Seatpost ROSE Race Attack SP-63 XL 25 mmBrakes Shimano GRX RX400 160/160 mmDrivetrain Shimano GRX RX600/RX812 40 (11–42)Stem Ritchey WCS Toyon 100 mmHandlebar Ritchey WCS Butano 420 mmWheelset DT Swiss P1850Tires Schwalbe G-One Bite 40C, Size 46 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 64Weight 9.74 kgWheelsize 700C, 650B wheels in size 46 and 49Bolting points for mudguards, luggage rack and a kickstandMounting points on top of the top tube and on bottom of the down tubeMounting points on fork; 3 per fork side. [Comunicato stampa] ROSE Bikes presenta la cross-over bike BACKROAD, la nuova bici in carbonio che cambia le regole. Although the attractive Teal colour wasn’t available when ordering mine, I decided on Shimano Ultegra, with cyclocross-sized chain rings, big cassette and Rose’s own wheelset with Schwalbe’s almost now ubiquitous G-One tyres. The position on the bike should be rather relaxed, the overall comfort high, so that the Afterwork Ride becomes a cure and not a curse. The ride quality will appeal more to speed merchants than comfort seekers though. The ROSE isn’t a sporty, lively bike but a relaxed cruiser for any occasion. Accessoires et … The handling of the BACKROAD AL is good-natured and intuitive from the get-go. [Test] Rose Thrill Hill 4 Nei primi giorni di settembre abbiamo pubblicato il comunicato di presentazione della Rose Thrill Hill. The brand-new ROSE Square stem emphasizes the uncompromising design DNA of the BACKROAD. (Click for review) | Ridley Kanzo Fast (Click for review) | Ritte Satyr (Click for review) | ROSE BACKROAD FORCE ETAP AXS LIMITED (Click for review) | ROSE BACKROAD AL GRX RX600 1X11 | Specialized S-Works Diverge (Click for review) | Trek Checkpoint (Click for review), No, it’s not about perfect race tracks, it’s about efficiency. A quick overview of this group test: The best gravel bike 2021. A gravel bike is suited for gravel grinding and riding everywhere a classic road bike would have its difficulties. Using the Rose online bike configurator, you can personalise your bike build using a good range of equipment options, and often choose from more than one colour. Sign in to manage your newsletter preferences. [Comunicato stampa] Dopo il lancio della Reveal da endurance, ROSE bikes presenta la gravel BACKROAD, evoluzione della precedente con un telaio disegnato in Germania per offrire maggior comfort e orientamento al fuoristrada, ma sempre con un rapporto qualità/prezzo imbattibile. Stepping aboard, my first impression is of being a little higher than expected, due to the 60mm bottom bracket drop, which is less than most equivalent bikes, and makes it 29cm from the ground with the tyres fitted. The excellent stopping power of the Shimano GRX brakes is easy to modulate and contributes to a feeling of confidence on the bike. Rose Bikes is the first German manufacturer to integrate Classified Cycling’s innovative shifting technology, making it available on its bestselling gravel bike, the BACKROAD.. Rose Bikes is constantly on … The inner chain ring sits inboard of the shell’s outer edge, so the chainstay’s anti-chainsuck plate is welcome. The Backroad is Rose’s take on a go-anywhere road bike that takes in the gravel genre too. For this, it takes bikes with super all-round, handling and wearing qualities uphill and downhill. We interpret “Smooth tarmac” bikes as follows: Hard efforts at high speeds with a maximum efficient bike on a consistently well-paved road. In addition to fully integrated cable routing, which enters the frame via the headset cover, the seat clamp is also neatly integrated into the frame. In meiner Mail zuvor an Rose habe ich auch auf bikingtom´s Testbericht hingewiesen und ganz klar darauf bestanden den Rahmen auszutauschen. The ROSE BACKROAD AL GRX RX600 1X11 is an ideal gravel bike for beginners and multi-sport athletes who want to take a dip into gravel riding. Here, too, competitive riders will want a lower cockpit so that there is more weight on the front wheel to increase the handling precision. Its 72-degree head angle makes it a little quicker steering than some of the competition, but the 1,025mm wheelbase helps stability. Even commuters and trekking riders on a budget will find a well-thought-out platform with clever features, which, due to its low price, lends itself well to upgrading components as you go. All in all the Rose Backroad very good purchase. Contemporaneamente Rose ce […] Haltbarkeit des Rose Backroad. Rose Backroad somewhere in the grass. It carries its momentum well on the descents and its tall front end instils you with confidence when things get steep. Does anyone really need this? We recently tested the best gravel tires against each other in our gravel tire group test. In typical online retail style, value for money is high, and the price is usually not a round number. The Backroad Cross is also fitted with DT Swiss P1750 alloy wheels while the gravel focussed model uses own-brand Rose R Thirty DISC wheels. Tune Crosser Endurance Carbon Disc 700C – comfortable, featherweight gravel wheels, Against the clock or just for fun? Noi abbiamo provato a Fuerteventura (un grazie