– Ouça o JazzrockTV #120 Weihnachtsfolge und MILES AWARD 2017 de JazzrockTV instantaneamente no seu tablet, telefone ou navegador - sem fazer qualquer download. Red Rooster Original, 2020. It’s a deeply intimate, deeply beautiful examination of regret, loss, disappointment, solitude and personal demons, made all the more alluring by his warm, frank, subtly emotional vocals. 2. Dance With The Devil is an absurdly exciting and wickedly nails-hard heavy metal record, full of dazzling musicianship, giant tunes and an overall sense that the Swiss quintet are giving the none-more-classic a significant sonic upgrade. 4 von 10. „2020“ sollte schon im Mai rauskommen, wurde aber pandemiebedingt verschoben. Deep Purple's Whoosh! The title track takes aim at all-pervasive social media, Song Of The City rails against the dehumanising effect of the urban jungle, Poison Apple despairs at the current post-Brexit state of the nation. Against the odds, he returned in 2017 with an Oz-rock all-stars line-up featuring bassist Mark Evans (AC/DC) and guitarist Bob Spencer (The Angels) alongside Wells’s hand-picked replacement, Dai Pritchard. Reverent with occasional new twists, Outlaws finds the Tatts alive and rabid. In contrast to the overly bluesy direction of their latter-day albums, Coat Of Arms has pleasing, prominent overtones of their classic sound. Wide Awake (In My Dreamland) (2020) Unique shouter JEFF SCOTT SOTO releases his new solo album, “Wide Awake (In My Dreamland)“ The release is the best of all the combined worlds of Soto’s previous solo albums and will delight his loyal melodic rock following. cadao >; lists >; 100 Best Hard Rock Albums of All Time by Collectors Room Hear the hot songs of the year and all important new cd releases of 2021 in one place. Powell has credited recent addition Mark Abrahams (guitar) with re-energising the band, and, sure enough, strident opener We Stand As One bursts out of the traps with a renewed edge and hunger, twin guitar riffs to the fore. Taken as a whole, though, Random Desire could only ever have come from Dulli. Last Christmas Storm Force 2020 $0.15. We deserve this album, and we should suck it down greedily and with wild abandon. Tabasco & Sweet Tea The Cadillac Three 2020 $1.65. Konzertbericht August Burns Red feiern mit ihren Fans im Live-Stream Christmas Burns Red. It’s right there in the title, man. Eat Me has the album’s toughest riff and an enjoyably literal lyric (‘My meat is nice and tender’). New Releases Now - Sign up to find top new songs of 2021 and videos from the best new 2021 albums! Pigs X 7 have reined in some of their more digressive tendencies of late, and this follow-up to 2018’s King Of Cowards does away with the superfluous fat to deliver a trimmer, more focused set of songs that, if anything, punch a little harder. With its fat, fuzzy riffs and living-for-the-weekend vibe, it’s made entirely for boozy barbecues and blokey banter, and maybe the odd trip to a monster truck rally. BA1 1UA. Tony Clarkin’s skill in crafting enduring melodies is in plentiful evidence; Not Forgiven and Madman Or Messiah featuring especially keen hooklines, belted with grit by Catley. These are the 25 best albums of the year so far. Neue Artikel. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. The World Is Mine – Die neue Single. Supersuckers are more than 30 years old at this point, but Eddiie Spaghetti continues to crank out vital, life-affirming rock’n’roll in direct defiance of time’s incinerator. Bon Jovi ist politisch und vor allem nachdenklich geworden. Tasjan! And gigs? If Supersuckers had an expiration date, they musta burned it for fuel a decade ago. Ace of Spades (40th Anniversary Edition) (Deluxe) Motorhead, 2020. Aeromantic is euphoric, life-affirming, joyously over-the-top and all the better for it. Discover and listen to new music releases and 2021's best new album releases this week and every week here. Im Streamingzeitalter ist es fast unmöglich geworden, neue Alben auf dem Schirm zu haben. Thank you for signing up to Classic Rock. The Best Rock Albums of 2020. Opener Blues Science Part 1: Thunder Rise is a rollicking dose of pure stoner psych, replete with spiralling acid-rock solos and a skittering rhythmic undertow, while the title track proclaims ‘the power of the mojo hand’ before erupting into some of the cockiest-sounding proto-metal riffs you’ll hear this millennium. The band succeed in weaving subtle twists into the song structures without taking outlandish risks, keeping things fresh without straying too far. MetalMusicArchives.com — the ultimate metal music online community, from the creators of progarchives.com It’s been seven years since the last Pearl Jam studio album, and the world has changed irrevocably since then. Hard Rock albums, ratings, reviews and more. Since a lot of new releases have been pushed back, the back half of the year is bound to jam-packed with amazing stuff as well. Thankfully, though, there’s no sign of these veterans losing commitment to full-on, riotous music. New vocalist Laura Guldemond asserts herself from the off, imbuing explosive opener Lucid Nightmare with a presence and punch that their previous records occasionally lacked. ... Special metal.de-Redaktion Durch die Lappen gegangen 2020. