(Mignons Gesang)" for voice and piano is based on Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, in this case Book III, Chapter 1. Cord Garben, Producer - Franz Schubert, Composer - JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, Author - Christa Ludwig, Mezzo-Soprano, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Irwin Gage, Piano, MainArtist, AssociatedPerformer - Wolf-Dieter Karwatky, Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Günter Hermanns, Balance Engineer, StudioPersonnel - Hans-Rudolf Müller, Editor Browse: Schubert - Kennst du das Land (Mignons Gesang), D321 This page lists all recordings of Kennst du das Land (Mignons Gesang), D321 by Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828). Mignon D.321 "Kennst du das Land", High Voice in F Major, F. Schubert (Original Key). For Soprano or Tenor. -  It was first published in 1832. • Page visited 24,540 times • Powered by MediaWiki ), Musical settings of poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Works based on Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, Articles with German-language sources (de), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 June 2020, at 11:07. Instrumental works: Symphony No. Peters Friedlaender (PD). 62 – D 877, Song cycle Gesänge aus "Wilhelm Meister" (1826), Heiß mich nicht reden, heiß mich schweigen, Schubert's song cycles § Songs from Wilhelm Meister, Gesänge des Harfners aus "Wilhelm Meister", Franz Schubert. [2] In the New Schubert Edition both versions were published in Series IV, Volume 1.[3]. Movements/Sections Mov'ts/Sec's: Mässig Composition Year 1815 (23 October) Genre Categories: Lieder; Songs; For voice, piano; For voices with keyboard; Scores featuring the voice; Scores featuring the piano; German language: Contents. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, IV Lieder, Band 1, Franz Schubert, thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge, Mignon (Heiß mich nicht reden, heiß mich schweigen), Mignon (So laßt mich scheinen, bis ich werde), List of compositions by Franz Schubert by genre, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mignon_(Schubert)&oldid=962322877#"Mignon"_(Kennst_du_das_Land? It can also be used to improve the running-in process, permanently lubricating stressed sliding guides, or on high voltage switches. Sheet Music (A4). Schubert: Sehnsucht, Op.39, D.636 de Christa Ludwig and Irwin Gage. Toutes les informations de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France sur : Mignons Gesang. 3, D 200; String Quartet No. • Switch back to classic skin, Gesänge für eine Singstimme mit Klavierbegleitung, An die Apfelbäume, wo ich Julien erblickte, Lied des Orpheus, als er in die Hölle ging, Kaiser Maximilian auf der Martinswand in Tirol, http://imslp.org/index.php?title=Mignon,_D.321_(Schubert,_Franz)&oldid=3150717, Pages with items from 'Franz Schubert's Werke', Works first published in the 19th century, Pages with commercial recordings (Naxos collection), Pages with commercial recordings (BnF collection), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License. 0.0/10 Mignon, D.321 (Schubert, Franz) Incipit Kennst du das Land? Schubert composed it in 1815 (two versions). A second version of this setting was published by Anton Diabelliin 1825 as No. Schubert Lieder Edition for High Voice, Vol II. DuPont MOLYKOTE® D 321 R Anti-friction Coating Gray-Black is an air-curing, solid, dry lubricant that is used for metal to metal applications that have high loads and slow to medium fast movements. Écoutez SCHUBERT, F.: Goethe-Lieder (Auger, Olbertz) par Arleen Augér sur Deezer. 6 1 (in Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister ) (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT CZE DUT ENG ENG FRE GRE IRI ITA ITA POR RUS SPA TUR Franz Schubert [fʁɑts ʃubɛʁ]2 (en allemand : [ˈfʁants ˈʃuːbɐt]3) est un compositeur autrichien né le 31 janvier 1797 à Lichtental (dans la banlieue de Vienne), et mort à Vienne le 19 novembre 1828. 