Unicron then sensed the presence of the Matrix of Leadership inside Optimus Prime and decided to kill off Prime himself instead of waiting for Megatron to do so, since he felt that Megatron would have destroyed Optimus when he had the chance. Unicron would later make a return of sorts in Robots in Disguise, where it was revealed that a remnant of his Anti-Spark remained at the Earth's core, from where it was briefly summoned and nearly merged with the AllSpark by Megatronus, one of the original Thirteen Primes, before he was stopped by Optimus Prime. Unicron seized the AllSpark's vessel, which was a trap set by Optimus Prime. : The Beginning and more, [TV Show Review] Superman & Lois — fresh and promising, with all the elements that make up Superman. Darkar similarly sent his servants to attack Domino so he can obtain the essence of the Great Dragon. In 2004, Unicron was said to be a "Multiversal singularity", meaning that in all universes, Unicron was the same dimension hopping entity, despite their different origins. Unicron heard this and woke up. 0. Unicron is the literal incarnation of Chaos. As stated by himself, Unicron lives to destroy his brother Primus, who embodies order. this is my take on Unicron . Back at Autobot base, Optimus was at an area covered in epicenter. When Unicron knocked Prime back, Bumblebee used the Polarity Gauntlet to hold him back. He gave life to the undead Predacons and rode one to the Well. As the source of all Dark Energon in the universe he has a link to any sample. Unicron to Starscream, Shockwave, Skylynx and Darksteel. Although the majority of Unicron's anti-spark had been safely imprisoned in the Allspark container, an inert remnant of the anti-spark still existed with Unicron's body at the Earth's core. WHOIS est basé sur TCP protocole requête/réponse qui est utilisée pour exécuter des requêtes sur une base de données qui permet de déterminer le propriétaire d'un nom de domaine ou une adresse IP dans l'Internet. With a height of 71 cm and a girth of 83 cm, Unicron is the biggest transforming Transformer ever to hit the homes of collectors — and he’s got all the bells and whistles that you’d expect. In the past he was only defeated by the combined power of the Thirteen, the first transformers … As a mass produced Transformers figure, Unicron has certain exposed areas where his screws are visible. In prime, he looks nearly identicle to his Original form in the marvel comics, minis his massive collar horns which make their first actual appearance rather than just box art like other incarnations of the character. He transforms into an evil planet (can you think of anything larger?) Eventually when the Great War came about Megatron used this very substance to poison Cybertron's core which lead to the planet's shutdown and the Great Exodus. Later, Megatron flew to the volcano where he met Unicron through the volcano's gas. When the time of the planetary alignment was coming, Megatron saw an image of Unicron's fate which guided Megatron to an Earth volcano where he battled Optimus Prime until the volcano was erupting Dark Energon. "Yet you cannot join the AllSpark because my, "The foolish Prime only rendered my material form dormant. Galvatron chased the … In planet mode, he eclipses any other Transformer in size, evoking the wonder and majesty that you’d expect an evil transforming planet to. He transforms into an evil planet (can you think of anything larger?) Unicron punished Megatron and easily dispatched Preaking while looking into his mind and finding the resting sight of many hundreds of deceased Predacon bones. Unicron is a bitter and cruel spirit, who never understood the true meaning of good. [Movie Review] Fate/Grand Order the Movie – Camelot, Part 1 gets better in the second half, [TV Show Review] (Spoiler-Free) WandaVision’s finale ushers in a new era while remembering its roots, [Movie Review] Raya and The Last Dragon is like that awkward but sincere auntie that means well, [Movie Review] Stand By Me: Doraemon 2 strikes a chord with the vulnerable child inside all of us. The Star Saber, in conjunction with the Terminus Blade, was later used to strengthen the barriers between all universes to further separate them, which nullified the concept of multiversal singularities. Megatron led his Decepticons to Earth in the year 2010. Your master is under my control. Enemies The dead shall consume the living. Unicron clearly dwarfs a Singapore 10-cent coin — but he’s gigantic enough that he can easily hold one in his hand. "Now let us learn more of these mighty legions of which you spoke. And there’s the undeniable sense of nostalgia at seeing a villain from one’s childhood finally being realised in a form that’s suitably epic for a