This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Sotilasarvoltaan hän oli SS-Obergruppenführer.Lakimiehen poika Kaltenbrunner syntyi ja vietti lapsuutensa Itävallassa.Hän opiskeli isänsä ammatin ja valmistui Grazin yliopistosta 1926. In some ways, Ernst Kaltenbrunner was the worst of the lot. Later he was promoted to hold positions high within the feared Nazi SS. Ernst Kaltenbrunner was born on 4 October 1903 at Ried on Inn (near Braunau) Austria. Genealogy for Elisabeth "Lisl" Kaltenbrunner (Eder) (1908 - 2002) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. In 1932 he joined the Nazi Party and worked closely with Arthur Seyss-Inquart and Adolf Eichmann. In the 1920s he went to law school and became a lawyer, starting his own practice in Linz in 1929. ), Austrian Nazi, leader of the Austrian SS and subsequently head of all police forces in Nazi Germany. When his family moved to Linz, Kaltenbrunner attended the prestigious State Realgymnasium, the most advanced education in the German seconda… I heard Ernst was married to Elisabeth eder who was born Oct.20th 1908 and married on Jan.14th 1934.She became member of NS frauenschaft # 301,490.The couple also had 3 kids.The oldest was a son born on Feb.28th 1935 the middle was a girl born on July.25th 1937 the youngest who was a boy was born in 1940.In the end of the war Kaltenbrunner had a misstress named Gissela von Westrap(nee … A nürnbergi per folyamán halálra ítélték és kivégezték. He was a hulking ox of a man, tall and thin, with a thick neck and a scar running from the left side of his mouth to his nose. An Obergruppenführer (general) in the Schutzstaffel (SS), between January 1943 and May 1945 he held the offices of Chief of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA, Reich Main Security Office) and President of the ICPC, later to become Interpol. 0. Ursula [illegitimate] Kaltenbrunner was born on March 12, 1945, daughter of Ernst Kaltenbrunner and Gisela Margarete Wilhelmine Gräfin von Westarp. He was put on trial, found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.. World War Two [] During World War II, he held many high-ranking titles and eventually became the highest ranking official to actually face trial at the Nuremberg Trials. He executed 5,000, and sent thousands of others to concentration camps. Otto Ohlendorf (German pronunciation: [ˈʔɔto ˈʔoːləndɔɐ̯f]; 4 February 1907 – 7 June 1951) was a German SS functionary and Holocaust perpetrator during the Nazi era.An economist by education, he was head of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Inland, responsible … Ernst Kaltenbrunner was born in 1903 in the Austrian city of Ried. 2 Kaltenbrunner rises to a major Nazi figure. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Ernst Kaltenbrunner 1903-1946 NS-Politiker 1903 4. Aufgewachsen in einer nationalistischen Familie, war er mit dem berüchtigten SS-Offizier Adolf Eichmann befreundet, der maßgeblich an der Umsetzung der nationalsozialistischen “Endlösung” für die europäischen Juden beteiligt war. 5 External Links. His long arms and oversized hands dangling from an elongated body gave him a kind of simian appearance. – Nürnberg, 1946. október 16.) Ernst Kaltenbrunner was an Austrian-born senior official of Nazi Germany during World War II. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (4. lokakuuta 1903 – 16. lokakuuta 1946) oli natsi-Saksan turvallisuusjohtaja ja RSHA:n päällikkö. On 14 January 1934 Ernst Kaltenbrunner married Elisabeth Eder and they became the parents of three children. Sen jälkeen hän työskenteli lakimiehenä Linzissä ja Salzburgissa. 4 Oct. 1903, d. 16 Oct. 1946) was a fanatical Nazi who became the leader of the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron), or 'SS', in Austria prior to the Anschluss, and played a leading role in the betrayal of his native country to the Nazi conspiracy. He was a very tall man, standing just over 6' 7" (201 cm) tall,[citation needed] and had deep scars on his face from dueling in his student days. ernst kaltenbrunner familie. He obtained a law degree in 1926, and briefly worked as a lawyer in Linz and Salzburg. A lawyer by profession, he became the general in the Schutzstaffel (SS), and held the office of Chief of the Reich Main Security Office. His parents were staunch Nationalists and he befriended future Nazi and so-called “Czar of the Jews,” Adolf Eichmann. He played a major role in crimes against humanity and war crimes, and he was executed in 1946 after the Nuremberg Trials.. Father and mother Kaltenbrunner were anti-religious and champions of the unification of Austria and Germany. During this time he also became a professional fencer. After the Anschluss he was appointed Austrian State Secretary for Security and when this position was abolished in … Ernst Kaltenbrunner was born on 4 October 1903 in the valley of the Inn, near Braunau, the birthplace of Adolf Hitler. He studied law and obtained a law degree in 1926. magas rangú SS-tiszt, a Sicherheitsdienst (SD), végül a Birodalmi Biztonsági Főhivatal (RSHA) vezetője. 