Nun warnt er vor den Folgen, die ein Bruch mit der Union für die SPD hätte. 22. [1], In an August 2020 interview with Der Tagesspiegel Kühnert announced that he would step down as chair of the Jusos, saying that the "time was right" for new leadership in advance of an anticipated federal election in 2021. Bernd Faulenbach, a historian who for many years led the SPD's historical commission, told DW that, "for some [the term] is a statement of political direction. Also on Twitter, Kahrs accused Kühnert of "scaring off voters in the middle of an election campaign.". Über den Juso-Vorsitzenden Kevin Kühnert, die Enteignung der Konzerne und die Rolle der „Zeit“ im umstrittenen Interview. Stegner pointed out that Kühnert had simply been answering a question about the meaning of socialism in a democratic context. I think it's completely right that we ask how to get more democracy into the economy. Born as James Arnold in Lovejoy's Station, Georgia, he got his nickname in 1934 after releasing "Old Original Kokomo Blues" for the Decca label; it was a cover of the Scrapper Blackwell blues song about the city of Kokomo, Indiana. In 2014, he began working in the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin, first for Dilek Kolat, then Melanie Kühnemann. ich bin Kevin Kühnert und ihr könnt mich heute ab 19 Uhr alles fragen. 240. Pronunciation of kevin kühnert with 1 audio pronunciation, 14 sentences and more for kevin kühnert. In an interview with German newspaper Die Zeit in May 2019, Kühnert described himself as being a democratic socialist, promoting the communisation of large firms and the expropriation of owners from companies like BMW and people who own more than one house or apartment. Legal notice | "Without collectivization overcoming capitalism is unthinkable," the 29-year-old Kühnert told Die Zeit weekly, before adding: "For me it's less important whether on the BMW doorbell sign it says 'state automobile company' or 'cooperative automobile company' or whether the collective decides that BMW is no longer necessary in this form," he said. [8][9][10], In May 2018, Kühnert was chosen as a "Next Generation Leader" by Time because of the resistance he launched against the grand coalition that nearly managed to topple Chancellor Angela Merkel and led to a national debate about the future of the SPD and the future of German politics in general. It's an annual debate — led this year by two generations of Social Democrats. Ihr könnt mich gerne zum politischen Betrieb ausfragen, ich würde aber gerne auch mit euch über die Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft sprechen. Sign up for the newsletter here. Kokomo Arnold (February 15, 1901 – November 8, 1968) was an American blues musician. [7] Wird man eine sexgetriebene Bestie, wenn man nicht mehr zu sehen ist? - Aug 4, 2020 Kevin Kühnert, a 28-year-old student from Berlin who heads the youth wing of the Social Democrats, is the most talked-about politician in Germany. That last remark may have been prompted after an intervention from the more economically liberal wing of the SPD, in the shape of Bundestag member Johannes Kahrs, who tweeted: "What terrible nonsense. Angela Merkel says she wants to remain in office until her term is up. Kevin Kühnert (born 1 July 1989) is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Unforgettable trips start with Airbnb. Kühnert also called for an end to property ownership as a business model: "Thinking it through logically, everyone should own no more living space than they themselves live in. Kevin Kühnert retweeted. ", Kühnert brought the idea up as a possible way for the state to intervene in Germany's affordable housing crisis. Ist Hollow Man seiner Zeit voraus? You can find more information in our data protection declaration. ", Read more: Germany's SPD adopts manifesto for European elections. Oder irgendwo dazwischen? [12][13][14][15][16][17], SPD party member vote on the 2018 coalition agreement of Germany, "Rising star of German left quits SPD youth role to run for parliament", Heiße Diskussionen mit dem Juso-Vorsitzenden, SPD-Vizechefs: Kevin Kühnert bekommt mehr Stimmen als Hubertus Heil, "SPD-Vize Kevin Kühnert tritt in Tempelhof-Schöneberg an",,,,, "SPD am Scheideweg: Juso-Chef Kevin Kühnert im Interview", "Kevin Kühnert spricht erstmals über seine Homosexualität", "Reaktionen