On his. The Canadian fitness influencer has 1.3 million followers and is a member of the Canadian Olympic weightlifting team. If you need some motivation to get to the gym, look no further than Ulisses Williams, Jr. Für bessere Übersichtlichkeit zeigen wir euch die Fitness-Gurus mit den meisten Followern ausführlich, und stellen diesen die Top 5 Influencer bei Interaktionen und Engagement kurz gegenüber. #instamood7. He has been named the “Glute Guy.” His Instagram is filled with very valuable tips for people who want to work out their glutes. This nutrition, lifestyle, and fitness influencer based in New York is almost up to 13 million followers. Nick Cheadle is another Gymshark ambassador who has been able to make fitness his full-time job! Daher gilt Sami Slimani auch als Urgestein der Influencer Szene. Through his journey, David has not only built incredible muscles and confidence, but he has also built an impressive following on Instagram. Es wird allgemein gesagt, dass ein Bild mehr als 1000 Worte sagt. 1 – nick__bateman Mathew Fraser is a CrossFit Superstar!! He is even a Gymshark ambassador! Viele Instagram-Stars sind sich ihrer Verantwortung gegenüber ihren Followern durchaus bewusst und melden sich hin und wieder auch mit sehr nachdenklichen Posts zu Wort. Are you an Influencer? Toni Mahfud ist mit seinen 25 Jahren bereits millionenschwer – sowohl an Followern als auch in Cash. Erst die Lachmuskeln, jetzt das Sixpack. A quick scroll through Hart’s Instagram feed gives followers a glimpse into his personal life and his workout routines. On his website, Contreras shares countless articles that followers can explore in terms of their health and wellness. Interview: 10 Fragen an Influencerin Palina Kozyrava. Shaun T does not just focus on fitness, his programs range from fitness to mental to relationships. Looking forward to warmer days, less layering & different colors. Her … . MODA MASCULI Platz 1: Magic Fox – "Arms & Abs Workout" "Magic Fox" alias Daniel Fuchs ist mit zwei Millionen Instagram-Followern der beliebteste männliche Fitness-Influencer in Deutschland. Daniel Fuchs - 1,9 Mio. gives fans a closer look at his fun-loving personality. Mit 896.348 Abonnenten und insgesamt über 100 Millionen Videoaufrufen gehört die 23-Jährige zu den bekanntesten Youtuberinnen des Landes. Nikita on Instagram: “Fools gold” - klara . Für diverse Marken reist der Influencer durch die ganze Welt und shootet täglich bis zu 4 Stunden. His Instagram profile is full of workouts along with pictures and videos showcasing Ryan’s insane muscles. His website is full of workouts subscribers can access. Melissa Alcantara. Ron “Boss” Everline is a trainer to the stars and even the royal family! Männliche Fashion – Influencer auf Instagram – Top 3 Welt nach Follower bzw. With 2 million followers, Joey can prove to anyone that his life-changing process seriously works. Influcencer-Business ist fest in Frauenhand, https://www.youtube.com/user/HerrTutorial/, https://www.instagram.com/kosta_williams/, https://www.instagram.com/justusf_hansen/, https://www.instagram.com/riccardosimonetti/, https://www.instagram.com/philipp_stehler/, https://www.instagram.com/johannes_haller/, https://www.instagram.com/andrehellmundt/. He uses his expertise to help others reach their fitness goals. For even more content, his YouTube channel is full of workouts and other fun fitness videos. His Instagram is more on the fun side, showing his personal life and sense of humor while still incorporating CrossFit. Shaun T does not just focus on fitness, his programs range from fitness to mental to relationships. For a closer look at his workouts and daily life, you can check out his, The former head physical therapist and assistant strength coach for the New York Mets has been able to use his fitness expertise to help people get into shape worldwide. He created Real World Tactical which focuses on his experience to provide firearms training. The bodybuilder and fitness model is truly #goals. He mentions his son as one of his biggest motivations to continue to stay fit and push himself at the gym. For many brands, social networks are therefore a space that they can and should use