Talk about a show that has come about one million miles from where it started. Get listings of Syfy shows, current, past and future, all in one place - from A like Aftermath to Z like Z Nation. Welcome to the Syfy renewal scorecard 2020-21 featuring the complete list of Syfy TV shows cancelled or renewed for the 2020-21 season.. Grace And Frankie star Baron Vaughn will be hosting, and the show will be tacking the biggest debates in the multiverse. Resident Alien: Neuer Trailer zur Syfy-Serie mit Alan Tudyk Der Firefly-Star Alan Tudyk ist ab Ende Januar in der neuen Syfy-Serie Resident Alien zu sehen. Entdecke alle neuen und die am meisten erwarteten Serien 2021, wie zum Beispiel: Tribes Of Europa, The Falcon And The Winter Soldier, Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo 6 Series Orders. SYFY’s official description for the show says: Wynonna Earp is coming to an end on SYFY.. Januar 2021 "Wynonna Earp" – Staffel 4.1 Syfy » ab 7. The first season of the bizarre superhero team-up series Doom Patrol quickly became a buzzy, critical hit, featuring a cast of misfits out to save the world from fourth-wall-breaking baddies and universe-eating donkeys. News The Outpost: Am Wochenende noch einmal die zweite Staffel erleben. Yes, we're also pumped for Star Trek: Discovery's return for a new season — but Captain Picard's return is easily the buzziest thing to happen to the Trek world in years. Entertainment NBC Universal. What is up with Giancarlo Esposito's Moff Gideon and his mysterious dark saber? Hauptdarstellerin Rosabell Laurenti Sellers („Game of Thrones“) enthüllt in der brandneuen Science-Fiction-Serie, wie Aliens die Bevölkerung unterwandern. Breaking Bad, Sherlock, True Detective, Tote Mädchen lügen nicht, Deine Meinung zu FILMSTARTS | Spides: Deutsche Sci-Fi-Serie ab März 2020 auf SYFY Promobild zu Spides (c) SYFY Aliens in der deutschen Hauptstadt? So many questions. What will happen with Baby Yoda? Teresa Otto | 04.03.2020 16:04 Serien The Outpost Wynonna Earp Captain Future Stargate: Origins Stargate: SG-1 . Entertainment NBC Universal. See all of the new Syfy TV shows 2020, the complete list of Syfy 2021 shows and more upcoming shows. The CBS streaming service CBS All Access is giving this vision of the apocalypse another shot at primetime; it was presented as a miniseries in 1994. Neue Serien und Filme bei Sky und Sky Ticket: Die neusten Highlights im Sky-Programm und aktuelle Infos zu den Kosten im Februar 2021 erhaltet ihr in unserer Übersicht. Resident Alien is a pretty good comic book series that’s now also going to be a TV series from Syfy. Wild Life is an American adult animated comedy series created and co-written by Adam Davies that premiered on September 26, 2020 on Syfy's late-night programming block, TZGZ. Disney+ got off to a strong start with its original Star Wars series The Mandalorian, but Marvel fans will have something to get excited about later in the year. No premiere date yet, but the robo-drama is definitely back at some point this year. The Handmaid's Tale - Der Report der Magd, Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert. The zombie movie genre had been largely dormant when it was given a major shot in the arm with 2002's 28 Days Later and Resident Evil, and it wasn't long until the hordes were on the march again in every medium. With Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, Désirée Nosbusch, Falk Hentschel, Francis Fulton-Smith. Battlestar Galactica. The cast includes Hugh Laurie as the ship's captain, plus Josh Gad, Zach Woods, Suzy Nakamura, and more. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Disney+), From Devs to Westworld: The 21 sci-fi shows we're most excited to see in 2020, Blumhouse's Paranormal Activity reboot nabs Disturbia scribe & Underwater director, Captain Marvel 2 has cast its main villain - time to start speculating on who she's playing, Pacific Rim: Uprising director says third film could've 'married' series to Godzilla and King Kong universe, Black Lightning showrunner talks final season Painkiller spinoff and teases Ishmael, The Stand reboot is good but not so scary because it diminishes King's most frightening villain: the flu, 'Wonder Girl' not joining The CW’s Arrowverse as network passes on Wonder Woman spinoff, 'The Access Guide to the Black Comic Book Community' aims to be the 'Green Book' of comics & inspire a new generation, How Resident Alien transformed from a Dark Horse comic into a SYFY original series, From True Blood to Deathstroke, Joe Manganiello is living the dream, Who Won the Week: Cyberpunk 2077's Johnny Silverhand vs. Archenemy's Max Fist, Netflix's La Revolution and why we need more period horror pieces, 35 thoughts we had while watching the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, Share From Devs to Westworld: The 21 sci-fi shows we're most excited to see in 2020 on Facebook, Share From Devs to Westworld: The 21 sci-fi shows we're most excited to see in 2020 on Twitter, Share From Devs to Westworld: The 21 sci-fi shows we're most excited to see in 2020 on Reddit. 2074: Nach einer mysteriösen Katastrophe ist Europa in unzählige Mikro-Staaten zerfallen. Der Zug kommt aus einem Programm, das Beverly häufig benutzt. Donnerstag 26.11.2020 17:00 - Die Serie ist derzeit mit Staffel 2 auf Syfy zu sehen. ... Liebe ist keine Frage von Gefühlen, sondern des richtigen Tests. The show premieres in late January. Die Militärkrankenschwester Claire (Caitriona Balfe) ist nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und der damit einhergegangenen langjährigen Trennung endlich wieder mit ihrem Ehemann, dem Professor und Spion ... 