Sehr gute Anwenderkenntnisse in SAP und den MS Office-Programmen - DEKRA Automobil GmbH * Stuttgart * Feste Anstellung * Vollzeit - Seit mehr als 90 Jahren sorgt DEKRA als eine der weltweit … Entdecken Sie auf Jobrapido Stellenangebote für Dekra Stellenangebote in Sachsen-Anhalt: Finden Sie den idealen Job unter tausenden von Stellenangeboten! With approximately 45,000 employees and revenues of roughly €3.3 billion, DEKRA … Sehr gute Anwenderkenntnisse in SAP und den MS Office-Programmen - DEKRA Automobil GmbH * Stuttgart * Feste Anstellung * Vollzeit - Seit mehr als 90 Jahren sorgt DEKRA als eine der weltweit … Die DEKRA Automobil GmbH bringt Sie sicher ans Ziel. Its Chairman, Dr. Gerd Neumann, is leaving the company upon reaching retirement age; the … The Supervisory Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH appointed Guido Kutschera (50) as the new Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH effective January 1, 2019. Die DEKRA Automobil GmbH wurde im Jahr 1925 als Teil der Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein e.V. : 0234/50716-0 • Fax: 0234/50716-20 Ihre Aufgaben DEKRA Automobil GmbH * Stuttgart * Feste Anstellung * Vollzeit - Seit mehr als 90 Jahren arbeitet DEKRA als eine der weltweit führenden Expertenorganisationen für die Sicherheit im Verkehr, bei der Arbeit und zu Hause. Requirements for using the DSP App: You are already a business customer of DEKRA Automobil GmbH … Financial expert Bausch has headed DEKRA’s mergers & acquisitions department since 2010, and has been responsible for a number of successful takeovers in recent years. He is succeeding Wolfgang Linsenmaier (52) in this role, who will be joining DEKRA… Personalvermittlung hat immer zwei Seiten – DEKRA Arbeit ist in Deutsch­land das Binde­glied … “The Supervisory Board would like to thank the outgoing Chairman of the Management Board, Wolfgang Linsenmaier, for his successful work and wishes him every success in his new Management Board role,” added Stefan Kölbl. DEKRA Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (Stand Mai 2018) PDF (44,2 kB) AGB DEKRA Siegel für Gebrauchtfahrzeuge (Stand Jan. 2014) PDF (49,6 kB) AGB DEKRA Automobil GmbH Grundsätze zur Zertifizierung (Stand Jul. Our new DEKRA Sustainability Magazine is online. The Supervisory Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH appointed Guido Kutschera (50) as the new Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH effective January 1, 2019. Inzwischen ist aus dem Deutschen Kraftfahrzeug … Get directions, reviews and information for DEKRA Automobil GMBH in Peachtree Corners, GA. DEKRA Automobil GMBH 7050 Jimmy Carter Blvd Peachtree Corners GA 30092. An derzeit über … He is succeeding Wolfgang Linsenmaier (52) in this role, who will be joining DEKRA’s Management Board at the same time. Im Verkehr, bei der Arbeit und zu Hause – in allen wesentlichen Lebensbereichen schaffen die erfahrenen Experten von DEKRA mehr Sicherheit. 2016) PDF (86,6 kB) AGB DEKRA Assurance Services GmbH (Stand Sep. 2018) PDF (45,5 kB) AGB DEKRA Automotive Solutions GmbH … Sie möchten Ihre Karriere bei DEKRA starten? DEKRA Arbeit Ihr Partner für Personal­vermittlung, Zeit­arbeit und professionelles Personal­management. DEKRA Automobil GmbH Strategies for preventing accidents on Europe’s roads Handwerkstraße 15 70565 Stuttgart Phone: +49.7 11.78 61-0 Fax: +49.7 11.78 61-22 40 The incidence of … 21039 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 811 297 970 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Wenn es darum geht, die Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit auf den Straßen … The DEKRA Access app. About Guido Kutschera: Guido Kutschera (50) has been a Managing Director of DEKRA Automobil GmbH, initially for expert appraisals, since 2013. DEKRA Sustainability Magazine 2019/20. Before coming to DEKRA, he first worked in private banking and then transitioned into investment, working for two private equity companies as their senior investment manager and head of legal. In order to provide you with a convenient online experience, our website uses cookies. DEKRA Automobil GmbH Stratégies pour éviter les accidents sur les routes d’Europe DEKRA Automobil GmbH Handwerkstraße 15 70565 Stuttgart Tél. Data protection declaration DEKRA … Die DEKRA Arbeit GmbH gehört als Teil der DEKRA SE zu den Top 6 Personaldienstleistern in Deutschland und zu den am stärksten wachsenden Personaldienstleistern in Europa. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1925 lautet das DEKRA Versprechen: Wir sorgen für die Sicherheit der Menschen im Umgang mit Technik und Umwelt. and manages the Group’s operating business. Die DEKRA Automobil GmbH bringt Sie sicher ans Ziel. Before this, he was the head of vehicle inspections for DEKRA and the manager of the DEKRA branch in Braunschweig. . Geschäftskunden - B2B Wir bieten Dienstleistungen im Automobil … Diese werden für Sie täglich aktualisiert. His management colleagues are still Jann Fehlauer (53), in charge of service development in the areas of vehicle testing, expert appraisals and industry inspections, and – new to the management team – Friedemann Bausch (47), responsible for finance. The Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH will be restructured with effect from June 1, 2018. He began his career at DEKRA as a test engineer in 1994. DEKRA poskytuje služby v oblasti kontroly vozidel, likvidace pojistných událostí, průmyslových a stavebních inspekcí, produktové testování, audity a certifikace DEKRA Automobil GmbH. DEKRA Road Safety Report. Die Informationen stellt DEKRA … In Deutschland ist DEKRA mit … Kommen Sie zu DEKRA Bochum! Zum Portfolio der DEKRA … To provide you with a convenient online experience and to improve our communications, please click "ACCEPT ALL". DEKRA Press Release Change GF DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Condition Report of Used Vehicles for Dealerships, DEKRA Standard Seal for Used Cars for Dealerships, DEKRA Standard Seal for Used Cars for Fleet, Evaluation and Pricing of Used Vehicles for Dealerships, End of Term and Buy Back Management for Fleets, Telecom Network and Service Provider Solutions, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Testing, In-vitro-Diagnostic Medical Device Regulation (IVDR), Technical Advisory for Welding Technology, Digital Industrial Optimization Services for Pressure Equipment, 2nd Party Inspections of Pressure Equipment, 3rd Party Inspections of Pressure Equipment, Periodical Inspections of Pressure Equipment, Process Safety Verification of Pressure Equipment, Design Verification of Pressure Equipment, Ambient Measurement Services to Ensure Environmental Protection, Ambient Measurement Services to Ensure Workplace Safety, Digital Industrial Optimization Services of Workflow Processes Concerning Plant Safety, Digital Industrial Optimization Services of Workflow Processes Involving the Environment, Mandatory Non-Periodical and Initial Inspections of Safety-related Equipment in the Workplace, Mandatory Periodical Inspections of Safety-related Equipment in the Workplace, Mandatory Periodical Inspections of Storage Equipment & Pipelines in the Workplace, Remote Online Monitoring of the Environment, Remote Online Monitoring to Ensure Workplace Safety, Technical Advisory Services on Environmental Pollution, Storage Equipment & Pipelines, Technical Advisory Services on Safety-Related Equipment, 2nd Party Inspections of Electrical Installations and Lightning Protection, Design Review of Electrical Installations, Digital Industrial Optimization of Electrical Installations and Lightning Protection, Non-periodical Inspections of Electrical Installations and Lighting Protection, Periodical Inspections of Electrical Installations and Lightning Protection, Power Measurements of Electrical Installations and Lightning Protection, Remote and Online Monitoring of Electrical Installations and Lightning Protection, Technical Advisory on Electrical Installations, Technical Advisory on Non-destructive Testing, Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detection (ELCID) Testing, FOSAR (Foreign Object Search and Retrieval) Inspections, Ultrasonic Testing & Eddy Current Testing in Nuclear, Ultrasonic Testing for In Situ Generator Inspection, Lift, Machinery, Equipment and Crane Inspection, 2nd Party Inspections on Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, CE Certification for Machinery and Equipment, CE Certification for Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, Design Review of Industrial Machinery and Equipment, Digital Industrial Optimization for Cranes, Digital Industrial Optimization for Machinery and Equipment, Digital Industrial Optimization for Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, Efficiency Measurement of Machinery and Equipment, Non-Periodic Inspections for Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, Non-Periodic Inspections for Machinery and Equipment, Periodical Inspections of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, Periodical Inspections of Machinery and Equipment, Remote and Online Monitoring of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, Remote and Online Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment, Technical advisory of industrial machinery and equipment, Technical Advisory on Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks, Digital Industrial Optimization for Buildings and Infrastructure Construction, Remote and Online Monitoring of Buildings, Road and Railway Infrastructure, Technical Advisory on Buildings and Roads, Condition Inspections of Railway Infrastructure, Corrosion and Environmental Testing of Materials, Digital Industrial Optimization of Calibration, Digital Industrial Optimization for Destructive Testing, Technical Advisory on Destructive Testing, Organizational Diagnostic, Assessment and Development, Leadership Diagnostic, Assessment and Development, Workforce Diagnostic, Assessment and Development, Safety Advisory, Services and Coordination, Health and Medical Advisory, Services and Examinations, Contact Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Solutions, Cyber Security & Information Technology Solutions, Information Security Risk Assessment and Management, Health safety and environment management system (HSE), Information security management system (ISMS), Review of a