Transformer that turns into a planet. Unicron to Autobots and Predacons. He used his godly powers to attack them. Transformers: The Last Knight Twitter page. "More flying pests!!!" By peering directly into your mind." Transformers vs. G.I. During the war on Earth Unicron was mentioned when Dark Energon was in play and was often referred to as the "Blood of Unicron." In his energy form, Unicron could possess any living or dead Cybertronian and use their body for his own use. Before the dawn of time, he is known as the bringer of chaos, lord of the undead and one of the main sources of evil in the entire universe and the very source of Dark Energon itself. Ratchet, who was monitoring Earth signals, discovered that Unicron is responsible for Earth's creation, thus also creating Earth's biological life forms aka the human race. Unicron responded by torturing Galvatron's mind with a powerful telepathy. In Fallen, a further ten years later, the energon sun collapsed into a black hole, and Megatron was freed, having transformed Unicron's remains into a suit of armor that greatly magnified his already-impressive power. Both Darkar and Unicron have the ability to change their appearance and both have at least one robot-like form. https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Unicron?oldid=483823, Unicron can possess any Cybertronian if they made contact with his. His jaw can also open and close, and a tab allows you to move his eyes from side to side. A planet-mode diameter of 1,000 km (620 mi) has been suggested and robot-mode dimensions can follow from that estimate, provided that there is no change i… The two battled for the fate of the universe with neither gaining advantage. Similarly, Darkar is an ancient maleficent deity who originated from the void before the creation of the Magic Dimension and who absorbs and consumes all energy. This has been shown the three times he possessed Megatron, through the Dark Energon that binds them. Unicron possess Megatron, which foreshadow's events in. Transformers fiction often depicts characters to the same relative scale as the toys, which duplicates the intra-toyline problems described above. The original Transformers fictions often depict characters to the same relative scale as the toys, which duplicates the intra-toyline problems described above. It’s unlikely that younger collectors will be able to carry, let alone transform, a figure of such heft. Eventually he was caught in the third orbit of a sun and became the very core of planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy. Unicron would be dormant for billions of years until the planetary alignment that would reawaken him leading to a temporary team up between Autobot and Decepticon to defeat him, rendering his physical form dormant, seemingly trapping him within the Earth's core for good. Clearly our new improved state is not enough to accomplish the deed for which I have come, for that I shall require a greater instrument of destruction. He is also known to change his original opinions of individuals as he originally thought of Megatron was of no use to him and was a prideful insect, yet possessed him three times for his own goals and seemed to regard as important during all his plans and schemes. As he drifted and in slumber, space debris began gathering around him due to his gravity field. Robot height: 22' 11" Robot top speed: 31 mph Vehicle height: 8' 3" Vehicle top speed: 125 mph Vehicle power: 700 hp @ 2500 rpm. With these additional warriors Unicron was finally defeated and cast out in to deep space. Optimus singled handly engaged muiltple copies until Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Arcee arrived to help him get to safety. Eventually, Megatron came across The Fallen, who corrupted him and convinced him that the AllSpark should be his. Primus is the "benevolent" godlike entity in the fictional Transformers comic universe who fought against the Chaos-Bringer Unicron. Surprised by his appearance, Optimus recalled him and Unicron engaged Optimus with multiple copies of himself. "You dare to deceive me and have both of us destroyed!" Finally he ordered his legion to fly to the core of cyebrton in hopes of destroying Primus. A series of natural disasters soon followed as Unicron was emerging from slumber. He also revealed that Megatron was unable to join the AllSpark because Dark Energon runs through his veins. However, the Autobots' small size and speed allowed them to escape through a Ground Bridge back to base. Unicron begins to torture Megatron. I am the cruelty hidden in your heart. Unicron is, by far, the strongest antagonist in the series as he is the very god of chaos and arguably brought Earth closer to damnation than anyone else as the awakening of his own body within almost destroyed the planet. (DACE Reflections), [Adult Learning] Technology and less IT savvy learners (DACE Reflections), [Adult Learning] It’s good to be bored (DACE Reflections), [Education] What the Infinity Gauntlet in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ can teach us about good learning, [Education] Tips for the GEP Screening and Selection Tests from someone who has actually passed the test before. Good writing leads to success. However, due to Unicron being the core of Earth (and Primus being the core of Cybertron) in Transformers: Prime, the latter seems more likely to be the case. "The past shall consume the future. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! [Movie Review] Poignant, personal, and powerful, Wonder Woman 1984 is a (slightly long) breath of fresh air. - Unicron's manifestations to Optimus. Both Unicron and Darkar make deals with less powerful beings, giving them great power in exchange for their servitude. Then take your writing seriously. Eventually the Decepticon leader called for a strategic retreat. Unicron can be posed without the stand, but it feels like this might put too much pressure on the joints in the feet (which may end up giving way when it’s least expected). Soon after Unicron revived himself and created two more giants of himself which Megatron engaged until leaving through a portal. Decepticons are usually bigger, dumber and have cooler designs. Primus later became the planet of Cybertron, the home world of the Transformers, and his name is invoked religiously by both the Autobot and the Decepticon factions of the Transformers. - Unicron to Autobots, "A victory over unworthy opponents, espically one that did not result in their demise is far from an a achievement. Like Primus, he possesses a form of Pure Energy which can never be destroyed, rendering him immortal. In The Transformers: The Movie, Unicron's height appears to be anywhere from several kilometers (as when handling Galvatron) to several hundred kilometers (as when attacking and destroying Lithone and Cybertron's moons, and attacking Cybertron). support over hang at 70%. Unicron controlling Megatron and taking aim at Optimus. He also comes with a “bearded” chin in addition to the original pack-in chin, in homage to the animation error in the movie (two different versions of Unicron were shown, one with a “beard” and one sans “beard”). ", "Thus will begin a new age. In First Encounter, he met three human children who had befriended the Mini-Con High Wire. However, his enormous (and rising) price tag also means that fans have to shell out a sizeable amount for him. Transformers War for Cybertron Unicron Reveals New Features and Accessories! Megatron and his followers attempted to seize the AllSpark but were stopped by Optimus and his Autobots, and the Cybertronian War began.At the end of the war, Megat… Unicron is one of the most recurring foes in the Transformers mythos, often appearing at the end of a series which forces all Cybertronians to team up to defeat him. [Education] Easy ways to teach children about diversity without make it about writing academic compositions, Copyright © 2021 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. [Education] Are we relying too much on academic crutches for exams? "Unicron is, and always has been... a legend amongst my kind. This is where his stand comes in useful — it certainly helps to pose him in a way that shows him floating in space, allowing you to examine him in his full glory. ", "You cannot defeat me disciple of Primus. February 18, 2021 In Transformers: The Movie, Unicron's height appears to be anywhere from several kilometers (as when handling Galvatron) to several hundred kilometers (as when attacking and destroying Lithone and Cybertron's moons, and attacking Cybertron). The included Galvatron and newly added Hot Rod slug figures make the perfect snacks! that eats other planets, and first appeared in Transformers: The Movie (1986), where he was the central antagonist that the original Transformers had to defeat. Transformers Size Comparison (in film series) - YouTube. At some point in the 21st century, Unicron remade Megatron into Galvatron. And chaos shall reign supreme!!!" Height He then saw a fire beacon and went to investigate. Joe. Normally, Unicron is a Transformer God who turns into a mechanical planet. Joes found it while learning of the planet's history. With his consciousness sealed away, Unicron could no longer threaten the universe. Unicron is the biggest enemy of Transformers: Prime. His legion faced the Nemesis, the Predacons and Autobots. He comes with several pieces that allow you to cover those screws, to further increase the suspension of disbelief that this is truly an evil transforming planet that you have bought. Male With a height of 71 cm and a girth of 83 cm, Unicron is the biggest transforming Transformer ever to hit the homes of collectors — and he’s got all the bells and whistles that you’d expect. To survive, and to amuse himself, he consumes other planets. Unicron then flew to the Predacon cemetery where he silenced Starscream and easily dispatched Darksteel and Skylynx. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Unicron first used his legion to trample Shockwave and marched them towards the Well. Eventually, Unicron possessed Megatron and tried to kill Optimus, but the Prime used the Matrix of Leadership to put Unicron back in stasis, thus seizing the natural disasters that was happening around Earth. To turn the tide firmly in his favor Primus created the Thirteen to fight with him. marcus goh It gives a sense of scale to the epic figure, that he can hold any reasonably sized object in his hand without issues. First appearance While in Megatron's body, he displayed the ability to create weaponry from pure Dark Energon. Unicron's twin brother is Primus, who is also his opposite, with Unicron representing evil chaos death shadows destruction disgood disorder dislife discreation dislight night and darkness while Primus represents good order life creation light midnight and day, and their continued existence is necessary for the stability of the universe. It sucked out his energy form from Megatron's body and trapped him in the AllSpark vessel, trapping the destroyer in the vessel for good, allowing Megatron to regain control of his body. On Cybertron, stories were told of Unicron's defeat and he became a feared figure. Unicron was also capable of spawning multiple copies of himself from Earth's ground which he could make almost 200 ft tall. While he faced off against the Last Prime who brought him the AllSpark which he intended to destroy. While limited to Megatron's body Unicron is still a fearsome foe able to forge multiple melee weapons and explosives out of Dark Energon within himself. The beacon originated from Predaking who Megatron claimed was a loyal warrior. The two battled for the fate of the universe with neither gaining advantage. Gold The Covenant of Primus unveils a prophecy that foretold Unicron's awakening on Earth, though the details failed to mention that it was actually referring to Unicron and Earth. Purple It is suggested, in fact, that the two brothers embody the basic co… I am all of these. Though no longer mentally present, Unicron's body continues to lie dormant at Earth's core, powered by a remnant of his AntiSpark. It has been implied that he possesses a certain degree of lightning manipulation. Hasbro rightfully realized that if you’re going to do a Transformers movie at the height of the… Read more. His lifeforce is also known as the Anti-Spark, and those who willfully allow Dark Energon to flow through their veins become bound to it. Production Details He fell into the shroud of myth and mystery eons ago. Grimlock: 84' Slug: 71' Strafe: 57' Scorn: 87' Aligned continuity family Transformers: Fall of Cybertron: Bumblebee: 20' Optimus Prime: ~30' Officially, Unicron stands at 68.58 cm tall and weighs approximately 7.2 kg (16 pounds). Similarly, Darkar's equal and opposite is the Great Dragon, with Darkar representing evil chaos death shadows destruction disgood disorder dislife discreation dislight night and darkness while the Great Dragon represents good order life creation light midnight and day, and Professor Wizgiz implied in Season 2 that their continued existence is necessary for the balance of the universe. I call upon you to serve your master." "Silence, worm! It hit its target and soon went into production, as hobbyists waited for its release with bated breath. A trick..." - Unicron's last words before being sucked into the AllSpark's container. "Yes, disciple of Primus...on this very day. Gender As a result of Unicron's constant torturing, Megatron had lost his passion for war mongering and abandoned the Decepticon cause forever. In Transformers: The Movie, Unicron's height appears to be anywhere from several kilometers (as when handling Galvatron) to several hundred kilometers (as when attacking and destroying Lithone and Cybertron's moons, and attacking Cybertron). However, Optimus and Megatron made it into his spark chamber. Chaos GodThe Great Evil GodThe Ultimate EvilThe Ultimate Prime EvilThe True Prime EvilMaster of All EvilDemon Master of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessDemon KingDemon LordDemon Lord of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessDemon God of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessDemon Steward of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessDemon GodDemon King of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and Darkness Himself alone Decepticons(formerly) Predacons(formerly) To turn the tide firmly in his favor Primus created the Thirteen to fight with him. Unicron's size is never specified in any canon materials, aside from the vague term "planet size". Enjoy!!! Of course, he comes with opposable thumbs, which give him the flexibility and capability to hold objects. Status "I am this world's past and future, and as of this moment... all Primes are simply past. Download Secrets of Quick and Painless Writing to start! Before the dawn of time, Order and Chaos existed within an extra-dimensional entity known as The One. Now, collectors can expect pay at least $1,200 for the behemoth on e-commerce sites. He can also seem to conjure Dark Energon from will, as he raised an army of Terrorcons by raising his hands. He also possess anatomy identical to a Cybertronian. Unicron then used the Dark Energon to restore him back to life and take over his body, reformatting Megatron into a fusion of himself and Unicron (often referred to as Galvatron by most viewers) in the process while leaving some of his spark with his physical form. "I will deal with him myself." This scale was carried over to their vehicle forms, resulting in differently-sized cars that, based on real world measurements, should be virtually the … Unicron's Dark Energon was used to create an Terrorcon army of fallen Autobots and Decepticons to invade Earth, was later used to revive Megatron's damaged body and create a Terrorcon Skyquake. The Great Dragon later went to rest on the planet of Domino, and it is invoked with high respect by both the Fairies and the Witches. "The Prime returns!!!" But my energy form aroused from slumber when I sensed the awakening of an ancient. The larger the size the more detail.side walls at 1.2 . But the heft and balance of the figure makes him feel like he weighs quite a bit more. In what seems to be almost episode of the later parts of Unicron trilogy, Optimus seems to go Super Mode in order to engage Megatron/Galvatron in battle. "For your insolence, I will only make you endure greater suffering!" The Bringer of Chaos The Chaos Bringer The Destroyer The Demon (by Predaking and Skylynx) Lord of the un-dead (by himself and Skylynx) Lord Unicron (by Optimus) Master (by Megatron) Unicorn (by Miko and Bryce)The TitanThe Dark TitanThe Demon TitanSatanThe DevilThe Anti-GodThe Prime EvilDemiurgeLord of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessGod of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessKing of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessMaster of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessHe Who Is Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessSteward of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessHand of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessEvil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and Darkness IncarnateEmbodiment of Evil Chaos Death Shadows Destruction Disgood Disorder Dislife Discreation Dislight Night and DarknessLord of DarknessShadow GodLord of the ShadowsBlack God Primus' awakening sent out an echo throughout space. As the natural disasters and the human death toll rose, Optimus, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Arcee and Megatron teamed up and journeyed to Earth's core to put the giant to sleep, as destroying him would destroy Earth too. I am hate. He — or rather, “it” — was released on 8 February, 2021 to the chagrin of Transformers collectors’ wallets everywhere, clocking in at $799 ($575 USD) in Singapore when the item was first released for pre-order. This version of Unicron could possibly have been inspired by “Chaos”, the void state preceding the creation of the universe or cosmos in the Greek creations myths. For Unicron may be one...but we all are Unicron!" Unicron yells out Optimus's return. Unicron has sent his heralds to attack Cybertron so he can destroy the Matrix of Leadership, which contains the essence of Primus, the only thing which stands in Unicron's way. The cartoon, for example, shows Prime, Megatron and Soundwave as about the same height, Seekers and Autobot cars as slightly shorter (though not as much as the toys are), and Minibotsas smaller yet. I’m also a Transformers enthusiast and avid pop culture scholar. In his humanoid guise, Unicron has over 50 points of articulation — meaning he has 50 over joints that allow him to mimic fairly human poses. Unicron would use an un-dead army of Predacons to accomplish this goal forcing the Autobots once again to fight against him, this time with the Predacons.