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, C'mon! Before the year even started, 2019 was destined to be a big one for metal and hard rock, with long-awaited releases by major acts coming before the calendar hit 2020. Whether it be through metal, rock, or even punk, bands have still been able to bring the darkness to the forefront of every one of their tracks. The original is irreplaceable, but as an opening statement from the current crew this delivers bare-knuckle renditions of favourites (One Of The Boys, Nice Boys) and deep cuts (Remedy). Mit Verkaufszahlen! If you'd picked up a pen at the end of last year and listed the things to look forward to in 2020, you'd have been spoiled for choice. Today Is The End kicks off like Enter Sandman’s maladjusted cousin, before Ozzy’s melodic instincts sugar the pill. Updates Southern Rock albums. Atualizada diariamente! The blend of metallic muscle, melodic hooks and grungey turbo-complaining is familiar, but it’s working as well as ever on Full Circle, and has a gut-level incision on heavier tracks such as Bottom Of The Top. Classic Rock The blustery title track and the folky Empty Man hit the mark with intricate long-form arrangements, allowing Powell and Abrahams to weave harmonised leads over shifting rhythms. Konzertbericht Evanescence A Live Session From Rock Falcon Studio. has been delayed until the summer. „2020“ war ursprünglich eine Anspielung auf das Wahljahr in Amerika, bekam aber auch wegen der Covid-19 Pandemie eine völlig neue Bedeutung. Whispers suggested the big names were back: A new AC/DC album, perhaps. They were robbed, of course, by a lengthy, Tony-free Tool song that literally nobody can whistle in the shower. Tasjan!, Angelus Apatrida, Maroon (20th Anniversary Edition) auf den ersten vier Alben. Deshalb gibt es von mir nur eine kurze Top 10. Seen on Sky News; featured in The Guardian, NY Times, The Independent and more. Who knows. But as long as they keep making records this good, there’s still hope in the world. The classic 70s and 80s rock is complemented by cheeky nods to ABBA (If Tonight Is Our Only Chance and This Boy’s Last Summer), Elton John (the fabulous title track), throbbing disco (Transmissions) and smooth 70s soul (Curves). Es gibt reichlich neue Bands für 2019 ! Ich habe mal nachgeschaut und wirklich nur 2 Alben und eine 7"EP Made in 2020 erstanden. CD Neuerscheinungen - ROCK / NEWZ_2 / Rock_2 / VORSCHAU 2021. Ozzy Osbourne ORDINARY MAN 3 von 10. Delivering passionate and comprehensive entertainment coverage to millions of users world-wide each month. Paranoid (Super Deluxe Edition) Black Sabbath 2020 $4.81. If you'd picked up a pen at the end of last year and listed the things to look forward to in 2020, you'd have been spoiled for choice. By recording at the celebrated Rancho De La Luna studios in Joshua Tree, California, Sky Valley Mistress have not only tapped into the source of down-tuned rock, they’ve also added commendably to a legacy that includes Queens Of The Stone Age, Fu Manchu and Mark Lanegan, among others. Rightly celebrating the scene’s British wing, it brings together 15 uniformly brilliant bands, all of whom are bringing something new and something different to the table. Interview Taskforce Toxicator Grenzenlose SciFi-Welt. 09.02.2021 - EPICA - über das Artwork und Konzept! So far, 2020 has been shaping up to be a pretty great year for the darker side of rock music. There are even whiffs of power metal in the more anthemic flourishes, but their trump card is an immediacy of songwriting that many of their contemporaries would kill for. Es waren keine Rock’n’Roll-Platten mehr, sondern solche von astreinem Hardrock. Decade-End Top Artists; Decade-End Top Artists - Interactive; Decade-End Hot … Hard Rock. This album goes some way to redressing that, front-loading it with a run of superior-quality numbers such as Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin’ Stones’ Bomb Through The Breeze, Elles Bailey’s swampy Medicine Man and Verity White’s scything Inside Your Love. Like