auf Coming-Out: "Damit Erika Steinbach sich ärgern kann,,,,ühnert&oldid=1005683518, Social Democratic Party of Germany politicians, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 22:59. Every day, DW's editors send out a selection of the day's hard news and quality feature journalism. Augschte 2020 verchindet ghaa. Liebe Leser, dass sich der gesunde Menschenverstand schon lange von der deutschen Sozialdemokratie verabschiedet hat, ist nichts Neues. November 2017 Bundesvorsitzender der Jusos. ", "This is not mine and not a demand of the SPD. ( 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture — SDG Indicators ( Poverty ( 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere - … But Ralf Stegner, the SPD's deputy leader was skeptical: "That won't solve the housing crises, because it takes a while and costs money in compensation.". [4] He had previously endorsed Esken and Walter-Borjans in their successful bid for the leadership of the party in 2019. I can't understand what was so controversial here.". But behind the scenes, plans are already being hatched for Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer to take over the chancellorship. Kevin Kühnert, 29 Jahre alt, ist seit 2017 Bundesvorsitzender der Jusos. The term "democratic socialism" is in fact a complex one for the SPD. Juli 1989 in West-Berlin) ist ein deutscher Politiker der SPD. 23 hours ago. In his opinion, the whole debate has been overblown. We use cookies to improve our service for you. For others it is just a historical term. Mr. Bittner is a political editor for the weekly newspaper Die Zeit and a contributing opinion writer. During the campaign for the SPD party member vote on the 2018 coalition agreement of Germany, Kühnert, along with the #NoGroKo (No Grand Coalition) initiative, promoted the No campaign. Such purchases are allowed in the German Basic Law, though only to serve "the public good. Nevertheless I call for more calm in the discussion. Kühnert was born in West Berlin. Ich bin stellvertretender Vorsitzender der SPD und Vorsitzender der Jusos. Kevin Kühnert, der Bundesvorsitzende der Jusos, hatte eine Stunde Zeit und hat sich mit Christian unterhalten. amp video_youtube 23.11.2019 Und was würde Kevin Kühnert machen, wenn er unsichtbar wäre? [5] On December 16, 2020, he was nominated as a direct candidate in the constituency of Berlin-Tempelhof - Schöneberg in the 2021 federal election. From 24. Kevin Kühnert dpa In early May, Kevin Kühnert, who heads the left-wing SPD youth organization – the Jusos – sparked national and even international discussion. ‎Kevin Kühnert-DebatteÜber uns - Wirtschaftsforum der SPD e.V. His father is a tax clerk, and his mother works in a job centre. The Godesberg Program also largely dropped the SPD's self-definition as a working class party, in what for decades was a successful attempt to define itself as a broad-based "people's party. It's a "storm in a teacup," he said. Es wäre an der Zeit, dass Sie sich mit einem absoluten Skandal beschäftigen würden. Kevin Kühnert, the 28-year-old leader of Germany's Social Democratic Party's youth wing, is leading a resistance in Germany. Kann man gut hören. Nevertheless, he added that SPD members had become more reserved about using it in the 1990s, when the party set up branches in the former East Germany. [6], In an interview with German newspaper Die Zeit in May 2019, Kühnert described himself as being a democratic socialist,[7] promoting the communisation of large firms and the expropriation of owners from companies like BMW and people who own more than one house or apartment. In an interview with the weekly “Die Zeit” , asked whether he favored the collectivization of the automaker BMW, he answered: “In a … __ Bild: Martin Kraft ( Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons level 2. 