View Post, why have they cursed us with bixby nobody likes it in, a month ago Samsung Galaxy S20 (left) and Galaxy S20 Plus (Image credit: Tom's Guide) Again, this is a case where the S20 and S20 Plus compare favorably with each other (save for the size element, of … Samsung get your **** ***** together. ( View Post, The tmobile one UI update for galaxy s20 Fe broke the home gesture using the gestures instead of the navbar button when using a third party... View Post, ive been dealing with the same issue Neues Thema erstellen Make all camera modules available for manual... View Post, All photos are blurred! View Post, I just got the new s20 ultra and after I finish with the set up I was not able to log in to my samsung pass it says is " temporarily not... View Post, Surprisingly enough all I did was turn off wifi and used mobile data to activate it. Checking the dates it goes back to the date I installed the Android 11 update.  View Post, To add edge lighting or change it,  it's now missing. :( I... View Post, Mines still not working. ... View Post, Galaxy s20 fe stopped accepting pin code to unlock device, factory reset and wiped everything. Samsung calls the new style Contour Cut, with the camera module flowing seamlessly over the side of the phone. Now, design can be subjective, but in our books, the Galaxy S21+ is a massive improvement over the Galaxy S20… I was gifted a Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus. I had to send m... View Post, I have samsung S20+ devise and In samsung health no measure button available on stress and heart rate. Thread ... Start date Aug 30, 2020; Tags s20 s20 plus samsung samsung galaxy; L. lex1970 Novice Member. Have you checked the trash? Big deals on Samsung phones now until 1 Dec :- S20 FE £499 S20 FE 5G £599 S20 5G £649 and more all on Samsung UK website we have tried resetting both the phones that work and the phones that doesnt work to factory settings with no difference. 02:07 AM  View Post, All of my camera photos have disappeared from my phone. in. Diskutiere Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus Kamera löst nicht aus im Samsung Galaxy S20, S20 Plus (5G) Forum Forum im Bereich Samsung Android Forum; Meistens, nicht immer, wenn ich die … in. View Post, Edge lighting is now in settings->notifications choose brief and then tap on brief pop-up set... View Post, Is there any way to uninstall bixby? Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus 5g, Unlocked (Georgetown) $650 JLA FORUMS | Classifieds | FOR SALE - Washington | FOR SALE - Seattle, WA 2 Wed Jan 13 2021 5:49 pm The Galaxy S20 Plus is well designed, fits easily in my hand, and doesn't feel cumbersome or too big despite having a 6.7-inch display. View Post, Yes, I have an unlocked s20 ultra with T-mobile and I am still with the December 1 security u... View Post, WHY DID YOU DELETE MY POST SAMSUNG???????? View Post, thx. Previous owner didn't have this issue but I do. ‎05-08-2020 Remove Locked No Download Mode 4. I pair and … BTW Updates are the responsibility of your carrier to release galaxy s21 Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. It gives me some of the songs, but not all. Will a camera protector help it from doing so? ?, THIS ISSUE HASN'T BEEN SOLVED AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO DELETE MY PROBLEM WITHOUT SOLVING IT,... View Post, I had 2 Samsung phones hacked. Cannot get there with... View Post, IMO, that's beyond the scope of suggested solutions on this forum. but s20 plus unlocked still running on Dec security update on TMobile. View Post.  View Post, Anyone having an issue getting Android messages to verify your phone number?? The Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus offers a 6.7" display, putting it between the S20 and S20 Ultra in terms of device size. Galaxy S20+ SM-G9860 Read first Here you find all the latest Samsung firmwares for the Galaxy S20+ SM-G9860 , if you want to flash your device with the newest Samsung software.  View Post, I have the Samsung Music app installed on my S20 phone. When I was given the phone I used SmartSwitch to transfer everything from my previous phone. Themen 22 Beiträge 263. View Post, Anybody  phone change with the update  regarding the little mini screen. Would they deduct because of the scratched display though? I deleted app data and cache, I reset network settings and I turned off A2DP hardware offload in developer options but nothing helped. I have looked in my google photos and they are not there. The biggest change is undoubtedly the redesigned camera bump. It was working yesterday, today though - nothing but issues. I want those features on my S20 Ultra from the 21 series Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Hello,I just got the S20 FE, same problem. It's terrible! S20 $999, S20 plus $1199. Samsung offers up to $650 trade-in value for an S20 without cracks. In this tutorial, I show you how to install Android 10 or Android 11 GSI ROMs on the Samsung Galaxy S10 series(S10 Plus, S10 5G, and S10e), S20 series(S20, S20 Plus, S20 Ultra), Note 10(Note 10, Note 10 Plus) and Note 20(Note 20, Note 20 Plus… But even best case scenario, I get $650 for the S20 and still have to pay another $650+tax for the Ultra. View Post, Ever since the last update I download my themes as I always do. Regreting moving from Nokia 7.1 to this... ‎05-11-2020 I have verified perm... View Post, When I want to print a photo,  it shows as the only option to save as a pdf instead of taking me to my printer. Previous owner didn't have this issue but I do. View Post, Bring back the ability to cast to other devices, like Chromecast please!! in. Galaxy S21 UltraHello Rydah. He turns one of the phones around in his hand to show each side, from the keyless side, to the screen, to the power key and volume key side, to the back. Afterwards not sure if it is related but the Messenger Chat Heads are not appearing. in. The biggest change is undoubtedly the redesigned camera bump. Galaxy S20 and S20 plus … Thanks for the update... View Post, Still no January Update