peers Saint Agnes, Sky Valley Mistress have infused a classic sound with a contemporary sensibility that drags the form kicking and screaming into the 2020s. Rock Solid Merryweather Stark 2020 … eclipsed befasst sich dabei eingehend mit den Rockgrössen der 60er und 70er in den Bereichen Artrock, Prog, Psychedelic, Classic, Hardrock genauso wie mit der aktuellen … But thankfully some things remain reliably the same. Wreckless Abandon The Dirty Knobs 2020 $1.88. Soundgarden and Alice In Chains are clear influences, particularly on frontman Arjun Bhishma, whose impressive range and deep, rich timbre owe a debt to both Chris Cornell and Layne Staley, while shades of Kyuss’s stoner stomp entwine with the us-against-the-world attitude and riffing melodicism of blues rock, resulting in a sound as timeless as it is irresistible. It’s all the more glorious because the band who made it know full well that it’s never going to sell enough to enable them to buy mansions in the Hollywood Hills with underground cineplexes and taps that run hot and cold cocaine. Not only are these debuts great, but they also hint at what new styles (or resurgences) could be coming down the pipeline in the coming years. The Swedes were nominated for Astorolus – The Great Octopus, a monstrous slab of epic doom featuring a guitar solo from Tony Iommi. On Perdida (Spanish for ‘loss’) there isn’t a power chord in sight; in fact the electric guitars spent the vast majority of the recording sessions collecting dust in their racks, while the four-piece crafted a mostly light-touch, airy, virtually acoustic collection. Whispers suggested the big names were back: A new AC/DC album, perhaps. But there's been some extraordinary releases from faces new and old, from the Killing-Joke-plays-Black-Sabbath bedlam of Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs to the gleaming melodic highs of H.e.a.t. Sammy Hagar & The Circle, 2021. Hard Rock. On Reducer, over crashing chords and Christopher Morley’s battering drums, frontman Matt Baty yells: ‘I’m not here for my health’, suggesting there’s more to the band’s mission than mere noise. With Colin Richardson and Andy Sneap producing there was no chance this was going to sound anything other than immense – Send The Reaper with its Metallica-sized riffing, Kingdom Of Dust, Go Get It, Devil In My Pocket, just take your pick and prepare to be flattened by the breathless momentum. 2020 Alternative Rock album releases. What’s even more striking is how many of these artists are female. eclipsed ist ein in Aschaffenburg beheimatetes Musikmagazin und richtet sich an Freunde anspruchsvoller Rockmusik, die Lust haben, Monat für Monat auf eine immer neue akustische Entdeckungsreise zu gehen. Re-established as a potent live force, the new Tatts have made the risky move of re-recording their classic debut Rock N Roll Outlaws and three creditable songs (Snow Queen, Sweet Love and Rosetta) demoed for the record. Find the highest rated Hard Rock albums and music. Yeah, we should be over that conversation by now, but the sad fact is we aren’t. The album was recorded by Siggi Bemm and mastered by Patrick W. Engel. You will receive a verification email shortly. Earache Presents: The New Wave Of Rock N Roll is an essential state-of-the-nation address. The fruits of Guns N' Roses' long-awaited return to the studio, maybe. 40,000+ articles posted by thousands of contributors spanning the entire cultural spectrum. Despite flirting with mainstream success and smooth, major-label productions in the 80s, Robert Cray has kept his feet and his supremely expressive fingers firmly rooted in the blues, whether he’s toughening up with a rock edge, channeling funk and soul or, as he also does on this album, drawing on gospel sounds. Sure, all of them have the DNA of Led Zeppelin, and The Black Crowes too. Jammin' concerts, hilarious comedy shows, dance performances—we host it all in our state-of-the-art concert and event venues. Bon Jovi ist politisch und vor allem nachdenklich geworden. The Unraveling (recorded at Sam Phillips’s place in Memphis) sees their righteous anger complemented by a musical surge, where the Steve Forbert-esque 21st Century USA is propelled by strings, and the spartan, atmospheric near-nine-minute Awaiting Resurrection is a slower, spooked state-of-the-nation address which evokes major-label-era Butthole Surfers. Platz. The Forbidden World Jayce Landberg 2020 $1.35. Glam Metal. In an age when truly blockbusting choruses are rare, H.e.a.t II possesses an embarrassment of riches. And you can be sure that The Cadillac Three wouldn’t have it any other way. The following is a list of music