management system certificate, Competence and Language status determination, Tests for small electric vehicles and electric bicycles, Environmental and hazardous substances analysis, Materials engineering and damage analysis, Corrosion testing and environmental simulation, Expertise for insurance cases and product development, PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System), Expert tip Homologation electric vehicles, Expert tip Electric vehicle charging stations, Jann Fehlauer still head of service development. By using our website, you agree that we may use the cookies described in detail in our Cookie Settings Sind Sie bereits im DEKRA … +49.7 11.78 61-0 Fax +49.7 11.78 612- 2 40 www.dekra… We use cookies on our website to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze traffic to our website. Before this, he was the head of vehicle inspections for DEKRA and the manager of the DEKRA branch in Braunschweig. DEKRA bietet Einstiegsmöglichkeiten an vielen Standorten in ganz Deutschland – eine spannende berufliche Perspektive wartet bestimmt auch in Ihrer Nähe auf Sie. Hinweis: Diese Website wurde mit größter Sorgfalt zusammengestellt. DEKRA is a European vehicle inspection company founded in Berlin, Germany in 1925 as Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein (German Motor Vehicle Inspection Association). Since June 2018, he has been the Managing Director in charge of market development with responsibility for the 75 branches throughout Germany. Er ersetzt in dieser Funktion Wolfgang Linsenmaier (52), der zeitgleich in den Vorstand von DEKRA … “With annual revenue of EUR 1.3 billion, DEKRA Automobil GmbH is the most important and biggest company in the DEKRA Group,” said Stefan Kölbl, CEO of DEKRA and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH. About Jann Fehlauer: Jann Fehlauer (53) has been the Managing Director of DEKRA Automobil GmbH in charge of service development since June 2018. About Jann Fehlauer: Jann Fehlauer (53) has been the Managing Director of DEKRA Automobil GmbH in charge of service development since June 2018. You may manually adjust your cookie preferences at any time on that page. of DEKRA AG, Head of the Business Unit DEKRA Automotive, and Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH. He is succeeding Wolfgang Linsenmaier (52) in this role, who will be joining DEKRA’s Management Board at the same time. DEKRA Bochum – Außenstelle Bochum (Automobil) Außenstelle Bochum (Automobil) • Porschestr. The Supervisory Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH appointed Guido Kutschera (50) as the new Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH effective January 1, 2019. Reviews (770) … Im Bereich unseres automotiven Kerngeschäfts sind wir Weltmarktführer. Wir suchen stets talentierte und motivierte neue Mitarbeiter, die zum Erfolg unseres Unternehmens beitragen können. DEKRA e.V., Stuttgart Member of the Management Board SINCE 2019 DEKRA SE, Stuttgart Member of the Management Board 2018 DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Stuttgart Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors 2011 DEKRA SE, Stuttgart Director Corporate Finance (dual function) 2006 DEKRA Automobil GmbH… By doing so, you consent to the processing and sharing of your information with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Financial expert Bausch has headed DEKRA’s mergers & acquisitions department since 2010, and has been responsible for a number of successful takeovers in recent years. Der Aufsichtsrat der DEKRA Automobil GmbH hat Guido Kutschera (50) mit Wirkung zum 1. Zu den Hauptaufgaben gehören die periodische Überwachung von Kraftfahrzeugen (Hauptuntersuchung, Abgasuntersuchung), Gutachten, Sicherheitsprüfungen und die Prüfung von technischen Anlagen sowie Zertifizierungen und Sicherheitsberatung. Im Bereich unseres automotiven Kerngeschäfts sind wir Weltmarktführer. DEKRA’s comprehensive expert knowledge within the Service Division Claims & Expertise offers independence, innovation and quality. He began his career at DEKRA as a test engineer in 1994. +49.7 11.78 61-0 Fax +49.7 11.78 61-22 40 www.dekra… Steps Toward Making Vision Zero a Reality. DEKRA … DEKRA es una de las organizaciones de expertos líderes mundial. DEKRA Press Release Change GF DEKRA Automobil GmbH, ISO 13485: Medical Component Manufacturers, ISO 22301: Business Continuity Management, IATF 16949: Automotive Quality Management, Environmental, Health, and Safety Management Certification, Information Security Management Certification, TISAX: Information Security for Automotive, End-Off Lease, DOT and Inventory Inspections, Total Loss, Physical Damage and Pre-Litigation, Preventing Catastrophic Injuries & Fatalities, Building Executive Transformational Safety Leadership skills, Collision Center Development & Certification, Industrial Equipment, Engineering, and Sales, Foreign Object Search & Retrieval (FOSAR), Industrial Inspection & Maintenance Services, Hazardous Location Certification & Services, Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL), State Required Emissions, SMOG & Safety Inspections, Jann Fehlauer still head of service development.