for Galaxy S20+ Sprint I just wanted to find out which build you are on Did another re-start & the last 5 or 6 times it re-connected to the car it has worked ok. ‎05-01-2021 A few of my collegues can connect with their samsungs s20+ just fine but the majority of us can not connect. When i go into the app, I only see 1 or 2 songs from each album that I have save on an... View Post, Still having the same issue. What's... View Post, I have learned if once you do the download and if it doesn't change your message or keyboard ... View Post, I liked having the little chat heads from text messages (not Facebook messenger!) For more details on the differences between the S21 Ultra, S21 Plus, S20 Ultra and S20 Plus, take a look at our specs chart below. We still have no information when will it be added to the recommended mobile device for the DJI Mavic Mini and for … Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G G986B UFS/ISP Pinout Galaxy S20 Plus SM-G986B UFS Pinout 1. The screen is a Dynamic AMOLED 2X capacitive touchscreen, … and pop u... View Post, This is basically an app that I have paid for as part of buying the phone. Paired it with my car's BT audio system & it worked perfectly first time, second time it connected, but played back through the phone speaker. 07:45 PM Samsung Galaxy S20. View Post, Odd, the only ads I see are the ones that show on the Galaxy store app. Galaxy S20 Plus gallery photos have disappeared from my phone, S20 FE not connecting to Flow via any method (Bluetooth, Wifi, or USB), One UI update broke nova launcher home gesture, dual messenger facebook app SD card access, S20+, Android 11 and Onedrive camera upload, Phone wont unlock with correct pin number, Security Patch/Bug Fix not received for January, Android 11. Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus SM-G985 8/128GB Szary od 3199,00 zł Opinie Smartfon 6,7 cala, aparat 12 Mpix, pamięć 8 GB RAM, bateria 4500mAh. Phone will not allow a pin code, pattern, or... View Post, I'm trying to copy a msg, and send it to a trusted friend, and it won't accept my pin nor "Ca... View Post, After upgrade my S20 FE 5G  to Android 11,the adaptive brightness sensor in low light conditions  ,started to going up and down the brightness... View Post, I hope you are right, and that the update will soon be available again! Aug 30, 2020 #1 I have a Samsung Galaxy S20 plus … I re-started the phone, re-connected to the car & it worked fine. ... Galaxy s20 plus group messaging option 1; Galaxy s20 Ultra 27; Galaxy s20 Ultra camera failure 2; ... Forum … I s... View Post, Is it just me, or does it seems like these android software updates seem to be rolling out slower and later than before in, ‎04-01-2021 I now have an apple phone. The comp... View Post, Anyone having issues with the dual messenger apps? the printer is listed as supported. View Post, I just got the Jan update a few days ago but it's already half way thru Feb lol :thinking_face: I... View Post, No, not to me. The Galaxy S20 Plus connects to both mmWave and sub-6 5G networks, making it one of the first mainstream phones to do so. The display has a centered hole punch cutout for the front-facing camera. Errors in the work of applications for photo and video, Why does the preloaded weather app show ads, No measure button on stress and heart rate. 12:22 AM The One UI version on my phone is 2.1 but the At&T … Not sure. Announced Feb 11, 2020. Sometimes, during first couple of minutes of playing audio it switches to bluetooth speakers by itself and plays audio properly but more often it does not. When I try to increase the volume, it shows that in-call volume is being adjusted even though the connection is in audio mode as well. If you're reading this, I think it's safe to say that your pretty darn excited... View Post, 10-23-2020 12:10 PM (Last edited ‎10-23-2020 12:11 PM ) in When connected the sound still plays through built in phone speakers at extremely low volume. However my previous phone did not have bluetooth problems. The removal of the renaming function in Gallery was INTENTIONAL. However, at work we do have some work equipment we use to connect with bluetooth, like Hytune app in google store and a few others. these bluetooth connection doesnt use the "pairing" function, when the app is installed its supposed to autofind the equipment, in this case a TA-dongle from IMI, and the app finds it, but refuses to connect. View Post, note 20 ultra unlocked received Feb security update. Samsung calls the new style Contour Cut, with the camera module flowing seamlessly over the side of the phone. If you compare the baseline price point between these two handsets, the iPhone 12 Pro is slightly less expensive at $999, as opposed to $1,050 for the Galaxy S20… Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra. The thread will now be loc... View Post, I just noticed that my Onedrive camera upload is not working. in. 06:04 PM I was gifted a Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus. I have read that T-Mobile had enhanced (Rcs) messaging service... View Post, Connected to Wi-Fi and not on a VPN?  View Post, Why does it my Galaxy S20 let me connect to my Honda Civic 2016th Bluetooth Next time I connected to the car, it went back to playing through the phone speaker. Weirdly  as said it works for some, maybe 1/4 of the phones, and for the 3/4 rest it just wont connect. Tech & Gadget Forums. It seems to work properly right after a restart but if I disconnect speakers and then re-connect the issue comes back. I have also checked Samsung... View Post, What were you doing with your phone when they disappeared? Samsung Galaxy S20, S20 Plus (5G) Forum Fragen, Antworten, Hilfestellungen, Tipps, Tricks, Tweaks, Downloads und viel mehr zum Samsung Galaxy S20, S20 Plus (5G). Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. Before downloading, … As of the moment since the Samsung Galaxy S20 is new to the market. And the new update got rid of them and I cannot find if I can... View Post, same here considering factory resting device I hate last 3 updates