albums, EPs, and mixtapes released in 2020. Nach den bereits beim Festival bestätigten Heir Apparent (USA), Attika (USA), Deliverance (USA), The Wizards (Es), Espionage (Aus) und Crystal Tears (Gr), kommen jetzt noch dazu : Blaze Bayley (UK) mit einem Special zu den Maiden Alben The X-Factor and Virtual XI Here we have titanic riffs and instantly memorable choruses in blissful harmony, kind of like a Welsh Alter Bridge or Shinedown. Elsewhere, the Floydian sax and psychedelic touches lacing 21st Century Brawl and Inside Looking Out add to the impression that this is a band who have their sights set beyond the limits of three-square rock’n’roll. We are presenting the JazzrockTV MILES AWARDs 2017. © Hot sauce! This album thunders along right from opener Children Of The Next Level, as vocalist Chuck Billy roars with typical bullishness, complemented by guitarists Alex Skolnick and Eric Peterson, who swoop and snarl in tandem. 3. Drummer Paul DeMarco’s imprisonment capped a decade in which founding slide guitarist Pete Wells and rhythm guitarist Mick Cocks lost their lives to cancer. ... Hardrock … 1 von 10. At this stage of their lives, Testament could be forgiven for moving away from those trademark heavy roots. Entdecke alle Musikalben in unserem Archiv: By Request, Tasjan! The rest follows a similarly exhilarating path: balls-out and traditional, but peppered with smart, quirky ideas, from Rainbow Ridge’s snotty, Black Betty stomp to El Hombre Dorado’s spiky, lysergic strut. Apart from Ozzy and Pearl Jam, the big names have been largely absent. „2020“ sollte schon im Mai rauskommen, wurde aber pandemiebedingt verschoben. The fruits of Guns N' Roses' long-awaited return to the studio, maybe. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, The Archway Of Tears builds gradually with harmonious layers of keyboards and guitars to deliver a 10-storey chorus, retaining the orchestral flourishes of previous album Lost On The Road To Eternity, and strings also enliven opening rocker Where Are You Eden? Heavy Metal. JOEL HOEKSTRA’S 13 „Running Games ... VÖ: 27.11.2020 But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. 10.02.2021 - PRIMAL FEAR - enthüllen neue Tourdaten! However, that's not to say that these bands have gone anywhere. With the first three months of 2020 rapidly disappearing into the rear-view mirror, the picture is clear: 2020 has been a very good year for album releases. And a year's worth of gigs to look forward to. What makes this album even more remarkable is that the band are not from parched environs, but Blackburn. As ever, the lyrics alternate between fantasy (the title track) and stark reality (Man). Although not billed explicitly as such, Aeromantic is effectively a concept album, thematically driven by the bittersweet consequences of jet-set romance, each of its 13 tracks a cinematic vignette in an ambitious, opulent aero-opera. View reviews, ratings, news & more regarding your favorite band. Vorschau 2021. Drive-By Truckers always sounded like a good idea: super-smart lyrics, a rocky twist on country and an unashamedly progressive outlook. Having come up through the grunge era but never really fitting in with the sound of the time, it’s fitting that his first solo album is a master class in mining the musical spectrum, taking in everything from Prince’s carnal yelps on Scorpio to a sparse, desert-bound echo of Nick Cave’s devil-baiting gothic drama on A Ghost, somehow combining it with a backbone of Dr John hoodoo in a manner that seems entirely natural. Discos e CD’s. 09.02.2021 - GATECREEPER - kündigen Livestream-Konzert an! But you can hear The White Stripes in Jack J Hutchinson’s frantic howl, and Lzzy Hale would have been proud to call Tomorrow Is Lost’s We Are The Lost her own. I'm just a junkie for all things media. AC/DC POWER UP 2 von 10. Overall exuding a melancholic, longing feel musically and lyrically, but without sounding at all gloomy, it’s a record focused on looking back, recalling times good and bad, old friends, lost love, mistakes made, opportunities lost, all delivered in slow to mid-paced tempos and often with a Spanish feel. Hard Rock Live is your destination for the best in live entertainment. Singer Kayley Davis matches the power of her bandmates throughout and the result is a highly recommended pile-driving debut. Their country is almost to the point of parody, with a harder southern rock edge to keep things interesting, and there’s not a single song on here that doesn’t tip its weathered trucker cap to the simple wonders of ice-cold beers and/or whiskey, while the rolling, swaggering Hard Out Here is nothing short of a rollicking game