just like other marketing channels. One of the most iconic fitness apparel brands is Gymshark. His Instagram and YouTube channel have tons of tips and videos for aspiring bodybuilders. , Ulisses provides fans the opportunity to purchase merchandise like customized workout plans, supplements, and clothing. Fitness Influencer #1: August Robinson. Er ist weniger für Fashion oder Beauty ein begehrter Influencer. –––––––––– #Sunday •Anzeige, A post shared by Daniel (@magic_fox) on Mar 17, 2019 at 7:53am PDT. He also posts videos of his awesome and unique workouts (that look incredibly difficult). Follower* Mirjam Hornetz - 1,2 Mio. With a Ph.D. in Sports Science, Bret Contreras really knows what he’s doing! The Australian bodybuilder and powerlifter has used social media as a platform to share his workouts with others. #photooftheday3. 293.2k Followers, 1,110 Following, 8,299 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Riccardo Simonetti (@riccardosimonetti) In male humans, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. For cuteness OVERLOAD check out his adorable son on his Instagram! Alles, was sie tun müssen, ist sicherzustellen, dass die Leute ihre Instagram-Bilder tatsächlich sehen. He also won their worldwide Open three years in a row! While Kevin Hart might not be the first person who comes to mind when you think of fitness, there’s no doubt the comedian absolutely kills it in the gym. Trendreport 2021. Der mit Abstand größte männliche Fitness Influencer in Deutschland ist "Magic Fox" mit zwei Millionen Instagram-Followern. Sundays are made to keep it classy or for the couch ____________________________ #kostawilliams •ANZEIGE, A post shared by Kosta Williams (@kosta_williams) on Mar 17, 2019 at 10:00am PDT, Er ist der Sneaker-King auf Instagram. Tobias und Maren Wolf sind DAS Influencer Pärchen schlechthin. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. Il éclaire les considérables transformations que connaît la construction des corps aux différentes périodes ainsi que le rôle de la médecine dans la détection des corps genrés depuis le xviiie siècle. Auf der Suche nach Fitness Influencern in Deutschland? Wir alle gehen durchs Leben und hoffen auf keine Probleme zu stoßen, aber ab und zu sind Probleme auch tolle Erinnerungen daran, wie wir uns unser Leben wünschen. Insgesamt fast 14 Millionen Mal wurden seine Videos bisher auf Youtube angeschaut. Chrissy King. Wenn Du diese Seite nutzt, erklärst Du Dich mit der Verwendung von Cookies einverstanden. Blogger und Influencer Marcel kommt aus der Nähe von Frankfurt und ist augenscheinlich ein Fan von Sonnenbrillen und der Farbe Schwarz. The thing that sets Smith apart, aside from his killer quads, is the fact that he is a natural bodybuilder meaning he doesn’t use substances to improve the look of his physique. He is very active on both Instagram and, This 21-year-old powerhouse has used fitness to become comfortable with himself and completely transform his body. Fans des gepflegten Preppy-Chics dürfte Justus Frederic Hansen ein Begriff sein. Martyn has created his own fitness empire. Katy Hearn (@katyhearnfit) Katy Hearn is a health and fitness expert, but also a devoted mother. Johannes Haller ist einem größeren Publikum durch die Teilnahme am RTL-Format „Die Bachelorette“ bekannt geworden. Mit Likeometer findest Du übrigens nicht nur Influencer, sondern auch die besten Profile von Promis, Marken, Politikern und vielen anderen Kategorien. Influencer: Die besten Fitness-Kanäle auf Instagram und YouTube 36 Um fit, stark und schlank zu werden, musst du nicht zwingend kostspielige Mitgliedschaften im Gym oder für Online-Plattformen abschließen: Das Netz ist voll mit Bloggern, die gratis Motivationstipps, Workout-Videos und Fitnessideen bieten. Wir setzten Cookies ein, um Dein Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern und Dir relevante Anzeigen zu präsentieren. Weitere Ideen zu Jungs, Schöne hintern, Hübsche männer. Ella #1 food campaign / commercial (virtual model) with Take3: Next Level ; Zoe #1 Runway Show (virtual model) for CHAIN @MFW; Gloria for Also, his dog’s name is Hulk and I just think that’s amazing. Chrissy King is a fitness coach, writer, and