When they reach the Milsy Wetlands and a Man-faced Ape tries to pass himself off as the real examiner, Hisoka throws cards at both him and Satotz, killing the monkey, whereas Satotz blocks his attack, leading Hisoka to declare he is the real proctor. His attire is usually adorned with various suit symbols on the front and back torso, and he changes outfits in each story arc. After tussling for a while, he whispers something to his opponent before giving up.[25]. www.search.alot.com/DuAllAll Duel Monsters and Takato Saijō in Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. It was a one-sided match, but Bodoro doesn't want to surrender. His wounds attract hemotropic butterflies that feed on blood, leading his "predator", Gon, to him. [7][31][80] He was unaffected by breaking ten fingers[67] and, more impressively, by having one hand and one foot blown off[83] or by the loss of two arms,[31] to the point he stuck his fingers in his open wound to retrieve a card. [26] He has a short conversation with Illumi about Gon and the Zoldyck Family, and warns Illumi not to touch Gon because the boy is his target only. [32][36][37] In fact, his willingness to let Chrollo pick the location and time of their showdown,[84] as well as to adapt to his pace in its early stages,[1][79] nearly led to his demise. [79] While wielding one with only two fingers, he can sever an adult men's arms in one motion. [51] While on Greed Island he managed to trick Killua, although both he and Biscuit remained suspicious of him. Gittarackur hands him another examinee's number plate. [60] He also came up with the concept of "Memory Overload"[32] and a system to divine an individual's Nen type from their personality, which, despite him calling it unreliable, has proven correct several times.[36][60]. While going after him, Hisoka finds and decapitates Geretta, who turns out to be his target. Notorious for his graceful, cruel, and deceitful fighting ability, which has earned him the rank of Floor Master,[4] he has proven to be a deadly adversary. He even assists the main protagonists if there is "fun" in doing so or if it will make them stronger leading to a more entertaining fight in the future. [24] Hisoka's first match is against Kurapika. Hisoka knocks him down and whispers something to him. The magician easily dodges his strike, but is suddenly struck by Gon's fishing rod. [78], Hisoka followed Gon and Killua twice without them noticing,[28][55] and eluding Pakunoda's detection the second time around as well. Amanim/Anime Series and Characters on my website. Hisoka’s ability works extremely well and he uses it fantastically. Hisoka frowns when Hanzo threatens to break Gon's arm. Even to the point of killing them too. Hiroki Takahashi (高橋 広樹, Takahashi Hiroki, born September 7, 1974) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and singer whose major roles include Eiji Kikumaru in The Prince of Tennis, Tobias in Pokémon anime series, Kenji Harima in School Rumble, Hisoka in Hunter × Hunter (1999), Katsuya Jonouchi in Yu-Gi-Oh! [89] This aptitude may be what allows him to extend strands of elastic aura over distances of several meters without flinging them, which makes its application more subtle. Check out which anime shares the same voice cast! He praises the boy and knocks out Leorio, and, when Gon tries to intervene, lightly clutches his throat. ÁREA DE CONOCIMIENTO. [19] He single-handedly outmatched Gon in close quarters combat and repelled all of his offensives without moving from his spot until the boy resorted to a diversion. Sawashiro, Miyuki: Ponzu. He is very tall, has light skin and a fairly toned stature. As he does so, he has his badge stolen by Gon, who has been tailing him. [14], When Satotz, Menchi, and Buhara discuss the batch of examinees, Buhara picks Hisoka as his top contender and notes that he released the largest amount of negative aura during Todo's outburst. [21] Having obtained the necessary number of plates, Hisoka qualifies for the Final Phase. If they break, he either loses interest in them or kills them and goes out to find more potential prey. He employs them to instantly kill the opponent by targeting their vital spots, generally the throat,[11][21][1][80] but also to incapacitate them by severing their tendons. Manga. Hisoka Morow (ヒソカ゠モロウ, Hisoka Morou) is a Hunter and former member #4 of the Phantom Troupe; his physical strength ranked third in the group. Hatano, Wataru: Kurapika. For the Dead or Alive series, Silverstein is the third and current English voice actor for Zack, after taking over from his previous voi Numerous examinees gang up on him, but he dispatches them without effort, until only Cherry, Leorio, and Kurapika remain. “. Hisoka Morow, being applicant #44, is seen as a heavy contender throughout the Hunter exam. [6] It is also likely that he is proficient at Zetsu[28][55][77][78] and Ko. He originally served as the primary antagonist of the Hunter Exam arc and a secondary one of the Heaven's Arena arc, before becoming a supporting character during the Yorknew City arc and Greed Island arc. [5] Also, the second name of Bungee Gum, "Elastic Love", may be seen as a reference to Hisoka's personality: the ease with which the gum is attached and detached to someone mirrors the interest that Hisoka has in a person, which can be extremely deep and still end at any moment. [16] [28] By forming a circle with his index finger and thumb and peeking through it, he can enhance his vision. Above all else, Hisoka cares only about having fun and a good challenge which may or may not involve killing people. Filters: ALL VERSIONS Jump Force (2019 Video Game) Hisoka Daisuke Namikawa. Hisoka's zest for battle often causes him to suffer more damage than he would if he fought seriously from the start. At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! During the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, he briefly reprises his role as a secondary main villain antagonist. [8] He effortlessly keep up with Satotz when the first trial begins. Duel Monsters and