0. He was found guilty, of course, of crimes against humanity and war crimes. Later he moved to Linz, where he attended the State Realgymnasium. 4 Miscellaneous. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (1903–1946) was a general in the Waffen-SS (Obergruppenführer) and the deputy to Heinrich Himmler.Following the end of the war he was the highest-ranking SS member to be captured. However, according to some sources, these "dueling scars" were actually the result of an alcohol-related driving accident. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Kinder Er wurde am Linzer Realgymnasium in Ried im Innkreis, Österreich, als Sohn eines Anwalts geboren und aufgewachsen. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (October 4, 1903 - October 16, 1946) was a senior Nazi official during World War II. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, (born Oct. 4, 1903, Ried im Innkreis, Austria-Hungary—died Oct. 16, 1946, Nürnberg, Ger. Ernst Kaltenbrunner received a doctorate in law from Graz University in 1925 and set himself up as a lawyer in Linz. In 1935 he became leader of the SS in Austria. Descended from a family of country artisans – his father and grandfather, were however lawyers, Kaltenbrunner was educated in Linz, where Adolf Eichmann was one of his boyhood friends, and subsequently studied law at Graz University. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (4 October 1903 – 16 October 1946) was a General of the SS of Nazi Germany during World War II who served as head of the Reich Main Security Office from 1943 to 1945. He spent his youth in Hitler's native district. He joined the Austrian Nazi Party in 1932 and became leader of the SS (elite guards) in Austria in 1935. He joined the Austrian Nazi Party and the SS in 1932. Contents: 1 Early Life. Ernest Kaltenbrunner, also known as Ernst, was an Austrian man who became a senior official in the Third Reich. He was the son of lawyer Hugo Kaltenbrunner and his wife Therese Kaltenbrunner-Udwardy. People Projects Discussions Surnames Born in Ried im Innkreis, Austria, Kaltenbrunner was the son of a lawyer, and was educated at the State Realgymnasium in Linz and at Graz University. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (4 October 1903 – 16 October 1946) was an Austrian-born senior official of Nazi Germany during World War II.An Obergruppenführer (general) in the Schutzstaffel (SS), between January 1943 and May 1945 he held the offices of Chief of the Reich Main Security Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt; RSHA).He was the highest-ranking member of the SS to face trial at the … Kaltenbrunner attended public schools at Linz and studied at the University of Prague. Before he became the feared Nazi commander, Ernst Kaltenbrunner was just an Austrian boy born in Ried im Innkreis, a district in the Upper region of the country, on Oct. 4, 1903. Ernst Kaltenbrunner was an Austrian-born Nazi Party leader during the World War II and a fanatic Hitler loyalist, who played a leading role in setting up the concentration camps and execution of the Jews. 3 Nuremberg Trials. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (4 October 1903 – 16 October 1946) was an Austrian-born senior official of Nazi Germany during World War II. A strong anti-Semite, he agreed with Heinrich Himmler, a leading member of the Nazi Party, that the gas chamber was the right method to execute the Jews. Ernst Kaltenbrunner’s life began on October 4th, 1903 in Reid im Immkreis (Austria), close to Hitler’s birthplace Braunau. Born in Ried im Innkreis, Austria, he was the son of a lawyer. Kaltenbrunner is indicted under Counts One, Three and Four. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (Ried im Innkreis 1903. október 4. Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner (b. Early Life. In 1932 he joined the Austrian Nazi Party and the Austrian branch of the SS. Biography.