Calidad Superior Productos fotográficos de alta calidad con un acabado excelente, eso es lo que representa Saal Digital. Maak van uw lievelingsfoto een echt kunstwerk! Van Saal-digital mocht ik een van hun wanddecoratieproducten testen. Being very new to printing my photographs, I decided to take advantage of this offer to kick-start my printing portfolio. There is a wide range of wall decors on offer through their site. Our standard mounting enables you to easily and effortlessly hang your wall decoration, as it only needs to be affixed to the back of the print. Kromě toho nabízí GalleryPrint 7-mi barevný UV tisk včetně světlých barev nejvyšší … Ihr zentimetergenaues Wunschformat beim GalleryPrint. De minimale bestelwaarde is â¬29,95 excl. Versandfertig in 1-2 Werktagen. Saal-Digital offer all the usual satisfaction guarantees you would expect from a high end print supplier and unlike some print companies, do not put their logo on your designs and charge you to remove them. When my designs arrived, they were well packaged and protected. There are two very important things you need to consider in order to have your print matching the digital version. But I am back with some new exclusive material where the whole shoot was about. Despite what you may be thinking, I’m not sponsored by Saal Digital in any way. Exporting the print from Lightroom and importing it into Saal Digital standalone software was extremely simple they even provide print profiles for Lightroom, it was effortless and took 10 minutes maximum once I had familiarized myself with the layout. First, calibrate your screen in order to have the colors displayed accurately. 5 possible points. Desde 10 x 15 cm hasta 100 x 200 cm, puede elegir las medidas deseadas de su GalleryPrint por centímetros. Bekijk de hoogwaardige druk en het exclusieve materiaal. Wensformaat verkrijgbaar vanaf 10 x 15 cm t/m 100 x 200 cm. Redeemable only once per household. Buy Prints; Motor Sport and Cars. Saal Digital - Fotobücher, Fotokalender, Fotoabzüge u.v.m. Uw foto als GalleryPrint tot op de centimeter nauwkeurig ontwerpen en bestellen. Your inquiries or problems will be directly sent to and replied by our general manager. Produkty a služby od Saal Digital můžete kdykoliv ohodnotit v sekci Názory zákazníků. U kunt de producten en diensten van Saal digital op elk gewenst moment hie beoordelen Klantbeoordelingen. C’est une impression directe sur verre acrylique (2mm) avec plaque en alu Dibond renforcée (3mm) en 30cm x 45cm. Het Duitse Saal Digital timmert in Nederland behoorlijk aan de weg. In addition to the wide selection of standard sizes, you can now have custom-sized acrylic print from 10 x 15 cm to 50 x 75 cm. Isle of Skye – Feb ; Tenerife – May; Tenerife – May; Cornwall IK heb een mooie foto uitgezocht van een model in de natuur en heb een afdruk op 30 x 45 formaat besteld. Create a valuable photobook with the free Saal Design Software. Um Ihr Fotoprodukt individuell nach Ihren Wünschen gestalten zu können, bietet Ihnen Saal Digital neben einer großen Auswahl an Standardformaten beim GalleryPrint auch Wunschformate an. De keuze viel op een Gallery print. Fotoobrazy od Saal Digital můžete vždy ohodnotit v Názory zákazníka. Printing your photograph on a natural, fine canvas structure gives it a classy, stylish look in gallery quality. The Gallery Print combines proven Saal Digital quality with new aesthetics: the combination of direct printing on acrylic and a reinforcing aluminum plate creates a unique effect. Saal-Digital Flush Mount Photo Book – Review. GalleryArt Print by Saal Digital In this blog post, I will review the print I received from Saal Digital. Custom size is also available for other wall decors like metal print, brushed metal print, acrylic glass and PVC foamboard. Vaše dotazy nebo problémy budou přímo zodpovězeny naším vedením. * â¬15 waardebon ter kennismaking. Chez Saal Digital, il existe une gamme de 7 produits pour les tableaux. Uw herinnering vereeuwigd op een buitengewoon oppervlak. Today I am reviewing one of the Wall Decors. V posledních 12 měsících napsalo více než 420 zákazníků rezenci