Oktober 2020) spielt im Helsinki der Nachkriegszeit in einer prägenden Lebensphase Janssons. Under the guidance of a strict ex champion, a promising 15 year old girl trains as a professional skiing star.Will she be able to endure the physical and emotional pressures? Title: Feature Film Entry for the 93rd Academy Awards. The upcoming feature-length drama film Tove will be shot in Tove’s native language Swedish and filmed on location in her hometown Helsinki and other places that were central to her life and art. The film centers around Tove Jansson who found worldwide success from an unexpected side project: the creation of the beloved world of the Moomins. – Det känns jättefint att få bära Toves historia, säger Pöysti. I filmen om Tove Jansson får vi se den världsberömda konstnären måla. Film om Tove Jansson slår publikrekord trots pandemin. Jansson had several male lovers, including the political philosopher Atos Wirtanen, who was the inspiration for the Moomin character Snufkin. Variety describes the lead performance by actress Alma Pöysti as “mesmerizing“. [1] We've curated a list of romances that break free of the typical fare of humans falling in love. [1] It was selected as the Finnish entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards, but it was not nominated. I kunstnermiljøet møder […] [6][7], The film was released in Finland on 2 October 2020. The film was written by Eeva Putro, and directed by Zaida Bergroth. Don't expect a dramatic epoch or an intense drama with unexpected twist and turns. With Alma Pöysti, Krista Kosonen, Shanti Roney, Joanna Haartti. TOVE sai ensi-iltansa 2.10.2020 ja jatkaa kotimaassa valkokankailla. Helsinki, 1945. Tove is a 2020 Finnish biographical film of Swedo-Finnish author and illustrator Tove Jansson, creator of the Moomins. TOVE-elokuvan on tuottanut Helsinki-filmi tuottajinaan Andrea Reuter ja Aleksi Bardy yhteistuotannossa Anagram Swedenin kanssa, ja sen levittää Suomessa Nordisk Film. [10], Tove has been very well received by critics. The end of the war brings a new sense of artistic and social freedom for painter Tove Jansson. Tove Jansson film får svensk biopremiär. Screenwriters Eeva Putro and Jarno Elonen decided to set Tove, the first feature film about Jansson, during the decade following the war. Tove Filmen om Tove Jansson får svensk biopremiär våren 2021. Tove Jansson är Andreas stora idol. The film was written by Eeva Putro, and directed by Zaida Bergroth. The exploits of the Moomins, infused with inspiration from her own life, bring Tove international fame and financial freedom. While focusing her artistic dreams on her painting, the work that started as a side project, the melancholic, haunting tales she told scared children in bomb shelters, rapidly takes on a life of its own. Elokuvan on ohjannut Zaida Bergroth ja sen on käsikirjoittanut Eeva Putro. Alma Pöysti as Tove Jansson in Zaida Bergroth's film Tove. Tove Jansson er kendt i hele verden for de folkekære mumitrolde og deres magiske univers. FILMTRAILER. Der Film „Tove“ (Finnland-Premiere am 2. The true story of teenage football talent Martin Bengtsson's life-and-death journey through a modern-day football industry where everything, and everyone, has a price tag. Tove Jansson skriver glasklart och utan sentimentalitet om tre människor som bor på en ö i yttre skärgården: Sophia, hennes pappa och farmor. [4][5], The movie centres on the early life of Tove Jansson, dating back to her life from the wartime to the mid-1950s, showing both her personal relationships with people such as Vivica Bandler and Atos Wirtanen, and the creation of the Moomin Character, and the popular book series. Andrea Reuter träffade Tove Jansson ett par gånger i sin barndom. Trailer. Use the HTML below. When Antonella accidentally dies, the sisters' relationships are turned upside down for the rest of their lives. [2][3] The film's title character Tove is played by Alma Pöysti. However, she eventually "went over to the spook side" as she put it—a coded expression for homosexuality —and developed a secret love affair with the married theater director Vivica Bandler. Varje kapitel är en fristående berättelse. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The movie centres on the life of Tove Jansson, showing both her personal relationships, and the creation of the popular Moomin books. Tove kommer att visas online under invigningskvällen den 29 januari. Showing as part of. She died on June 27, 2001 in Helsinki. Helsinki, 1945. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Tove’s desire for liberty is put to the test when she meets theatre director Vivica Bandler. Alma Pöysti gestaltar för andra gången Tove Jansson, denna gång i storfilmen vars inspelningar har inletts. Directed by Zaida Bergroth. 