creator of the Body Liberation Project. He truly embodies a well-rounded approach to health. This Gymshark ambassador and mega-stud has captured the attention of millions with his toned muscles and killer workouts. For a closer look at his workouts and daily life, you can check out his YouTube channel, Hafþór Björnsson. Follower; Nicolas Lazaridis - 1,6 Mio. Wir haben die 10 besten Plattformen! At the age of 19, Seid’s career skyrocketed when he became the youngest IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) pro bodybuilder. After immigrating to America in 2012, she has become the latin queen of the fitness scene and her svelte figure has graced over 30 magazine covers, from Sports & Fitness to Her Muscle & Fitness … Following an exercise is easier when it is pictorially represented and Instagram is the right place to look for it.. Keeping this in mind, we have put together the top ten Instagram fitness Influencers that you should follow. Here are some that didn’t make the cut: Top Male Fitness Gymshark Ambassadors on Instagram, Top 25 Male Fitness Influencers on Instagram, Top 25 Men’s Fashion Influencers on Instagram. Guess what? Vintage Mode Herren Bild Mann Modestil Für Männer Männliche Mode Lässige Herrenmode Fotografie Ideen. It would be impossible to have a male fitness top 20 without including (The newlywed!!) The Muscle and Bone Metabolism department examines the adaptation of the human body to changing environmental conditions, such as microgravity, atmosph Welche Fashion-Profile sind in den letzten 30 Tagen besonders stark gewachsen? , where he offers products like online coaching and Ebooks. For a good laugh head over to LOL Network’s YouTube series Kevin Hart: What the Fit. He has found a way to seamlessly combine humor and hard work to become one of the most well know IFBB athletes. Because of his massive success, O’Hearn has gained immense popularity in the bodybuilding community and on social media. Life is about being YOU. Thor’s Instagram boasts pictures and videos of his workouts and competitions along with other content that showcases his sense of humor. His. Was als Hobby begann, führte binnen kürzester Zeit zu Tausenden von Followern. His success has helped him develop a platform to encourage others on their fitness journey. We have curated an updated top male fitness Influencer list full of insane muscles and awesome athletes who make it easy to ditch the couch for a bench press! With his help viewers and followers can truly get into tip-top shape. Influencer ist nicht gleich Influencer: In unserer umfassenden Kartei führen wir weibliche und männliche Influencer unterschiedlicher Reichweite,Herkunft und Altersklassen, die sich auf Instagram, YouTube und Co. verschiedensten Themen widmen und sich dort in … Bei seinem erfolgreichsten Trainingsvideo Arms & Abs-Workout auf YouTube mit aktuell mehr als 77.000 Klicks werden zahlreiche Armübungen mit Gewichten gezeigt. . Influencer: Die besten Fitness-Kanäle auf Instagram und YouTube 36 Um fit, stark und schlank zu werden, musst du nicht zwingend kostspielige Mitgliedschaften im Gym oder für Online-Plattformen abschließen: Das Netz ist voll mit Bloggern, die gratis Motivationstipps, Workout-Videos und … Wie Lisha und Lou ihre Kasse klingeln lassen. Wie ein Knoten, der endlich platzt und uns vor Augen führt, was uns davon abgehalten hat ans Ziel zu kommen. Contreras shares countless articles that followers can explore in terms of their health and wellness. Blessing #boogieman Awobidu is the comedian of the bodybuilding world. Der gebürtige Hamburger und gelernte Kommunikationsdesigner wurde ursprünglich mit seinen Bleistiftzeichnungen von Stars wie Cara Delvigne und Rhianna berühmt. Over his impressive career, Ulisses has earned the titles two-time MuscleMania SuperBody Pro Champion, two-time MuscleMania World Pro Champion, and multiple other trophies. His. Den Start auf Platz 10 macht der Schweizer Patrick Reiser, der seinen Channel zwar erst am 21.01.2014 erstellt hat (und damit der „jüngste“ Youtuber im Ranking ist), aber trotzdem schon auf stolze 244.000Fans und Abos kommt. Aber problematisch dabei ist, dass die globale Eierindustrie jedes Jahr 