40. In addition, the work of De Stijl artists is a major source of reference for this kind of work. Kevin Kühnert has given an interview to the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", the Juso chief said among other things that he wants to collectively collect large companies by a democratic means, as a concrete example he called BMW: Without collectivization "overcoming capitalism is inconceivable" , It served as the party's de facto political road map from 1959 to 1989. Instead, Kühnert, who heads the "Jusos," or Young Socialists, said that what was important was that the distribution of BMW's profits should be democratically controlled, which meant there could be no "capitalist owner" of the company. Alle SPD Mitglieder bis 35 sind automatisch Jusos, etwas Zeit hätte er also noch gehabt. He then completed a voluntary social year (German: Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr) in a Berlin-based organization for children and young people. But it's not a term that … is taboo." Kevin Kühnert je gay a patří mezi nejpopulárnější politiky své strany. In his opinion, real democratic socialism has never been tried. @hubertus_heil. [1] 50.6k Followers, 1,013 Following, 86 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kevin Kühnert (@kuehni_kev) As far as some in the party were concerned, Kühnert's statements had not gone beyond the party's basic principles. The intervention reignited a more fundamental debate inside the SPD about what place socialism still has in the party. In his opinion, real democratic socialism has never been tried. "At the moment we have an auto industry that has established itself to the extent that its mistakes are at the expense of consumers. The party's older, more radical socialist principles were transformed after the war in the so-called "Godesberg Program," which ditched the goal of toppling capitalism in favor of reforming capitalism. 23h. With a resolution looking distant at present, Barley believes a referendum might offer a solution. Wie geheim sind eigentlich geheime Forschungsanlagen? Kevin Kühnert: Endlich wieder Utopien Sozialismus, Enteignungen: In Deutschland wird wieder über Gegenmodelle zum Kapitalismus diskutiert. The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where in the subject is reduced to its necessary elements. [1] What was he smoking? Find adventures nearby or in faraway places and access unique homes, experiences, and places around the world. January 2021 he was the federal chairman of the Jusos. [2][3] At a SPD national convention in 2019, he was elected as one of the five deputies of the party’s co-chairs Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans, alongside Klara Geywitz, Hubertus Heil, Serpil Midyatli and Anke Rehlinger. Er ist seit dem 24. Auf einem Bundeskongress in Schwerin stimmten 264 der 298 Delegierten für ihn. ‎Show Was jetzt?, Ep Update: Klappt das mit Kevin Kühnert und dem Bundestag? Figures from Merkel's conservative allies, the Christian Social Union (CSU), warned that Kühnert should join Germany's socialist Left party and that "no government could work" with people like him. ", "Socialism means that we want to take down every kind of injustice, and, in principle, change every kind of inequality," Mattheis added. ", The comments attracted a storm from other major figures in the SPD, junior partner in Angela Merkel's government, with General Secretary Lars Klingbeil tweeting that Kühnert was describing a "social utopia. Hubertus Heil. Kevin Kühnert & Hollow Man By Maria Lorenz & Nilz Bokelberg. Kühnert initially worked over three years in a call center, then studying journalism and communication science at the Free University Berlin, but never graduated. May 2, 2019 The young German politician Kevin Kühnert is … Kevin Kühnert, the head of the SPD youth movement, has kicked up a backlash in Germany for his socialist remarks. The leadership of Germany's center-left government party, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), has distanced itself from the leader of its own youth movement, Kevin Kühnert, after he called for major German companies like BMW to be collectivized. Kevin Kühnert ist erneut zum Bundesvorsitzenden der Jusos gewählt worden. In 2016, he enrolled for a degree in political science at the Fernuniversität Hagen, but suspended studies after becoming Juso chairman. Zastává názor, že zisk firem by měl být rovnoměrně rozdělen mezi jejich zaměstnance. ", But the SPD's program still, at least on paper, adheres to the principle of "democratic socialism. (02.04.2019), As the song says, you can dance if you want to. Politické postoje. Ach Kevin, wo ist die Zeit hin, als du noch für sozialdemokratische Inhalte gekämpft hast, als du von Erneuerung gesprochen hast, als du noch linke Positionen vertreten hast und dafür sorgen wolltest, dass diese