Takato Saijō in Dakaretai Otoko 1-i ni Odosarete Imasu. In the Indonesian dub, Hisoka is pronounced as "Hyosoka" for unknown reasons. He is the first to pass through the Trick Tower, having taken 6 hours and 17 minutes. In the 13th Hunter Chairman Election arc, Hisoka is shown wearing two earrings with ornamental hearts. It is likely one of the reasons why he goes out of his way to find new toys to play with. [2] The Volume 34 extras confirmed this spelling and added an alternate one of his surname, "Morroh". [12] He did not show the slightest sign of physical or mental exhaustion after his fight against Kastro[32] or the dodgeball match against Razor,[67] or at any point during his taxing showdown against Chrollo. Birthdate. I found out Hisoka’s Japanese VA had an affair with a teenager at his voice acting company or something and I’m very upset about it cause like wtf kinda ruins him for me BUT at least I still got his English VA who I originally fell for anyway lmaooo but like FUCK Daisuke voices so many great characters but thinking about him now I’m like... Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. [83], Hisoka is an expert tactician and schemer with excellent analytical abilities. Kudou, Haruka: In the manga, he ends nearly every sentence with a suit symbol. Hisoka is also introduced as a s… Gets TV Anime Adaptation This Year", "Kouki Uchiyama, Hiroki Takahashi Join Cast of 2 New Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe Anime Episodes", "Rui no Masaiban Fantasy Drama CD's Anime Promo Streamed", "Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Arcade Game in the Works", "『ストリートファイター』シリーズ |登場作品|PROJECT X ZONE|バンダイナムコゲームス公式サイト", "『ファイティングバイパーズ』シリーズ|登場作品|PROJECT X ZONE|バンダイナムコゲームス公式サイト", https://www.gamer.ne.jp/news/201110040003/, "『PROJECT X ZONE 2:BRAVE NEW WORLD(プロジェクト クロスゾーン2:ブレイブニューワールド)』新たな参戦キャラクターを公開!! 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[21], Hisoka boasts astounding brawn, ranking third in the Phantom Troupe in arm-wrestling. [62] He was also able to withstand the force of the ball launched by Gon with Rock and returned by Razor while catching it with Bungee Gum. Looking for information on the anime SK∞ (SK8 the Infinity)? [37][84], His affinity for Enhancement manifests primarily as a remarkable level of durability. [37] He manifests his high level of proficiency in his natural category primarily through his Nen ability, Bungee Gum, but he has also shown to be very proficient at controlling the shape of his aura,[29] which is a Transmutation skill. He has a nasty habit of skipping out on Spider meetings. Hisoka's surname was revealed 346 chapters after his introduction.[1]. Article continues below advertisement Paparazzi managed to snap photos of the mysterious woman. Among the opponents he has defeated are previous #4 member of the Phantom Troupe[6] and the Single-Star Blacklist Hunter Bushidora, killing the latter without suffering any injury himself. [17] Hisoka spends his first two days on Zevil Island in idleness. After his defeat at the hands of Chrollo, Hisoka's sociopathic nature has taken itself to worse heights, vowing to kill all the members of the Phantom Troupe, and doing so, even if the said people were defenseless in protecting themselves, by claiming he will no longer let his opponents fight in their preferred conditions. Hisoka is an exceptional strategist who can formulate winning plans at the very start of a confrontation. In his first appearance in the 1999 anime series, Hisoka's hair is dark blue. [16] Furthermore, Hisoka has a certain degree of informatic proficiency, which he used to track Gon and Killua down after they bought blimp tickets online. Female Age. Mar 31, 2016 - Explore Kirito's board "Daisuke Namikawa", followed by 2145 people on Pinterest. [23] He laughs when the boy refuses to give up and states he would also prefer not to have his leg cut off. Doodle. For price and availability of parts call: 360-425-1119 email: parts@averysaircooled.com He utilizes the former to maintain aura around projectiles[29] as well as in conjunction with Bungee Gum, to separate the ability from his body. Menchi and Satotz confirm that he constantly exuded bloodlust as if to provoke them. Hisoka Morow (ヒソカ モロウ) is a Hunter, and he is also a former member of the Phantom Troupe. 9 The Reason Pariston Hill's Japanese Voice Sounds Familiar Hisoka and Pariston Hill have one thing in common, though it has nothing to do with the Hunter x Hunter storyline itself. Their potential and quick development whet his bloodlust, impelling him to find someone to kill. [84], Hisoka has proven to be able to sense not only the presence, but also the position of people hidden with Zetsu, even Kalluto's, whose execution of the technique was described as "flawless". [11][80], With the aid of Shu, Hisoka can turn his cards into mortal edge weapons or projectiles. He began acting as a child and is sometimes mistaken with Daisuke Hirakawa, as their names only differ by one character when written in kanji. In response to Nobunaga's befuddlement, Hisoka attributed his feat to the lingering sensitivity from the competition against Razor. September 24th Gender. Read more information about the character Hisoka Morow from Hunter x Hunter? [32] He also displayed proficiency with flail-like weapons by swinging an aura-coated human head connected to his hand via his elastic aura,[81] as well as with knives. [86] When one of his kicks missed Gon, he sent a flagstone of the ring crashing explosively into the audience stands. Master of Stealth: Hisoka managed to spy on Killua undetected by him as well as, seemingly, Amane and Tsubone. [82] If Hisoka favors Shu for direct attacks, In is at the core of his strategies, as he combines the technique with Bungee Gum to lay elaborate, deadly traps. [31] Although he was briefly stunned,[80] Hisoka took no visible damage from most of Chrollo's attacks,[1][79][80] one of which can allegedly behead a person with a knifehand strike,[44] despite Hisoka having been unable to predict them and thus to guard properly.