19-year-old Linnéa leaves her small town life in Sweden for Los Angeles to become Jessica, the world's next big porn star. Yuri fights to save his home town - which he shares with his namesake, Yuri Gagarin - from demolition. TOVE is a captivating drama about the creative energy of an iconic talent and her turbulent search for identity, desire and freedom. The film focuses on the young adult years of author and artist Tove Jansson, beginning in World War II-era Helsinki, including romantic … Tove Directed by. Film om Tove Jansson inviger Filmfestivalen När Göteborgs filmfestival invigs blir det "Tove" – filmen om finska konstnären och författaren Tove Jansson – som blir premiärfilm. The film's budget was 3.4 million euros, which makes it the second most expensive film in Finland after the 2017 version of The Unknown Soldier release. In the forthcoming weeks the Moomins and Tove Jansson are on display at NK Gothenburg. Take a look back at the TV series that took home Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series in the categories of Drama and Comedy. They both agree to see other people but David struggles to grapple with his wife's new relationship. Die Filmbiografie behandelt das Leben der finnlandschwedischen Schriftstellerin und Malerin Tove Jansson.Sie feierte ihre Premiere auf dem 45.Toronto International Film Festival ”Något av en besvikelse, men Zaida Bergroths film lyckas ändå förmedla den lågmälda men sprittande energin som Tove Jansson utstrålade”. “Tove Jansson is the national treasure of Finland, an icon,” says director Zaida Bergroth during the film’s panel at Deadline’s Contenders International. Omar is a promising young musician. This Saturday there will also be a livestream from NK with the team behind the new ‘TOVE’ film… Later Jansson met Tuulikki Pietilä (played by Joanna Haartti), the graphic artist who would become her life partner, and who formed the basis for the character Too-Ticky. Read more about the movie at moom.in/tovefilmcast #tovefilm #toveelokuva #tovemovie", ‘Tove’ Review: An Engaging Biopic on Moomins Creator Tove Jansson –, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tove_(film)&oldid=1005973655, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 10:16. As she struggles with her personal life, her creative endeavours take her in an unexpected direction. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. Filmen om Tove Jansson är både en kärlekshistoria och en berättelse om konstnärens villkor. She is known for her work on Mumintrollet (1969), Die Muminfamilie (1959) and Tanoshî Mûmin ikka (1990). But the road to her goal turns out to be bumpier than she imagined. Alma Poysti stars in this Finnish biopic as Tove Jansson, the complicated woman who created the Moomins. The film's budget was 3.4 million euros, which makes it the second most expensive film in Finland after the 2017 version of The Unknown Soldier release. Awards & Festivals Show all . Elva formativa år i Tove Janssons liv utgör hörnstenen i den film som nu tar form. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality. 2020. David desperately tries to keep his family of six together during a separation from his wife. The Tove of Zaida Bergroth’s film is constantly dancing to the sound of her own special song both literally and metaphorically. For non-Nordic viewers who only know of Tove Jansson as … Tove (2020) - informacje o filmie w bazie Filmweb.pl. Göteborg Film Festival. The movie centres on the life of Tove Jansson, showing both her personal relationships, and the creation of the popular Moomin books. Tove är en finlandssvensk biografisk film från 2020 i regi av Zaida Bergroth.I filmen, som hade premiär 2 oktober 2020, porträtterar Alma Pöysti författaren Tove Jansson under 1940- och 1950-talet. Tove Jansson was born on August 9, 1914 in Helsinki, Finland as Tove Marika Jansson. Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella are five sisters who live in an apartment in Palermo. A man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages. För filmens manus står Eeva Putro. Toronto International Film Festival. Tove's desire for liberty is put to the test when she meets theatre director Vivica Bandler. The film is well made, acting is top notch (especially Alma Pöysti in the lead role) and left me with a warm feeling. The movie centres on the life of Tove Jansson, showing both her personal relationships, and the creation of the popular Moomin books. Nu är det dags för en annan finsk nationalhjälte, Tove Jansson, att ta för sig på bio. På grund av rådande omständigheter blir Göteborg Film Festival 2021 en digital festival. Image: Tommi Hynynen / Helsinki-filmi The biopic Tove, directed by Zaida Bergroth, has grabbed the most nominations for the Finnish equivalents of the Academy awards, the Jussi awards.. Här får vi höra Tove Jansson läsa alla tjugotvå kapitel ur boken. Modern art, dizzying parties and an open relationship with a married politician: Her unconventional life puts her at odds with her sculptor father's strict ideals. Add the first question. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. I filmen om mumintrollens skapare Tove Jansson skildras en ung, vild och sökande konstnär som möter kärleken hos män och kvinnor. Separated from his Syrian family, he is stuck on a remote Scottish island awaiting the fate of his asylum request. The story focuses on Tove Janssons formative years as an artist, during which time she also developed her most known characters, the moomins a lot. Tove Janssons Sommarboken kom ut 1972. Tove[a] is a 2020 Finnish biographical film of Swedo-Finnish author and illustrator Tove Jansson, creator of the Moomins. Alma Poysti, who portrays Finnish author and artist Tove Jansson in the biopic “Tove,” has a personal family connection to the role. 0:57 min. (2020). Tove Jansson Lyssna på Tove Janssons böcker, upplästa av henne själv! Tove Jansson (1914–2001, dargestellt von Alma Pöysti) schuf sich als Schöpferin der Mumins, deren Figuren Kinder und Erwachsene gleichermaßen ansprechen, einen internationalen Namen. They add that she “excels in her first leading film role and strongly resembles the real Tove.” As her fifth feature film, Variety says Zaida Bergroth’s directing “beguiles audiences into the world of its characters” and thinks that she “flexes her considerable cinematic powers, conjuring vibrantly expressive visuals and confident performances from her talented cast.”[11], 2020 biographical film about Tove Jansson, List of submissions to the 93rd Academy Awards for Best International Feature Film, List of Finnish submissions for the Academy Award for Best International Feature Film, "Tove-elokuvalla 3,4 miljoonan jättibudjetti - intiimikohtausten koordinaattori mukana rakkauskohtauksissa", "New feature drama film about Tove Jansson to premiere in 2020", "Zaida Bergrothin ohjaama Tove Suomen Oscar-ehdokkaaksi", "Oscars best international feature 2021: all the films submitted so far", "LevelK gears up to present its latest slate at Cannes", "Finnish actor lands "role of lifetime" as lead in Tove Jansson biopic", "Lead cast and national premiere for the first feature drama film about Tove Jansson announced", "Alma Pöysti to play Moomins creator Tove Jansson in biopic 'Tove' (exclusive)", "The first image of the new movie "TOVE" has been released, with Alma Pöysti portraying Tove Jansson! The end of the war brings a new sense of artistic and social freedom for painter Tove Jansson. Uppdaterad 17 januari 2020 Publicerad 27 juni 2019. Oceny, recenzje, obsada, dyskusje wiadomości, zwiastuny, ciekawostki oraz galeria. Modern art, dizzying parties and an open relationship with a married politician: Her unconventional life puts her at odds with her sculptor father’s strict ideals. View production, box office, & company info, Rotterdam & Goteborg Winners; Thruline Signs Writer Celeste Parr; Nathalie Emmanuel Joins Audio Series ‘Unsinkable’ – Global Briefs, Swedish Drama ‘Tigers,’ ‘Another Round’ Triumph at Goteborg, Video Interview: Zaida Bergroth & Alma Pöysti – Tove | Intl. Tove Jansson, Writer: Mumintrollet. It was selected as the Finnish entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards. [1]Tove är Finlands bidrag till Oscarsgalan 2021.Filmen är den mest sedda finländska filmen på svenska på över 40 år. Her love for Vivica is electric and all-consuming but Tove begins to realise that the love she truly yearns has to be reciprocated. This FAQ is empty. Tove ist ein Film der finnischen Regisseurin Zaida Bergroth aus dem Jahr 2020. I det biografiske drama TOVE følger vi den unge billedkunstner i efterkrigstidens Helsinki, hvor hun kæmper for bryde fri af sin berømte faders skygge og skabe sin egen kunst. Tove is the untold story of Tove Jansson – artist, lover, author, icon. Finlands Oscar-bidrag og åbningsfilm på Gøteborg Filmfestival 2021. Men filmen dokumenterar också hur Mumintrollen tar form och hur Tove Jansson slits mellan olika viljor och ambitioner. Och en film som ger oss koder till hur vi kan läsa muminböckerna. Zaida Bergroth. Vi har redan fått en film om gayikonen Tom of Finland. 11 of 12 people found this review helpful. Gritt hunts high and low for a home for herself and her artistic vision, undeterred by a lack of support, she embarks on her mission to bury capitalism and the patriarchy. The movie will get its national premiere in Finland on October 2, 2020. Kommande Tove Jansson-film skildrar kärleksrelationen bakom Mumin-böckerna. Was this review helpful to you? The film's title character Tove is played by Alma Pöysti. Zhenia, a Russian-speaking immigrant from the East works as a masseur in Poland and becomes a guru-like figure in a wealthy gated community of his clients.
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