mehrheitsfähig, als viele linke Mitglieder noch auf dich gesetzt haben. Ein bisschen über Corona. Seiner Zeit weit hinterher? Juso-Chef Kevin Kühnert war lange Zeit einer der schärfsten Kritiker der großen Koalition. Viel über kleine Fußballclubs, Eckkneipen und, ja, ein bisschen Politik. [4] D Vorsitzwahl isch wäg dr COVID-19-Pandemy as Briefwahl duregfiert wore. (19.04.2019), © 2021 Deutsche Welle | ", Read more: Germany's political parties: What you need to know. General Secretary Lars Klingbeil distanced himself from Kühnert, "That's certainly something that should be discussed," she told DW. [1] He passed his final exam at the Beethoven-Gymnasium in Lankwitz in 2008, where he also served as pupil's spokesman. A more controversial term that Kühnert used is Enteignung, or expropriation, used to mean the forced purchase of property by the state. Kevin Kühnert: Das ist erst mal ein Nicht-Einverständnis mit der Wirtschafts- und teilweise auch Gesellschaftsordnung, die wir haben. At the beginning of May, the chairman of the Jusos, Kevin Kühnert, gave an interview to ZEIT. Contact It can't have been legal," along with a link to a news story about the interview. In terms of local politics, Kühnert is active in the district of Tempelhof-Schöneberg as a member of the district council. But not all thought his calls for collective control and property-ownership restrictions were out of line. Kühnert se označuje za socialistu, pro kterého je důležitá demokracie a individuální svoboda. In it, he was open to the collectivization of large companies: "I do not care less whether at the end of the doorbell of BMW 'state automobile operation' stands or 'cooperative car operation' or whether the collective decides that it no longer needs BMW in this form . 10. ZEIT: Das klingt etwas blumig. 2005 trat der Berliner in die SPD ein, war Landesvorsitzender der Jusos Berlin. | Mobile version, Germany's political parties: What you need to know, Germany's SPD adopts manifesto for European elections. But not on Good Friday in Germany, which retains intense restrictions on Easter revelry. Kevin Kühnert (* 1. November 2017 to 8. Jänner 2021 isch d Rosenthal Noofolgeri vum Kevin Kühnert as Juso-Bundesvorsitzeri wore, iri Kandidatur het si am 6. Troisdorf (dpo) - Er hat den Kapitalismus bereits überwunden: Inspiriert durch das Zeit-Interview von Juso-Chef Kevin Kühnert hat heute Matthias Kropp aus dem nordrhein-westfälischen Troisdorf den BMW seines Nachbarn kurzerhand vergesellschaftet. Minimalist design has been highly influenced by Japanese traditional design and architecture. Kevin Kühnert, the head of the SPD youth movement, has kicked up a backlash in Germany for his socialist remarks. Ich begrüße es sehr, ... Redakteurinnen und Redakteure bis Heiligabend Tipps, wie Sie sich die stade Zeit in diesem Jahr verschönern können. When Johanna Uekermann did not run as a candidate again, in November 2017, the Juso federal congress in Saarbrücken elected Kühnert as chairman, with 225 of 297 votes. He was named after the footballer Kevin Keegan. Bundestag member Hilde Mattheis, who chairs an association of left-wing SPD members, did not understand what all the fuss was about and defended the Kühnert's statements about BMW. [1], In March 2018, Kühnert came out as gay in an interview with the magazine Siegessäule. After resigning from the office early because of his candidacy for the Bundestag, Jessica Rosenthal was elected to succeed him on January 8, 2021, with 207 of 266 votes. Since 2015, he acted as deputy Jusos Federal Chairman and was responsible for tax policy, pension policy, structural policy, right-wing extremism, and migration policy, as well as social media work. Kevin Kühnert, member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Ferdinand Lassalle , founder of the General German Workers' Association [58] Ken Livingstone , Mayor of London (2000–2008) [73] [11] In August 2020 he was described as "a rising star on the left" in Germany by The Guardian. "And that we want to achieve that with any kind of democratic means. If … Kühnert joined the SPD in 2005 and chaired the Jusos in Berlin from 2012 to 2015. Previously, he served as deputy chairman. (23.04.2019), German Justice Minister Katarina Barley, a German-British dual citizen, says the entire Brexit process has been painful. Privacy Policy |