2 in Schubert's … [1], A second version of this setting was published by Anton Diabelli in 1825 as No. Franz Schubert/arr. Écoutez Franz Schubert: Ave Maria par Barbara Hendricks sur Deezer. Psalm; D.669, Beim Winde; D.670, Die Sternennächte (2 versions) Aldona Jones (2007/10/3), Complete Score (transposed to E♭ major for low voice) Schubert: Dass sie hier gewesen, Op.59/2, D.775. (Mignons Gesang)" for voice and piano is based on Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, in this case Book III, Chapter 1. Together with fifteen other songs he had composed on Goethe's texts Schubert sent a fair copy of this song to Goethe in 1816. Schuby's works with local farmers and boutique purveyors to sell house-butchered & dry-aged cuts, unique grocery items, house-made sausages, pickles, pates & terrines, craft wine, beer & spirits as well as a made-to-order menu consisting of house-made sandwiches, soups, salads and deli offerings. 19, dedicated to Goethe. 4pp. [1] His first Mignon-related song was a setting of "An Mignon" ['Über Tal und Fluß getragen'], a poem published by Goethe in 1797. 1 Performances. It provides resistance against ageing and stick-slips. 4pp. Franz Schubert (31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828) was an extremely prolific Austrian composer. The earlier version was not published before it was included in the Franz Schubert's Works edition in 1894. Schubert: Gretchen am Spinnrade, D. 118: "Meine Ruh' ist hin" (Nicht zu geschwind), Schubert: Suleika I, D. 720: "Was bedeutet die Bewegung?" Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. DuPont MOLYKOTE® D 321 R Anti-friction Coating Gray-Black is an air-curing, solid, dry lubricant that is used for metal to metal applications that have high loads and slow to medium fast movements. Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Amazon.fr. Schubert D 321 Mignon ('Kennst du das Land').wmv - Duration: 4:04. bert muzieklexicon 11,587 views. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results Peters Friedlaender (PD). Cette numérotation a été établie par les éditeurs de Schubert, si bien qu'elle suit l'ordre de parution et non l'ordre de composition. Découvrez Schubert: Mignon, D.321 de Christa Ludwig and Irwin Gage sur Amazon Music. Browse: Schubert - Kennst du das Land (Mignons Gesang), D321 This page lists all sheet music of Kennst du das Land (Mignons Gesang), D321 by Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828). *#32260 - 0.42MB, 4 pp. Écoutez Schubert: Lieder par Dame Janet Baker/Gerald Moore/Geoffrey Parsons sur Deezer. Franz (Peter) Schubert - Mignon (Kennst du das Land) (D 321)Solo>ten+Piano Mignon, a character appearing in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's writings such as Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years, is the subject of several lieder by Franz Schubert. It can also be used to improve the running-in process, permanently lubricating stressed sliding guides, or on high voltage switches. Schubert: The Complete Songs Graham Johnson (piano) MP3 £130.00 FLAC £130.00 ALAC £130.00 Buy by post £150.00 CDS44201/40 40CDs Boxed set + book (at a special price) D.658, Geistliches Lied (Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern) D.659, Hymne (Wenige wissen das Geheimnis der Liebe) D.660, Geistliches Lied (Wenn ich ihn nur habe) D.661, Geistliches Lied (Wenn alle untreu werden; D.662, Geistliches Lied (Ich sag’ es jedem, dass er lebt) D.663, Der 13. Trio Benzaiten |Ständchen (Sérénade) D. 957 n° 4 Schubert: Mignon, D.321 de Christa Ludwig and Irwin Gage. 10 4 [2] Together with fifteen other songs he had composed on Goethe's texts Schubert sent a fair copy of this song to Goethe in 1816. 2 Gerhard Schubert GmbH is a pioneer in the development of modular packaging machines and tailored services for a wide range of industries – from pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, beverages, food and confectionery to technical products. 