k fotoobrazům s většinou velmi dobrým ohodnocením a tím bylo uděleno v průměru 4.9 od 1 do max. In the last 12 months 19 customer reviews on the topic Wall decor were written with mostly very good ratings and on average 5.0 from 1 to max. Het glanzende oppervlak heeft een bijzonder briljante afwerking met een indrukwekkende finish bestaande uit pure intensiteit en helderderheid.De matte versie voorkomt spiegelingen en ongewenste reflecties en beschikt tegelijkertijd over een mooie en edele diepteweergave.Ontdekt u zelf! Saal Digital levert fotoproducten aan particulieren, maar ook professionals zijn er welkom. Saal also has other options for wall decors like metal print, photo canvas, acrylic glass, gallery print, PVC foam board, brushed metal print and more. You can rate the products and services of Saal Digital anytime in the Customer Reviews. They offer high-quality print services for photo books, wall decors, greeting cards, calendars, booklets and fine art prints. Product review: Acrylic gallery print by Saal Digital. Daarnaast is de GalleryPrint nog uiterst stabiel en duurzaam. Dat is Directdruk achter 2 mm dik Acrylglas bevestigd op een 3 mm uiterst stabiel Alu-Dibond-plaat. De 10 x 15 cm jusqu'à 100 x 200 cm, vous pouvez décider au centimètre près de la taille de votre GalleryPrint. #motorsport #f1 #formula 1. Additionally, the Gallery Print offers the highest resolution and maximum sharpness through 7-color UV direct printing with light colors. Saal Digital provides now more individuality for wall decors. Met de standaard bevestiging kunt u uw wanddecoratie snel en ongecompliceerd ophangen. I recently signed up for a £50 voucher to receive and review a Saal-digital wall art, in this instance, a Gallery Print. Saal Digital provides now more individuality for wall decors. Your inquiries or problems will be directly sent to and replied by our general manager. Uw foto als GalleryPrint tot op de centimeter nauwkeurig ontwerpen en bestellen. Wir wollen, dass Sie mit Ihrem Produkt rundum glücklich sind. Ontwerp uw afbeeling op onze GalleryPrint en profiteer van de beste eigenschappen van onze materialen. The Gallery Print combines proven Saal Digital quality with new aesthetics: the combination of direct printing on acrylic and a reinforcing aluminum plate creates a unique effect. Saal Digital ha resultado ganador del test CHIP 2019 con una calificación muy buena. Custom size is also available for other wall decors like metal print, brushed metal print, acrylic glass and PVC foamboard. Your inquiries or problems will be directly sent to and replied by our general manager. Wie gut sind Saal Digital Gallery Prints? Saal Digital - fotolibri, fotocalendari, fotoquadri e molto altro! Valid until 02/28/2021. 2021 Workshops. Gallery print from Saal-digital The second product which I could try was photo print. In de laatste 12 maanden 23 werden de meningen van klanten over het onderwerp Wanddecoratie geschreven met meestal zeer goede beoordelingen en gemiddeld 4.9 van 1 tot maximaal 5 mogelijke … Impression directe sur du Verre Acrylique, aluminium, aluminium brossé ou Gallery Print; avec des pieds chromés ou un support en verre acrylique; pour chez-soi ou comme idée cadeau ; Je créé mon projet . GalleryArt Print by Saal Digital In this blog post, I will review the print I received from Saal Digital . "LOBOS" In the last years beheading of several criminal families related to Camorra System brought kids – as sons or grandchildren – taking power to control their business. Custom size is also available for other wall decors like Metal Print, Brushed Metal Print, PVC foamboard and GalleryPrint. Wensformaat verkrijgbaar vanaf 10 x 15 cm t/m 100 x 200 cm. Saal Digital propose en tout six types de tableaux photos : alu-dibond, acryglas (verre acrylique), alu-dibond butlerfinish, tableau PVC, gallery print ou encore toile artistique. ¡Tus fotos están en las mejores manos! Door middel van onze hoogwaardige 7-kleuren-UV-directdruk, inclusief lightkleuren kunnen wij u de hoogst mogelijke resolutie met maximale scherpte garanderen. De afstandhouders zijn voorgeboord. Saal Digital was running a $150 off promotion on photo books for eligible photographers so I started to give this project some serious thought. Choice of material. 