of redneck bingo, taking in brews, “hot girls”, NASCAR, smokes, hound dogs and chicken wings for a Nashville full house. H.e.a.t II is a gleaming chrome comet of pure class, its core DNA made up of 10 per cent cheekbone and 90 per cent ‘whoah-oah-oah’s. Live in Bulgaria 2020-Pandemic Survival Show (Ltd. Gtf. Rock Charts Top 100 Singles. Die besten Hard Rock- und Rock-Alben 2020. The cover artwork was illustrated again by Joe … California Sun. In die neue, in die alte und überhaupt in die Amy verguckt... Gruß, Peter. It’s a funny old game. Free of any filler, The Serpent Rings looks set to continue Magnum’s hard-won late-career revival. This album is for that slavering rock’n’roll beast that still lingers inside us all, waiting for one too many drinks or an especially long weekend to come roaring back. Hier findet ihr eine Übersicht über neue Metal-Alben und kommende Veröffentlichungen. As he reaches the status of elder statesman, here he takes the mantle with the utmost grace. Queen Of Hearts Liliac 2020 $1.95. On Take The Money And Crawl they come on like the love child of AC/DC and Arctic Monkeys. Though this list does feature some fantastic artists doing their thing, the best albums on this list come from bands who are just getting their feet wet. Neue Rock + Metal Alben. A list of all music releases for 2020. But if history has taught us anything, it’s to never write him off. Fans of his rockier side will particularly appreciate the dark, prowling funk rock of This Man and the nuggety edge to his take on Don Gardner’s My Baby Likes To Boogaloo. All rights reserved. The Newcastle five-piece are imposing at full tilt. Characterised by tar-thick riffing and grooves that ensure as much rolling as rocking, the band are both conscious of the world around them (She Is So) and, as evidenced on bong-loaded centrepiece Blue Desert, keen to expand consciousness. Titans Of Creation is a peerless example of Testament’s craft, and among their best albums in a 30-plus-year recording career. Mal erscheinen neue Platten Knall auf Fall, manchmal nur als Stream oder nur als Tonträger auf CD oder Vinyl. There's no sign of AC/DC. Bath If this is Ozzy’s swansong – and his lyric sheet, advancing age and post-millennial work rate suggest that’s not inconceivable – then, like Sabbath’s 13, it’s a credible end to an extraordinary career. There’s no respite as power surges through WWIII, Dream Deceiver and The Healers, yet occasionally they do head for fresh territory, as on the black metal-influenced tornado of Night Of The Witch and the doom stylings of City Of Angels. The Lost Art Of Conversation is full of gutsy, sinewy punk rock vim that reminds you most of garage-y early noughties snarlers such as The Vines, Jet and The Datsuns, but their lyrical targets are very much of the moment. There’s an age-defying playfulness in the glam hand-claps decorating White Stripes-blasted shimmy rockers like Fire, Ready, Aim and the title track, or the euphoric indie synth-pop of Oh Yeah!. Such carefree, nostalgic hedonism might be as untimely as offering Prince Andrew out for a Pizza Express, but it’s refreshing, comforting even, to have Green Day back in their exuberant element, unburdened by message or morality. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. Drive-By Truckers have never been angrier, but, just as crucially, they’ve never been more musically eloquent. Das einzige was CD Neuerscheinungen von Streams nicht unterscheidet: auch online werden neue Alben meistens Freitags veröffentlicht. In Deutschland meistverkaufte Songs der Genres Rock, Alternative & Indie der Woche. The bonus tracks are particularly effective, with Making Monsters riding in on a juggernaut riff and Death Punch Therapy the aural equivalent of demolishing a house to treat anger issues. Sign up below to get the latest from Classic Rock, plus exclusive special offers, direct to your inbox! There was a problem. „2020“ war ursprünglich eine Anspielung auf das Wahljahr in Amerika, bekam aber auch wegen der Covid-19 Pandemie eine völlig neue Bedeutung. With half the year gone by, let's take a look and see what great artists came through with stellar albums to start off the new decade. What’s striking is how many bands here go beyond the usual suspects influence-wise. But, ultimately, in these uncertain times, Pearl Jam have given us an unexpected album of hope. And mistakes the human race has made are writ large and discussed throughout, from global warming – the melting icebergs on its sleeve, and references to ‘seas raising’ and ‘oceans rising’ – to political dissatisfaction and rage.
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