di cuore a Luigi per l’ospitalità a Casa Molino a Lajares, dove sono state scattate queste foto) la versione montata con trasmissione Shimano Ultegra, che si pone a metà Test: Rose Backroad Force 1x11 07.01.19 08:09 43.440 2019-01-07T08:09:00+01:00 Text: NoPain Fotos: Erwin Haiden Langzeittest des vielseitigen Querfeldein-Allrounders im frischen Design und mit zahlreichen neuen Parts und Detaillösungen. ROSE Backroad im Test: Fazit. Since we are convinced of this high quality, you will receive a 6-year guarantee on ROSE frames and ROSE forks. Reduced design, extreme performance - the Backroad Multicross GRX810 is our fitness bike for the highest demands and will win you over with phenomenal riding characteristics and top-notch equipment. There are cheaper bikes to buy, but the quality, the components and the service for that price are something you won’t find often. Gewicht des Rose Backroad. With hundreds of small, closely-spaced round tread blocks, the tyres are very tarmac-friendly, with an evenly rounded profile for predictable handling. Von BIKE BILD getestet: Gravelbike ROSE BACKROAD Im Vergleich der beiden Direktvertriebler Canyon und Rose agieren die Niederrheiner in Sachen Rahmenform und Cockpit konservativer als der Wettbewerber aus Koblenz. Hallo Seb, aktuell befindet sich mein Backroad seit Dienstag den 25.08.20 bei Rose. The ROSE BACKROAD AL: our new benchmark among aluminium gravel bikes. That meant no need for spacers above the 164mm head tube, but reduced standover height too. Feel free to contact us for more info. The Flatbar ensures great handling and a sporty, comfortable riding posture, so nothing keeps you from extensive training runs! On the road, there’s an instant briskness to the ride, the Schwalbe G-One All-Round tyres with 40psi happily spinning up to a good cruising speed on Rose’s own 30mm tall aluminium rims. It does cover the ground between unmade roads and trails very efficiently, and handles rougher stuff pretty well too. Despite the entry-level price, the workmanship and finish are top-notch. With a first-rate frame, carbon look with ground and filled welds and a reliable equipment! Effort-joy ratio: 50:50↩, If you want to use your bike almost every day, you usually do not need an extremely tuned racing machine. Die Schalt- und Bremsleitungen verlaufen so clean im Rahmen wie bei keinem anderen Rad im Gravelbike-Testfeld. got their hands on the Rose Backroad last year and overall, they liked Rose’s first go at an Allroad bike. Internally routed brake and gear … Over grassland and drier trails, the Backroad handles crisply, and when things are fairly smooth underwheel, it is fun to ride. La bici da corsa è cambiata moltissimo in questi ultimi anni, molto più che nella sua intera storia. You wonder what tires to put on your gravel machine? Cannondale Scalpel SE vs Specialized Epic EVO, Shimano GRX RX800 2×11 gravel groupset long-term test, GRAN FONDO reader’s survey 2020 – The results, high quality finish with lots of attention to detail, overly tall front end for aggressive riders. If you can overlook the limited comfort and tall front end, you will find a great bike that is ready to go out of the box for a very fair price. Klar, kein Rennrad-Test ohne einen Verweis über das Gewicht. [Comunicato stampa] - Con la nuova BACKROAD, ROSE Bikes lancia la sua bici più polivalente, l'arma vincente per chi è alla ricerca di emozioni forti e di avventure che vanno ben oltre i limiti dettati dalle strade asfaltate. One of the most cleverly designed frame platforms in the entry-level segment. The mounts for these are very well hidden and totally sealed up, as are the frame’s internal routing ports. By entering your details, you are agreeing to BikeRadar terms and conditions and privacy policy. You've been subscribed to our newsletter. Even commuters and trekking riders on a budget will find a well-thought-out platform with clever features, which, due to its low price, lends itself well to upgrading components as you go. Already have an account with us? The frame is neatly designed, with a wide bottom bracket shell that’s fully covered by the asymmetric seat tube on the left side, but more vertical on the right, allowing room for the front mech. Anschließend hatte ich ein nettes Telefongespräch mit dem Kundenservice der Technik von Rose. Effort-joy ratio: 30:70↩, You can find more info about our rating system in this article: Click here! Onsite Consultations & Service In our stores, you have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive consultation, have your measurements taken and go for a test … At this price point, we were pleasantly surprised by the smart groupset configuration and the high-quality cockpit consisting of a Ritchey WCS Butano handlebar and Ritchey WCS Toyon stem. Tut weh, schadet aber – von der Optik abgesehen – nicht. The 40mm rubber fitted uses most of the available clearance, but there still looks to be room for full mudguards. Solid components, which are able to cope with the rigours of continuous usage in any kind of weather, are part of the basic equipment. With no less than 9 sizes from 46 to 64, the platform covers