Escúchalo en streaming y sin anuncios o compra CDs y MP3s ahora en Reinhard Mey) 1996: Liebe, Schnaps, Tod (mit Hannes Wader & Klaus Hoffmann) 2005: Abend I (The World Quintet feat. He was born in Berlin on December 21, 1942, and… At the age of 12, he had his first piano lesson, and at the age of 14 he got his first guitar. Discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. La mayor selección de CDs de música álbum reinhard mey a los precios más asequibles está en eBay. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Live '84 - Reinhard Mey on AllMusic - 1984 Reinhard Mey - Live | | Music. Mey writes both sensitive and humorous songs, with subject matter taken mostly from his everyday life and surroundings. It did not chart in Germany ... | Letras, Traducciones, Vídeo VÖ Datum: bestellen: Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. However, over the years, it still sold enough copies to be eventually certified gold. Lee – Live Tour“ im Herbst 2017. Reinhard Friedrich Michael Mey (Berlijn, 21 december 1942) is een Duitse zanger en liedjesschrijver.In Nederland en België is hij vooral bekend door de liederen Als de dag van toen, Über den Wolken en Gute Nacht, Freunde.Het refrein van laatstgenoemd nummer wordt sinds 1976 als herkenningsmelodie voor het Nederlandse radioprogramma Met het oog op morgen gebruikt. He was born in Berlin on December 21, 1942, and learned how to play the piano and guitar at an early age. Listen to Mairegen (Live) by Reinhard Mey - Mr. Lee - Live. (Live) 9. Live is een cd van Reinhard Mey. Gute Nacht, Freunde is een single van Reinhard Mey.Hij is afkomstig van zijn album Mein achtel Lorbeerblatt ("Mijn achtste (van een) laurierblad"). Read Full Biography, German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of the most well-known and beloved singer/songwriters of his generation. Das Haus an der Ampel (Limitierte Edition) Details ansehen . It did not chart in Germany or any other country. He was born in Berlin on December 21, 1942, and learned how to play the piano and guitar at an early age. Reinhard Friedrich Michael Mey (born 21 December 1942) is a German "Liedermacher" (literally "songmaker", a German-style singer-songwriter). Reinhard Mey Live, an Album by Reinhard Mey. His 2004 album, Nanga Parbat, for example, includes "Alles OK in Guantanamo Bay", a song critical of the U.S. detention facility in Cuba. He was born in Berlin on December 21, 1942, and…, Starportrait 2: Welch Geschenk Ist ein Lied, Über Den Wolken: Lieder Aus 4 Jahrzehnten. German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of the most well-known and beloved singer/songwriters of his generation. Besser kann man einen Aufruf kaum formulieren. Listen to albums and songs from Reinhard Mey. [2] Undiagnosed severe pneumonia had led to a cardio-pulmonary arrest, from which Maximilian was resuscitated after eight minutes of hypoxia. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Über die Auswahlbox können die Alben nach Ersteinstieg eines Landes sortiert werden. 1 - 2 weken. In 1967, he married a French woman named Christine. "Als de dag van toen" has become a … He was born in Berlin on December 21, 1942, and learned how to play the piano and guitar at an early age. – Reinhard Mey: über das Album Lieder von Freunden. He broke off his university studies in economics in order to concentrate on songwriting and singing, and has been a successful performer in Germany, in France, and in the Netherlands ever since. Reinhard Mey - Frei! Today, Mey lives in Berlin-Frohnau in his second marriage (since 1977) to Hella Hennies (born in Hannover), and had three children in the marriage: Frederik (born 20 November 1976), Maximilian (born 28 January 1982; died May 2014), and Victoria-Luise (born 19 November 1985). He records his French material under the name of Frédérik Mey. You can find the list of Reinhard Mey tour dates here. Genres: Chanson, Liedermacher. He was born in Berlin on December 21, 1942, and learned how to play the piano and guitar at an early age. Ab 4. War nie so aktuell wie derzeit! Descubre Live de Reinhard Mey en Amazon Music. Das Taschentuch (Live 2015) 9. Vaters Mantel (Live 2015) 5. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of the most well-known and beloved singer/songwriters of his generation. MEY, REINHARD - Live - Music. Für sein neues Studio Album „Das Haus an der Ampel“ hat sich Reinhard Mey etwas ganz Besonderes einfallen lassen. Auf der CD gibt es 16 Lieder: 15 neue wundervolle Geschichten und ein Bonussong mit Tochter Victoria-Luise. Genres: Chanson, Liedermacher. Reinhard Friedrich Michael Mey (born 21 December 1942) is a German "Liedermacher" (literally "songmaker", a German-style singer-songwriter). Reinhard Mey's third studio album was released in 1970. Reinhard Mey) 2012: Tintenfass & Feder (Haudegen feat. Lilienthals Traum (Live 2015) 6. Reinhard Mey: Live (2xLP, Album, RE, S/Edition, Bla) Intercord, Intercord: 28 746-6 Z, 28 746-6 Z/1-2: Germany: 1971: Sell This Version: Recommendations Reviews Add Review [r1785250] Release. In France he is known as Frédérik Mey. Reinhard Mey's third studio album was released in 1970. Levertijd We doen er alles aan om dit artikel op tijd te bezorgen. In France he is known as Frédérik Mey. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Mr. Lee Live - Reinhard Mey on AllMusic - 2018 German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of … Mey's politics tend to be moderate to left-leaning. Click here now to find out why others like this album! Dies sind die Worte von Reinhard Mey nach seiner „Mr. German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of the most well-known and beloved singer/songwriters of his generation. ¡Compra con seguridad en eBay! Susann 2. German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of the most well-known and beloved singer/songwriters of his generation. German liedermacher Reinhard Mey rose to prominence in France and Germany as one of the most well-known and beloved singer/songwriters of his generation. Reinhard Friedrich Michael Mey is a German "Liedermacher". Skip to main Man kann nicht immer nur die Wahrheit sagen (Live 2015) 12. He taught himself how to play the trumpet. In France he is known as Frédérik Mey. Find album credit information for Klaar Kiming: Live - Reinhard Mey on AllMusic After the words "und ein letztes Glas im steh'n", the Mey song fades away and an orchestra takes over. Their marriage was dissolved in 1976. Ein Stück Musik von Hand gemacht (Live 2015) 11. Prime. Consulta los créditos, las críticas y las canciones, y compra la edición de Vinyl de Live en Discogs. By 2009, Mey had released 27 German albums, and generally releases a new album approximately every two years; his first album was Ich wollte wie Orpheus singen (1967); the most recent studio album is Das Haus an der Ampel (2020). His first foray onto the stage came when he joined a skiffle group, Les Trois Affamés. Released in 1971. Reinhard Mey - Weisst Du Noch, Etienne? Über den Wolken (Live 2015) 7. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews. Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Reinhard Mey Webseite. His biggest success to date was Mein Achtel Lorbeerblatt (1972). He speaks out in particular for freedom and non-violence, and not only in his songs (for example, he participated in a demonstration at the beginning of 2003 against the coming war in Iraq). ", echoing the first sentence of the first article of the German constitution), The first bars of Reinhard Mey's Gute Nacht, Freunde have been used since 1976 as the beginning of the theme tune for the popular Dutch radio show Met het Oog op Morgen, broadcast every night from 23:00 until midnight on Radio 1. It did not chart in Germany ... | Teksten, Vertalingen, Video Live. Reinhard Friedrich Michael Mey (born December 21, 1942, Berlin) is a German singer-songwriter, also known as a Liedermacher. Deezer: free music streaming. Strongly influenced by the French chanson, Mey's political songs were relatively scarce among his works at the beginning, but they have increased in quantity over time, such that there is usually at least one song on each new album about politics. Sign up for Deezer and listen to Spielmann (Live) by Reinhard Mey and 56 million more tracks. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Reinhard Mey - Live at Discogs. During his school years he gained performance experience by playing Skiffle music with friends. Descubre Klaar Kiming - Live de Reinhard Mey en Amazon Music. Reinhard Mey - Leb wohl, adieu, gute Nacht (live) 11. In 1961, he became part of the group Les Trois Affamés, with Schobert Schulz. Reinhard Mey Alben. Released in 1971. Neben allen 60 Alben mit detaillierten Abbildungen der Vorderseiten und über 500 Liedern zum direkten Anhören, finden Sie dort über 350 Liedertexte in Deutsch und Französisch sowie über 100 Fotos aus dem Privat- und EMI Archiv. Ahorra con nuestra opción de envío gratis. Reinhard Mey's first studio album was released in 1967. His first foray onto the stage came when he joined a skiffle group, Les Trois Affamés. Features Song Lyrics for Reinhard Mey's Mr. Lee album. Veröffentlichung bearbeiten ¡Compra con seguridad en eBay! This led to his first recording contract. Nieuw album van Reinhard Mey Foto Wikipedia: Reinhard Mey Live in Hamburg, 1974 In Nederland hoor je hem vrijwel dagelijks op de radio, voorafgaand aan en na afloop van het actualiteitenprogramma „Met het oog op morgen“ zingt hij een stukje uit “ Noch ein letztes Glas im Steh’n ”. CDs & Vinyl Hello, Sign in. He has written songs in German, French, Dutch and English. Schon vor 20 Jahren ein Visionär! Reinhard Mey Tour Dates, Concert Tickets 2019. Reinhard Mey Live, an Album by Reinhard Mey. Reinhard Mey: Live (Album) 17 versions : Intercord, Intercord: 28 753-2 Z/1-2, 28 753-2: Switzerland: 1971: Sell This Version: 17 versions : 23 923-6 U: Reinhard Mey: Mein Achtel Lorbeerblatt (Album) 21 … In France he is known as Frédérik Mey. Reinhard Friedrich Michael Mey is a German "Liedermacher". Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Join Napster and access full-length songs on your phone, computer or home audio device. CD • 08.05.2020 Alle Reinhard Mey Alben in der Übersicht. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for Live - Reinhard Mey on AllMusic - 1997 Live im SRF 1974 VÖ auf dem Album (LP) "Aus meinem Tagebuch" 1970 This video is for entertainment purposes only. And although he is known as a German singer, he has also recorded songs in Dutch. Was kann schöner sein auf Erden als Politiker zu werden Discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. His first foray onto the stage came when he joined a skiffle group, Les Trois Affamés. Mey is known to embark upon an extensive concert tour every two or three years, with a live album released from each tour. In 1963, Mey graduated from the French Gymnasium in Berlin, receiving the German Abitur as well as the French Baccalauréat, and thereafter began vocational training as an industrial trader at Schering AG Berlin.
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