4:29 Ecouter Acheter : EUR 1,29 Dans le Panier MP3 Voir le Panier MP3 4. Par exemple, la Sonate pour piano n o 13 en la majeur, D. 664, probablement écrite en 1819, a été publiée en 1829 de façon posthume sous le numéro d'opus 120, a Schubert composed it in 1815 (two versions). Gretchen am Spinnrade, Op. 0.0/10 10 En 1976, la cantatrice Gundula Janowitz (née en 1937) avait donné à Salzbourg un récital intitulé « Destins de femmes dans le Lied de Schubert », avant d'enregistrer à Berlin, cette année-là et la suivante, en compagnie du pianiste Irwin Gage, les disques DG dont ce double CD est issu, entièrement dédiés à … High Resolution scans (600 dpi) for immediate download. Une part très minoritaire de ces œuvres est classée parmi plus de 160 numéros d'opus. Schubert set it as a song for voice and piano in February 1815, D161. Schubert had started to compose songs on texts by Goethe in 1814, among which "Gretchen am Spinnrade," published as his Op. Weisester Grösster! Album Description. Mignon D.321 "Kennst du das Land", High Voice in F Major, F. Schubert (Original Key). The Austrian mezzo-soprano Klaudia Tandl, acting legend Gabriele Jacoby and the Irish pianist Niall Kinsella present with “Schubert’s Women” Schubert songs and recitations by contemporary poets with a strong connection to women and the subject “love”. Avec la musique en streaming sur Deezer, découvrez plus de 56 millions de titres, créez gratuitement vos propres playlists, explorez des genres différents et partagez vos titres préférés avec vos amis. 62 ( Gesänge aus Wilhelm Meister ) no. D.321 – Mignon (“Kennst ... Franz Schubert 1891 – D.407/1 – Gütigster, Bester! Schubert: Sehnsucht, Op.39, D.636. *#14901 - 0.27MB, 4 pp. Schubert set it as a song for voice and piano in February 1815, D 161. 2 in Schubert's Op. 1, D 877 no. Franz Schubert : Kennst du das land D.321 écoute gratuite et téléchargement 62, also D 321, "Kennst du das Land? 4pp. It provides resistance against ageing and stick-slips. Créez gratuitement votre compte sur Deezer pour écouter Mignon, D. 321 par Roland Pöntinen, et accédez à plus de 56 millions de titres. 2 Entdecken Sie Schubert: Mignon, D.321 von Christa Ludwig and Irwin Gage bei Amazon Music. 6 (-) - V/V/V - 2231×⇩ - Reinhold, PDF scanned by uploader I,14, Waltz [in G ♭ major] for piano, Kupelwieser-Walzer (1826, transcribed by Richard Strauss) D Anh. Schubert Lieder Edition for High Voice, Vol II. The largest group are the lieder for piano and solo voice (over six hundred), and nearly as many piano pieces. He composed some 1500 works (or, when collections, cycles and variants are grouped, some thousand compositions). High Resolution scans (600 dpi) for immediate down 9, D 173; Piano Sonata in E major, D 157; Piano Sonata in C major, D 279; Vocal music: Like Schubert's four songs Op. Showing 11 - … Gustav Saenger/arr. Free sheet music, all with audio sample and single voice trainer. 2 in 1821. D 321 - Franz Schubert (1797-1828) Weisester Grösster! D 321, Song "Mignon" ['Kennst du das Land'] for voice and piano (1815, 1st and 2nd versions) D ... I,12, Seven Easy Variations in G major for piano (pub. Mignons Gesang, D 321 (Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) CAT CZE DUT ENG ENG ENG ENG FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE GRE HUN ITA ITA ITA POL RUS Mignon und der Harfner , op. Sheet Music. B ♭ major 1816 2ten 2bass Franz Schubert 1891 1st setting D.407/1 [441] – Gütigster, Bester! Reinhold (2009/6/6), Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License 8 Op. 4:23 Ecouter Acheter : EUR 1,29 Dans le Panier MP3 Voir le Panier MP3 3. (-) - V/V/V - 9079×⇩ - Aldona Jones, PDF scanned by uploader It was first published in 1832. 62, also D 321, "Kennst du das Land? 4:04. Complete Score 1810, presumably not by Schubert) D Anh. de Christa Ludwig and Irwin Gage. Franz Schubert's compositions of 1815 are mostly in the Deutsch catalogue (D) range D 127–330, and include: . Schubert Lieder Edition for High Voice, Vol II. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Amazon.de. For Soprano or Tenor. For Soprano or Tenor. Sheet Music (A4). 4 -  Peters Friedlaender (PD). Mignon D.321 "Kennst du das Land", High Voice in F Major, F. Schubert (Original Key). High Resolution scans (600 dpi) for immediate download. Partition complète, Original key, Mignon's Gesang, D.321 : Découvrez les partitions de Mignon's Gesang, D. 321 partition complète, Original key, chansons, fruit du travail de Schubert, Franz , D. 321. 1.1 Naxos; 2 Sheet Music. 8 Like Schubert's four songs Op.
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