5 possible points. You can rate the products and services of Saal Digital anytime in the Customer Reviews. LUMIX G7 + LUMIX G vario 1:3.5-5.6/14-42 ASPH. Porta la galleria d'arte a casa tua: L'elegante GalleryPrint. Actie geldig t/m 28-02-2021. I just happened to see their advert on social media for a voucher for one of their wall products so I applied for it. Niet met andere acties en aanbiedingen combineerbaar. Not to be combined with any other special offers or vouchers. The Gallery Print puts your favorite photo in its best light and will transform any room into an art gallery. I just happened to see their advert on social media for a voucher for one of their wall products so I applied for it. This website uses cookies. Je recommande vivement les services de Saal Digital qui sont vraiment professionnels De GalleryPrint wanddecoratie is in verschillende oppervlakken verkrijgbaar. Desde 10 x 15 cm hasta 100 x 200 cm, puede elegir las … You can rate the products and services of Saal Digital anytime in the Customer Reviews. The Gallery Print wall print is available in two different finishes â glossy or matte. But I am back with some new exclusive material where the … Découvrez les différents types de surface et de support . Uw moet de bevestiging alleen nog maar aan de wanddecoratie plakken. For more information on the use of cookies, please read, Discover our photobooks now with the $25 voucher, Become familiar with our FineArt surfaces using the $25 voucher, Direct printing on acrylic (2 mm), reinforced by an aluminum plate (3 mm), 7-color UV direct printing, including light colors, Aluminum subframe, standard mounting and standoffs available, Comes with wall spacers for self-attachment, Available for specific wall decor formats. Written by Yvonne 7 november 2018 Eindhoven, The Netherlands. They also have an array of other products such as calendars, prints, books and cards. 1 cm tot de wand. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecerte siempre la máxima calidad del producto. Kromě toho nabízí GalleryPrint 7-mi barevný UV tisk včetně světlých barev nejvyšší možné rozlišení a maximální ostrost. Saal Digital biedt u naast de standaard formaten ook de mogelijkheid uw GalleryPrint in uw wensformaat te bestellen. Bestel ons proefpakket en ontdek de verschillende materiaalsoorten. V posledních 12 měsících napsalo více než 420 zákazníků rezenci k fotoobrazům s většinou velmi dobrým ohodnocením a tím bylo uděleno v průměru 4.9 od 1 do max. Your inquiries or problems will be directly sent to and replied by our general manager. Afin de pouvoir créer votre produit photo entièrement suivant vos envies, Saal Digital vous propose, en plus des formats standards, des formats sur mesures. Individuele afmetingen zijn ook voor de wanddecoraties: Foto op Aluminium, Geborsteld Aluminium, Acryglas en hardschuimplaat mogelijk. Written by Yvonne 7 november 2018 Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Done by hand, the printed fabric is carefully stretched on a solid real-wood wedge frame and fixed on the back. The picture is very clear and nice on glass, I don´t know about any negative on this product. Despite what you may be thinking, I’m not sponsored by Saal Digital in any way. See for yourself! Additionally, the Gallery Print offers the highest resolution and maximum sharpness through 7-color UV direct printing with light colors. 