a huge spectrum of potential buyers. Un passo più lungo, i pneumatici più larghi ed i potenti freni a disco idraulici garantiscono precisione e sicurezza anche su terreni sconnessi. Disegnata per chi non vuole limiti nella scelta delle strade: freni a disco, passaggio ruote fino a 42 mm, leggerezza ed agilità fedeli ai suoi geni race. The aluminium frame of the ROSE is difficult to distinguish from its carbon counterpart with its smooth welds and it has all the mounting points that you could ever need: four sets of bottle cage bosses as well as mounting points for mudguards and even a side stand. Il telaio della nuova Backroad con geometria specifica per gravel pesa 1020gr, ed offre passaggio cavi integrato in Rose Backroad (20/21) im Test Das aktuelle Rose Backroad . The BACKROAD prefers taking it easy when you step on the pedals. Von Daniel (@speedvilleblog)Ich liebe die Freiheit und Natur beim MTB fahren, ich liebe aber auch den deutlich effizienteren Trainingsaspekt (stetigeres Gelände) beim Rennrad fahren. In size 57, the BACKROAD AL weighs 9.74 kg. To read reviews of the other contenders and the categories tested across road, ... my 57cm test … Beim Fahrkomfort haben andere Hersteller inzwischen etwas mehr zu bieten. Das ROSE Backroad gehört auch in diesem Jahr zu den besten Gravelrädern des Marktes. Get an overview of this group test: The best gravel-bike 2021 – 13 models on review, All bikes on review: 3T Exploro Race EKAR 1X13 (Click for review) | ARC8 Eero (Click for review) | BMC URS 01 ONE (Click for review) | Cannondale Topstone Carbon Lefty 3 (Click for review) | Canyon Grail CF SLX 8 eTap (Click for review) | Fustle Causeway GRX600 (Click for review) | OPEN WI.DE. Since we are convinced of this high quality, you will receive a 6-year guarantee on ROSE frames and ROSE forks. Onsite Consultations & Service In our stores, you have the opportunity to receive a comprehensive consultation, have your measurements taken and go for a test … The German consumer-direct bike company is one of the first outside of Classified’s Belgian home base to integrate the alternative shifting system, and so far looks to be the lowest cost complete But there were reservations about the high and very firm ride. Dabei wiegt der steife Carbonrahmen ziemlich schlanke 1040 g (Gr. den ausführlichen Test des neuen Rose Backroad mit allen wichtigen Labordaten und Detail-Einblicken finden Sie unten als pdf-Download für 0,99 Euro. Doch in Sachen Fahrverhalten und Preis-Leistung ist das ROSE top. [Kaufberatung] Alternative zum Rose Backroad AL Hallo zusammen, ich bin derzeit auf der Suche nach einem Gravelbike mit dem ich primär meinen Arbeitsweg von jeweils 12 km bewerkstelligen kann. The ROSE BACKROAD AL GRX RX600 1X11 is an ideal gravel bike for beginners and multi-sport athletes who want to take a dip into gravel riding. Subscribe to Cycling Plus Magazine today. Other drivetrain options include Shimano 105, Ultegra Di2 and SRAM Force 1, to suit budget and intended use. Hello Germany: Classified & Rose Feb 10, 2021. Die Stückzahl sei begrenzt, ließ Rose verlauten - ohne eine konkrete Menge anzugeben. Am Rose Backroad Force 1 Gravel sind die vorhandenen Gewinde für Schutzbleche und Gepäckträger fast unsichtbar. Rahmen und Gabel des neuen Backroad ermöglichen Reifenbreiten von bis zu 47 mm bei 700c und bis 50 mm bei 650b. Es ist das schnellste Rad des Testfeldes und sogar cyclocrosstauglich. 2x10 gears offer a wide range. ROSE are offering the BACKROAD AL GRX RX600 1X11 for the competitive price of € 1,799 and it seems to be selling like hotcakes if you try to purchase it from German direct to consumer brand. Its excellent straight-line stability makes it the ideal companion for beginners and anyone who simply wants to enjoy relaxed rides away from busy roads. Rose has entered the growing allroad/gravel/adventure bike market with the Backroad, and this Shimano 105-equipped model offers good performance with enough versatility to chuck it into service as a commuter or touring bike when you’re not micro adventuring. On lumpy, compacted gravel, the bike’s relatively firm ride is hard to ignore, as it skips and kicks on the flat, and when descending at around 25mph, things got very choppy, bouncing me out of the saddle at times. They’ll fit of course, but usable tyre width will need calculating. Read the new issue of GRAN FONDO Cycling Magazine now. This guide will help you for sure: gravel bike buyers guide. Aber Rahmenfarbe und Reifen reichen, und das Rose kommt stilsicher und optisch gelungen daher. It’s all impressively well finished, although the bottle cage bolts are very short and only just sufficient for most cages. Tuning-tip: 650B wheelset and tires that make full use of the maximum tire clearance for more comfort and better off-road performance, Size: 46 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 64Weight: 9.74 kgPrice: € 1,799. BikeRadar would like to thank Stolen Goat, Lazer, Northwave and Effetto Mariposa for their help and support during our Bike of the Year test. Nevertheless, reliable components are important too.
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