6,000,000,000 neugeborene männliche Küken zermahlt. To include exercise in your daily routine can be a challenge. His YouTube channel showcases his bodybuilding in addition to his more artistic side. These men are YOLKED. Want more of the top male fitness influencers on Instagram? Sami Slimani liegt vor allem bei Jugendlichen zwischen 13 und 18 Jahren total im Trend: Der Großteil seiner Follower geht nämlich noch zur Schule. Five ways to wear your @OlympMen dress shirts more causally today on the blog — check it out with links to shop #OlympMen #1dapperst, A post shared by One Dapper Street (@marcelfloruss) on Mar 16, 2019 at 8:57am PDT. Find the best fitness influencers in Los Angeles in 2021. Die Top 3 der Welt ist sowohl bei Followern als auch bei Interaktions-Rate gleich verteilt. Tomorrow it’s already time to go all the way down south again. He is a natural bodybuilder who proves that you don’t need substances to be a fitness star. Das gefällt auch seiner Frau, dem Model Antonia Lena, die (Überraschung!) Ferki Krasniqi est sur Facebook. To keep up with Shaun T you can go to his Instagram to see awesome motivational posts along with posts of his ADORABLE family. The Rock does not disappoint when it comes to content. At the same time, if you think about the influence that you have on your children, I’m thinking, “My son and my daughter, they’re watching me. Welche Profile aus dem Fitness-Bereich haben das beste Engagement bei den Followern? Die Beiträge behandeln Themen wie neue männliche Modetrends, wie man sich für besondere Anlässe kleidet und sogar aktuelle Frisuren. Kostenlos Instagram Influencer finden aus dem Fitness-Bereich mit Likeometer. An der Spitze der führenden männlichen Influencer darf er mit 3,4 Millonen Abonnenten bei Instagram, 150.000 bei YouTube und über 1 Million bei Facebook nicht fehlen. Geht gar nicht: Pailletten, Crop Tops, Samt. He gained fame after winning FOUR back-to-back CrossFit Games. His life-changing programs have impacted tons of people. The thing that sets Smith apart, aside from his killer quads, is the fact that he is a natural bodybuilder meaning he doesn’t use substances to improve the look of his physique. On his, he offers personal training to make dreams become reality! user-generated content campaigns. He really focuses on individual problems we all have faced in the gym. CCC | LASOCKI “Winter Stories” – Milva: New TV commercial for XMas! Hier sind 5 Fitness Influencer, denen ihr unbedingt auf Instagram folgen solltet. Sophia Thiel hat – bei ihrem Spitznamen „Fitness-Queen" wenig überraschend – in diesem Ranking das Krönchen auf. Known as “The Quad Guy” (I mean look at them), Julian Smith has propelled to success in the bodybuilding world. Sieh dir an, was P'hanas De L'antagoniste (delantagoniste) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Rich Froning is another CrossFit powerhouse! Discover (and save!) #bestoftheday5. Get started today to find out how! But don’t let his comedy fool you, this two-time Arnold Champion Bodybuilder is no joke. At 24 years old, Jeff Seid has amassed over 1 million YouTube subscribers and 3.8 million Instagram followers. He also has a. offers multiple products like coaching programs, Titan memberships, and merch! One thing that stood out to me was the Daily Pump which showcases Smith’s exact workout from the previous day. Doch: «Influencer selbst nutzen es auch. Check out his Instagram to see the countless workouts he shares with followers and some funny videos where he makes fun of himself. Mariano wirbt für diese Beiträge, zusammen mit Modeprodukten, auf seinen Instagram und anderen Social Media Accounts. Heute zählt Daniel zu den erfolgreichsten Male Influencern Deutschlands. After his time with the Mets, Cavaliere went on to start his fitness brand Athlean-X. Looking through his Instagram, followers get a peek inside of Smith’s killer workouts that he does to achieve his impressive muscles. Today, Ryan has his own website, where he offers products like online coaching and Ebooks. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. This Spanish bodybuilding star and male fitness model has not only captured titles over the years, including the Men’s Physique NPC Southern State and Mr. Olympia Muscle and Fitness Cover Model Search Champion, but he has also captured the attention of workout fanatics all over Instagram and YouTube. ebenfalls in der Fitnessbranche tätig ist. Joey Swoll is who comes to mind when I think of a bodybuilder! Natalie credits hitting rock bottom with her health and fitness … Heute lebt er auf Ibiza und unterstützt ausgewählte Unternehmen als Markenbotschafter. Wen wundert es da, dass die oft noch sehr jungen Instagram-Stars häufig am Rande des Burnouts balancieren? One thing that stood out to me was the Daily Pump which showcases Smith’s exact workout from the previous day. Hamann ist Gründer des Berliner Modelabels Haze&Glory. Magic Fox aka Daniel Fuchs ist als international bekannter Influencer für Fashion, Fitness und Lifestyle genau der Richtige als Host für den GQ - NICE AM STIL Podcast der Sparte BODY&CARE. Enjoy your ☀️day #ibiza, A post shared by Johannes KS Haller (@johannes_haller) on Sep 20, 2020 at 8:48am PDT. The clothing is not only comfortable but it is functional and affordable. 18K followers. The diversity of his workouts sets him apart. You can see on his Instagram that Vazquez combines many different areas of fitness into his workouts like bodybuilding, obstacle courses, and breakdancing! The former football player transformed into an incredible entrepreneur. He mentions his son as one of his biggest motivations to continue to stay fit and push himself at the gym. Der mit Abstand größte männliche Fitness Influencer in Deutschland ist „Magic Fox“ mit zwei Millionen Instagram-Followern. Doc. Veronica❤Kiriak Model. We use cookies to help improve our website. Looking through his Instagram, followers get a peek inside of Smith’s killer workouts that he does to achieve his impressive muscles. Daniel Fuchs ist eigentlich studierter Maschinenbauer und betreibt seinen Instagram-Kanal seit 2014. Unapologetically. His Instagram profile is full of workouts that his followers can use to grow their muscles. His success has helped him develop a platform to encourage others on their fitness journey. Männer Outfit. What to Watch: Black History Month Specials, Movies and Documentaries. Eigentlich bildet Andre Hamann in der Influencer Szene eine Art Ausnahme: Er kam nämlich nicht über Instagram zum Modeln, sondern umgekehrt: Zuerst arbeitete Hamann als Model für H&M und andere Marken, ehe er mit seinem Instagram-Kanal Millionen an Followern generierte. With his help viewers and followers can truly get into tip-top shape. His Instagram is full of CrossFit videos and peeks into his personal life. I’m sure you’ll be just as shocked as I was to hear that when he started working out he was 90 pounds! Identify the most popular Instagram accounts on Heepsy, the biggest influencer search tool. Arms Up High | A spot dedicated to all men who proudly preserve the integrity of masculine sexy armpits and avoid shaving there. _ #mindset #motivation #lifeadvice, A post shared by Sami Slimani سامي ☾ Dubai (@samislimani) on Feb 17, 2019 at 11:49am PST. Alte Klamotten verkaufen? Definitely check them out guys! Want to sponsor one of these top male fitness influencers? His, Bradley Martyn uses his bodybuilding fame to inspire nearly 3 million fellow workout fanatics. Dezember 2016 / Autor: Geli Beierlein /NEWS. Bayern, Germany. Hommage an die Farbe. His, If you need some motivation to get to the gym, look no further than Ulisses Williams, Jr. This top 25 features super celebrities, models, CrossFit stars, and some of the most impressive bodybuilders you have ever seen! Male Influencer wie Toni Mahfud und Daniel Fox können sich nicht nur über Millionen von Followern freuen, sondern auch über richtig dicke Werbeverträge. Meet me up! I’ve never seen anything like it! Doch sei es Sport, Fitness oder andere „männliche“ Sparten, Männer glänzen nicht nur damit. His profile flaunts his amazing muscles and dedication to fitness. He is even a Gymshark ambassador! His coaching and bodybuilding success has lifted him to the top of social media fame. His. Fashion-Retrospektive der 30er Jahre. Wir setzten Cookies ein, um Dein Nutzererlebnis zu verbessern und Dir relevante