5 possible points. Bei Saal Digital bestellen Sie ohne Risiko, denn Ihre Zufriedenheit ist zentraler Bestandteil unserer Firmenphilosophie. I opted for a 20cm x 40cm print at 5mm thickness. Deze waardebon kan u bij de eerstvolgende bestelling inleveren. Toon uw wanddecoratie in edele galerie-look. 5 possible points. The matte version prevents reflections but also delivers superior depth. LUMIX G7 + LUMIX G vario 1:3.5-5.6/14-42 ASPH. Uw ontwerp wordt met een prachtige intense glans en ongelovelijke diepte weergegeven. Acrylic Gallery Print by Saal Digital Review. It feels like a long time ago when I wrote something about my shoot at the industrial area. This is an impressive turnaround time for such a professional service. Mar 17, 2017 - Acrylic Gallery Print by Saal Digital Review Saal Digital are a leading print company based in Germany offering many types of prints to bring out the best of your digital image to print. I recently heard that Saal Digital were offering photographers a credit voucher towards a Photo Booklet, in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.. De korting geldt niet voor de verzendkosten. Saal also has other options for wall decors like metal print, photo canvas, acrylic glass, gallery print, PVC foam board, brushed metal print and more. Les tableaux en aluminium (alu-dibond), en PVC, en Acryglas (verre acrylique), sur toile, Picture Box, Gallery Print et un second Alu-dibond Butlerfinish®. Et comme je suis gourmand, j’ai également passé commande pour un deuxième tableau “Gallery Print ”. Prodotti fotografici di alta qualità, pronti per la spedizione in 1-2 giorni lavorativi. Turn your picture into a masterpiece! Was ist Saal Digital? Tableau photo GalleryPrint Saal Digital Un tableau photo de très bonne qualité . J'ai commandé tableau photo Gallery Print et je suis très contente de la qualité, rendu fidèle à la photo sur mon écran. The remarkable finish of the wall decoration transforms your image into an impressive piece of art and is sure to be the center of attention in any room. I was offered a chance to have a print of my choice in their wall decors range. My research actually led me to creating a book layout through another publishing company called Milk Books. Saal Digital biedt u naast de standaard formaten ook de mogelijkheid uw GalleryPrint in uw wensformaat te bestellen. Met deze wanddecoratie trekt u definitief de aandacht. verzendkosten. Ein TestBestellt, ausgepackt und getestet: Ein Print von Saal Digital hinter Acrylglas. U ontvangt direct na het plaatsen van uw bestelling een ⬠15,- waardebon. Sollten Sie dennoch einmal Grund zur Beanstandung haben, so finden wir mit Sicherheit eine zufriedenstellende und schnelle Lösung für Sie - egal ob Neuproduktion, Gutschein oder Gutschrift. Posted on June 15, ... Instagram/App Lay Flat Linen Lustre memories mixbook Non Lay Flat Perfect Bound photo Photo Book Photographic Photography portfolio print printing professional review Shutterfly silver halide smartphone Softcover Tips TOP 5 Travel Tutorial wedding ZNO. Another review for a Saal Digital product! Custom size for acrylic print. Gallery Print kombinuje osvědčenou Saal Digital kvalitu s novou optikou: kombinace přímého tisku na akrylátové sklo, které je podložené hliníkovou deskou, zaručuje jedinečný efekt. Para que pueda crear un producto fotográfico personalizado conforme sus preferencias, Saal Digital le ofrece formatos personalizados aparte de una amplia selección de formatos estándar en los cuadros GalleryPrint. I placed the order and got a tracking code. I remember at the time being impressed with the products they had on display. - professionelle Fotoprodukte in HighEnd Qualität. New .Gallery Print Saal-Digital. Saal Digital Gallery Print Review. 5 possible points. The Gallery Print combines proven Saal Digital quality with new aesthetics: the combination of direct printing on acrylic and a reinforcing aluminum plate creates a unique effect. Pilot holes are already on the print - you only need to attach the screws. There are 2 ways to design your print in digital format – either directly on their website or via their Saal Design software. Het proefpakket geeft de mogelijkheid om alle materialen te tonen. Maak vandaag nog kennis met de allernieuwste techniek voor uw wanddecoratie. There are 2 ways to design your print in digital format – either directly on their website or via their Saal Design software. Saal Digital printed my professional photobook and it's beautiful. What do we have here? In the last 12 months 30 customer reviews on the topic Wall decors were written with mostly very good ratings and on average 4.9 from 1 to max. In the last 12 months 20 customer reviews