Was sind Point & Click Spiele? This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. Discworld is a point-and-click adventure game, developed by Teeny Weeny Games and Perfect 10 Productions, and based upon Terry Pratchett's novels of the same name.Players assume the role of Rincewind the "wizzard", voiced by Eric Idle, as he becomes involved in exploring the Discworld for themeans to prevent a dragon terrorising the city of Ankh-Morpork. 4.471 Downloads 03.02.2021. Style. Point & Click Games. Machinarium, The Wolf Among Us, and The Walking Dead are probably your best bets out of the 32 options considered. Es erschien im August 2019 auf den digitalen Distributionsplattformen Steam und GOG . vor 2 Wochen • 1 Kommentar Mood and atmosphere of the game are inspired by TV series like »Twin Peaks« and »The X-Files«, also permeated with a subtle humor. Embark on epic quests with our huge selection of free online point-and-click games. Play point and click games at Y8.com. Das Spiel enthält englische Sprachausgabe und deutsche Untertitel und ist für die ersten sieben Tage auf 14,27 Euro reduziert. Like many point and click games of the era, it utilizes a verb based action system and dialogue trees to navigate and interact with the world. Das Spiel enthält englische Sprachausgabe und deutsche Untertitel und ist für die ersten sieben Tage auf 14,27 Euro reduziert. Our main goal is to present a unique experience at every stage of the game, still based on simple core gameplay mechanics. Die 10 besten Point & Click-Adventures für PS4 und Xbox One. "The gameplay is perfectly interwoven with the overall aesthetic and atmosphere of the game" is the primary reason people pick Machinarium over the competition. Discworld Noir. Erleben Sie gratis eines der großen LucasArts-Adventures noch einmal. Diese Kategorie kann je nach Regelung des Fachbereichs eingeordnet werden in Objektkategorien und in Themenkategorien („gehört zu …“). Instead, they rely on clicking different things and picking up/combining items from the environment to solve puzzles and move the story along. Download and play free Point & Click Games. I grew up playing games like Pajama Sam and I was thinking about getting a point and click to try out again. Im Frühjahr 2016 erschien eine auf Hochglanz polierte, erweiterte Fassung des Klassikers. Welcome to the 8th Continent, the space station to play the best free games online on the planet. Play online for free at Kongregate, including Fleeing the Complex, Escape Game - Computer Office Escape, and Medieval Chronicles 8 … Hey guys, what are some good point and click adventures on Steam? Whether your a seasoned adventure gamer who's been playing for decades or are new to the Point and Click genre, we would love for you to join this group!! Mine Blocks, Block Story, Machinarium und Gretel & Hansel nur bei Spiele-Umsonst.de Find new adventures by playing these intriguing point and click games. Star Trek™: 25th Anniversary is a point-and-click adventure with multiple solutions and moral choices, combined with a first person starship simulator. Tales of Monkey Island. Mit Empfehlungen und Wertungen der GameStar-Redaktion. This is meant to be a positive & inclusive space where enthusiastic individuals help to collect, curate, and discuss the best Point & Click titles available on Steam. Horror, comical/funny, mystery --- any genre, really. Die Steuerung gleicht einem Point-and-Click-Adventure. An upcoming indie point and click adventure game based on an original story, with mystery and detective elements. Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure ist ein Point-and-Click-Adventure, das vom rumänischen Entwickler Stuck In Attic für Windows, MacOS, Linux und Nintendo Switch entwickelt und veröffentlicht wurde. 7 talking about this. Steam Workshop: Greenlight. Unsere kostenlosen online Point-und-Klick-Spiele lassen dich extrem clever fühlen, während du dir deinen … Challenge your eyes by playing the best Point & Click Games around! However, knowing most of these games have incredibly cryptic puzzles, I began to wonder what games would be a good place to start? List of Adventure games to be Greenlit by the Community. The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief is a pleasant point and click adventure game. Best Point and Click Adventures on Steam? Wir stellen euch zehn dieser Grafik-Abenteuer für PS4 und Xbox One vor, die man auf jeden Fall gespielt haben sollte. The third Discworld game finally … Released: 1999 | Developer: Perfect Entertainment. Point-and-click games follow an RPG or adventure style that doesn't usually involve active combat. You'll love our collection of games. Quite often it is mistaken to be some kind of adventure game or escape game due to all the quests you have to finish. Dies ist eine Objektkategorie für Artikel, die folgendes Kriterium erfüllen: „ ist ein/e Point-and-Click-Adventure “. von Patricia Geiger am 02.06.2016, 9:41 Uhr Big Adventure Event auf Steam mit Neuankündigungen, Demos und Angeboten . Gameplaywise, »Trüberbrook« is a somewhat classic point-and-click adventure game with a modern approach. Search for clues and find your way through each challenge. Will be adding games that have the 'point and click' adventure element to this list (ab Looking for kid-friendly point-and-click adventure for PC My 9-year-old half-sister has expressed an interest in some of the PC games I've played, and I suggested us playing a game together. Point & Click adventures, hearken back to a simpler time in gaming. Spiele 250+ Adventurspiele Online Kostenlos. Adventure is a mouse-click away! Deutsch. Steam feiert dieser Tage das klassische Point- & Click-Adventure - Also unser Lieblingsgenre. Die with Glory empowers you to choose your own adventure to accomplish the ultimate goal of ensuring Sigurd dies an honorable death. Point And Click Games is often a combination of puzzle games and with the elements from hidden object games. Adventure-Spiele für PC im Test: Alle Reviews im Überblick Aktuelle PC-Adventurespiele in der Test-Übersicht. Use your mouse or finger to click your way to victory in this selection of animated adventures. “Thanks to its witty writing and engaging puzzles, Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure stands out as one of the best point and click games of recent years.” 8 – Gamespew “I haven’t shouted, cheered, or laughed this much at a point and click adventure in a very, very long time.” 9.2 – Powerup Gaming As Captain Kirk, you'll control phasers, photon torpedoes, shields, and communications during eight separate space and ground missions. Der australische Entwickler Bad Goat Studios hat heute sein Point-and-Click-Adventure Henry Mosse and the Wormhole Conspiracy für Windows und Mac auf Steam veröffentlicht. The games I usually play on my PC are a bit too gruesome for someone her age though. We have over 3335 of the best Point And Click games for you! A Beginner's Point & Click Game Recently I have decided I wanted to try out an interesting genre known as point-and-click adventure games. Doch das hat sich längst geändert. The Silver Lining (Kings Quest IX) Point-und-Klick-Spiele sind Abenteuer- und Puzzlespiele, die traditionellerweise mit der Maus gespielt werden. Discover the paths to safety in the Don't Escape series, or delve into the more disturbing with the Deep Sleep franchise. In other words, players don't run through levels and fight enemies. Das gilt auch für sämtliche Artikel in Unterkategorien. Just finished it last week. Day of the Tentacle "Day of the Tentacle" ist zurück. Der australische Entwickler Bad Goat Studios hat heute sein Point-and-Click-Adventure Henry Mosse and the Wormhole Conspiracy für Windows und Mac auf Steam veröffentlicht. Adventure awaits! Gratis Point & Click, Horror und Detektiv Abenteuer. Mit dabei sind neue Demos, Angebote und einige Neuankündigungen, die wir Euch hier vorstellen. 4.093 Downloads 08.07.2009. Das Point-and-Click-Adventure Day of the Tentacle – es erschien 1993 – ist bis heute ein Aushängeschild des Genres, seine vertrackten Rätsel und witzigen Dialoge haben Millionen Spieler begeistert. Lange waren Point & Click-Adventures nur auf dem PC zuhause.