Anzeigen zu präsentieren. Marcel Floruss wirkt wie der sympathische Nerd von nebenan, doch er ist unter den Top 10 der erfolreichsten männlichen Influencer Deutschlands. Ryan Terry is a renowned bodybuilding competitor and fitness model, along with being a Gymshark and Ultimate Sport Nutrition ambassador. #igers10. This male fitness influencer has used his platform to create a brand for himself that includes the “Zoo Culture” gym, personal training, BMFIT, supplements, and a podcast! #instagramers11. I just can’t wait to explore even more of the Island in the upcoming week _______________ #travel #bali #adventure, A post shared by Travel • Lifestyle • Fashion (@jonnyfoe) on Mar 10, 2019 at 6:28am PDT. He created Real World Tactical which focuses on his experience to provide firearms training. Whether you’re looking to get in shape or just looking to see what these guys are all about you will NOT be disappointed. Casual Sunday office selfie ♂️ Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend Have a good one! Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Kosta Williams und Daniel Fox legt Rasa täglich mehrere Fashion-Bilder vor, die klassische und zeitlose Männermode hochleben lassen. Außerdem: Color Blocking und punkige Stilbrüche. Bradley Martyn uses his bodybuilding fame to inspire nearly 3 million fellow workout fanatics. Through his journey, David has not only built incredible muscles and confidence, but he has also built an impressive following on Instagram. is full of videos that elaborate more on his fitness and firearms experience. . Der Weltm… While Kevin Hart might not be the first person who comes to mind when you think of fitness, there’s no doubt the comedian absolutely kills it in the gym. Der Jurastudent und Fashion Influencer kooperiert mit Labels wie Canada Goose, Eton und Grey Goose – Klassiker der Männermode also, wie es sich für einen angehenden Juristen geziemt. Froning owns his own CrossFit gym, CrossFit Mayhem. Kosmopolitisch, interkulturell, bunt. This male fitness influencer has used his platform to create a brand for himself that includes the “Zoo Culture” gym, personal training, BMFIT, supplements, and a podcast! We show how influencers work as quality measurers and give a look behind the scenes: influencer agency. Because of his massive success, O’Hearn has gained immense popularity in the bodybuilding community and on social media. She might be best known for being Kim Kardashian’s personal trainer. Not only is his physique proof of his fitness expertise, but his clients are also proof too! From time to time, her videos include partner exercises and her daughter too. Auch die Themen ähneln sich: Genau wie bei den Mädels dreht sich im Male Influencer Universum alles um die Themen Mode, Sport, Ernährung und Reisen – vom Sneaker-Hype-Beast über den Fitnessguru bis hin zum weitgereisten Globetrotter ist auch hier alles dabei. This four-time Mr. Universe is known to have one of the best bodybuilding physiques… EVER! Kosta Williams ist DAS Idol der deutschen Sneakerszene und besitzt eine Schuhsammlung, auf die selbst Carrie Bradshaw neidisch wäre. Mein Neues Video ist Online & ich rede mit euch über Motivation, Disziplin und Mindset – solltet ihr nicht verpassen. Michael Vazquez transformed his life when he realized it was taking an unhealthy turn. Shaun T has used his platform to share fitness knowledge and motivate others to reach their fitness goals and transform their lives. Also, his dog’s name is Hulk and I just think that’s amazing. His evolution is truly inspiring and proves that we can all turn our lives around. Inscrivez-vous sur Facebook pour communiquer avec Ferki Krasniqi et d’autres personnes que vous pouvez connaître. 030 / 208 498 982; kontakt@reachhero.de; Grundlagen; News; Top Influencer; Kanäle; Influencer Relation; Influencer Recruiting; Home; Top Influencer Die sportlichsten Influencer in Deutschland: Die Top 5 der Fitness – Influencer auf Instagram und YouTube TT Ads. Toni Mahfud. His website showcases the products and programs he provides to bring out your inner athlete. Since he was 15, Matt Ogus has loved weightlifting. focuses on workouts, fitness tips, and nutrition. On his website, he offers personal training to make dreams become reality! 