on the topic Wall decor were written with mostly very good ratings and on average 5.0 from 1 to max. De reeds voorgemonteerde aluminium profiel bevestiging heeft een afstand van ca. Fotoobrazy od Saal Digital můžete vždy ohodnotit v Názory zákazníka. Saal Digital provides now more individuality for wall decors. In addition to the wide selection of standard sizes, you can now have custom-sized GalleryPrint from 10 x 15 cm to 100 x 200 cm. You can rate the products and services of Saal Digital anytime in the Customer Reviews. Uw wanddecoratie krijgt hierdoor een uniek galerie-effect. Uw afbeelding word direct op het acrylglas gedrukt en met het beste aluminium verbonden. With the Gallery Print, you benefit from the best properties of both materials: your photo has staggering brilliance and depth and is also durable and inherently stable. NEW: the photobook gift box. With roughly 1/4" of space between the picture and wall, your wall decoration will appear to float in the air. The Gallery Print combines proven Saal Digital quality with new aesthetics: the combination of direct printing on acrylic and a reinforcing aluminum plate creates a unique effect. The heads of the standoffs are visible from the front. Saal Digital are a leading print company based in Germany offering many types of prints to bring out the best of your digital image to print. You can rate the products and services of Saal Digital anytime in the Customer Reviews. En este vídeo os cuento mi experiencia con el servicio de atención al usuario, y cómo es el nuevo acabado GalleryPrintSi quieres descontarte 50 EUROS!!! 5 možných bodů. I first came across Saal-Digital at The Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers Convention in January 2017. Saal Digital Alu-Dibond Butlerfinish print review Introduction. Calibration and ICC profiles. … Présentez vos plus belles photos sans encadrement. The innovative combination of an acrylic surface with a stabilizing aluminum composite sheet provides an impressive choice for printing your photographs. Your inquiries or problems will be directly sent to and replied by our general manager. Once I had accepted SAAL Digitals offer it didn’t take long until I was reminded WHY I had for so long hesitated to print my photos. Surface verre acrylique. Album: Motor Sport and Cars: Category: Motorsport: Lewis Hamilton. Bepaal welk materiaal voor u het meest geschikt is. It feels like a long time ago when I wrote something about my shoot at the industrial area. F1 Car. Then I came across a post somewhere from Saal Digital offering a discount on their Photobooks in exchange for a fair review. Eenmalig per huishouden te gebruiken. Saal Digital Fotoservice GmbH, de son nom complet, est une entreprise allemande proposant ses services d’impressions en ligne. In addition to the wide selection of standard sizes, you can now have custom-sized GalleryPrint from 10 x 15 cm to 100 x 200 cm. V posledních 12 měsících jsme obdrželi 26 hodnocení zákazníků na téma Fotoobraz s velmi dobrým hodnoceníním a v … By further use you agree to the use of cookies. Bij Saal Digital geniet u van nog meer individualiteit. Review: Saal Digital Gallery Print 14/07/2017 By Marijn Reviews. The aluminum subframe is pre-fixed on the back of the wall decoration. Maak een unieke, persoonlijke wanddecoratie en kies voor onze GalleryPrint. Inhoud van het proefpakket: 10 x 10 cm: Nu met de â¬15 waardebon het fotoboek ontdekken. Home; Gallery. In the last 12 months 20 customer reviews on the topic Wall decor were written with mostly very good ratings and on average 5.0 from 1 to max. Leer met de â¬15 waardebon de drie FineArt oppervlakken kennen, Privacybeleid/ Verklaring gegevensbescherming, Direct gedrukt op acrylglas (2 mm) en met aluminium plaat (3 mm) verbonden, 7-kleuren-UV-directdruk inclusief lightkleuren, Tot op de centimeter nauwkeurig in uw wensformaat, door de 1 cm afstand tot de wand krijgt u een "zwevende look", de standaard bevestiging met afstandhouders kunt u geheel zelf monteren, van de voorkant zijn de schroefkoppen zichtbaar.
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