15.08.2020 - Erkunde Laura Steiners Pinnwand „Guys“ auf Pinterest. Follower; Sophia Thiel - 1,2 Mio. His Instagram feed showcases workouts, a look into his personal like, and incredible transformations. You can see the apparel on almost any fitness influencer or gym addict. Betreibt eine kreative Wortschmiede. your business, and we’ll be in touch shortly. He has dedicated his life to training and living a healthy lifestyle. Anzeige|Advertisement Sunday dreaming of beach & summer – but just one week left till we’re back to this // Wearing a new @olympmen sweater from the spring collection! . Vor allem ihre Vorliebe für Sport und Fitness brachte ihr eine Kooperation mit Puma ein. You can also check out his, This Spanish bodybuilding star and male fitness model has not only captured titles over the years, including the Men’s Physique NPC Southern State and Mr. Olympia Muscle and Fitness Cover Model Search Champion, but he has also captured the attention of workout fanatics all over Instagram and YouTube. He uses his expertise to help others reach their fitness goals. Add these social media handles to your gym bag, and benefit from endless fitness and lifestyle inspo. Since then he has become one of the top male fitness influencers and male fitness models on Instagram! Sentmanant is very transparent with his followers and uses his platform to inspire others. Today, he has used weightlifting to become a social media star and a male fitness model. Herren Mode Outfit Ideen. His profile flaunts his amazing muscles and dedication to fitness. 301 Top Gyms Influencers - Gyms Influencer … Die Top 5 deutschen Instagram Influencer: FITNESS. Based out of New York, Jennifer Selter is a fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle influencer … Welche Fashion-Profile sind in den letzten 30 Tagen besonders stark gewachsen? Gymshark has a handful of ambassadors who are in their best shape and represent the brand to their millions of followers. Thor’s Instagram boasts pictures and videos of his workouts and competitions along with other content that showcases his sense of humor. Mike O’Hearn, otherwise known as the Titan, is the real deal. Zeit also, sich einmal die deutschen Top 5 jeder Kategorie genauer anzuschauen. Männliche Fashion – Influencer auf Instagram – Bestenlisten (10805) pascal; Mai 7, 2019; Stay Connected. your own Pins on Pinterest This 21-year-old powerhouse has used fitness to become comfortable with himself and completely transform his body. He also has a blog where he shares posts on a plethora of topics. Was wäre eine Liste über männliche Influencer, ohne einen Fitnessjunkie. Birthday boy ⚡️ • Love you x #birthday #december #24 #sagittarius, A post shared by TONI MAHFUD† (@tonimahfud) on Dec 2, 2018 at 1:55pm PST. Ein echter Profi also, was man auch an seinen Bildern gut erkennen kann. The college football player turned bodybuilder and fitness model has turned his passion for fitness into a full-time job. Simeon Panda is a world-renowned fitness entrepreneur and bodybuilder. His Instagram is filled with pictures of his muscles, personal life, and some seriously funny posts. Bei seinem erfolgreichsten Trainingsvideo Arms & Abs-Workout auf YouTube mit aktuell mehr als 77.000 Klicks werden zahlreiche Armübungen mit Gewichten gezeigt. He has been named the “Glute Guy.” His Instagram is filled with very valuable tips for people who want to work out their glutes. Pantone Trends Sommer 2019. Statt uns über das Problem aufzuregen, sollten wir versuchen dankbar dafür zu sein – nicht für den Umstand, der dadurch entsteht, aber für die Erkenntnis zu sehen was uns die ganze Zeit die Sicht auf unser Ziel versperrt hat , A post shared by Riccardo Simonetti (@riccardosimonetti) on Mar 17, 2019 at 2:51am PDT. I really wanna go back to Tahiti time to plan our summer holidays @justin_pezzoni #readyforsummer #holiday #tahiti #summer, A post shared by André Hamann (@andrehamann) on Mar 7, 2019 at 12:59pm PST. He also won their worldwide Open three years in a row! Fashion, Reisen und schicke Autos – André Hellmundt hat gleich drei seiner Leidenschaften zum Beruf gemacht.