200 Jahre in der Zukunft ist die Erde längst nicht mehr der einzige Schauplatz, an dem die Menscheit um Macht und Ressourcen kämpft. Du bist auf der Suche nach einer Übersicht aller Sci-fi-Serien? News Cloverfield lebt! The Mandalorian only just ended, but we can't wait to see more of this dusty, gunslinger-filled corner of the Star Wars universe. Netflix explodiert! Originally scheduled for 2021, Disney is amping up its 2020 originals lineup with MCU series Wandavision. Von Bryan Fuller, Alex Kurtzman. Datenschutzerklärung Picard promises the return of several beloved characters — and a second season is already in the works, so you can jump in knowing the story is definitely going somewhere. B. : After a few fits and false starts over the past decade, the gothic fantasy/horror comic from Joe Hill is finally coming to TV. Wild Life is an American adult animated comedy series created and co-written by Adam Davies that premiered on September 26, 2020 on Syfy's late-night programming block, TZGZ. Well, mostly. The series is returning with the back half of season four in March, and the network just announced that those episodes will also be the series' last. In der nahen Zukunft hat eine christliche Fundamentalisten-Gruppe in den USA die Macht übernommen und die Verfassung außer Kraft gesetzt. Based on the post-apocalyptic film about a small collection of human survivors on a never-stopping train, this apparent reboot puts a new spin on the battle of literal class warfare between the front and back of the train. The show's 2020 season will mark its last, with the team going on a wild adventure through time and space (with a Chronicom/LMD version of Coulson revived and along for the ride for good measure) to save the world one more time. März 2020 wöchentlich um 20.15 Uhr. ... Syfy’s upcoming space opera series Vagrant Queen has all of the above, and I can’t wait to watch. Die ehemalige Kolonie Mars hat sich unabhängig gemacht und setzt ... Das Verschwinden des Schülers Erik Obendorf (Paul Radom) versetzt die deutsche Kleinstadt Winden in Aufruhr. Teaming up the dream team of Daniels and Carell again should be a major boon for Netflix, as the actor has only just dabbled back into television with Apple TV+'s buzzy The Morning Show. The story digs into social and gender issues beautifully, and here’s hoping former Rubicon writer Eliza Clark (the show's latest showrunner) can pull it off. 2 Pilots. So, think Riverdale meets, umm, The Walking Dead? Als der Heimatplanet der befreundeten Aliens Korvo (Stimme im Original: Justin Roiland) und Terry (Thomas Middleditch) explodiert, müssen die beiden Außerirdischen Hals ... Im Alter von zwölf Jahren wurde Kara Zor-El – wie ihr Cousin, der spätere Superman Kal-el – von ihren Eltern bei der Zerstörung ihres Heimatplaneten Krypton in einer Raumkapsel Richtung Erde ... Früher hat man Rockstars und Schauspieler angehimmelt, doch diese Zeiten sind vorbei. Created by David Weil. Where will Mando go next? Tales for a Halloween Night (TBA) From recent development, it seems unlikely that horror fans will see their worst nightmares materialise on their TV screens within this year. After spending a few years in various stages of development, Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra's award-winning comic is finally coming to live-action. The series stars Diane Lane, Barry Keoghan, Imogen Poots, Amber Tamblyn, and Timothy Hutton. So, here’s the list of upcoming new Syfy series coming out in 2019 and 2020. 8 Tage . Stargate: Origins. Erased: Die Stadt, in der es mich nicht gibt. Über uns | A division of NBCUniversal SYFY Horror 13th Street Universal TV E! Dezember 2020. läuft seit 2017 / 42min / Abenteuer, Sci-Fi. This new original series looks to pick up the story a few decades after the end of the Next Generation era, with Patrick Stewart heading back into the field for one more adventure. An anthology series exploring a twisted, high-tech multiverse where humanity's greatest innovations and darkest instincts collide. 6 Tage . SYFY WIRE’s The Great Debate is moving from the Convention Stage to TV Screens. He also has an animated persona landing on SYFY this summer. Stargate: Atlantis. The first season wrapped with a bang, but creator Jon Favreau is already hard at work on Season 2. Spides: Trailer und Starttermin zur deutschen Syfy-Serie. is unlikely to return on Syfy, there is a chance that the series could be picked up by Netflix or another network. Die Geschwister ... Der mandalorianische Kopfgeldjäger Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal) geht seinem zwielichtigen Job nach, wobei gerade die Moral häufig in Konflikt mit seinen manchmal eher zweifelhaften Aufträgen gerät. Stargate: Universe. The Outpost. It consisted of six 43 minute episodes, grouped into three chapters of two episodes each. Nutzungsbedingungen | Before The Walking Dead, the idea of a zombie TV show becoming a major hit seemed unlikely. Diese Liste bezieht sich auf Science-Fiction-Serien, dazu zählen genrespezifische Fernsehserien, Serials und Webserien, jedoch keine mehrteiligen Fernsehfilme.. Sollte es keinen deutschen Titel geben wird ersatzweise der englische Titel für die Spalte „Titel“ herangezogen, sollte es auch diesen nicht geben wird der Originaltitel herangezogen. Marvel's OG TV studio might be dead, but it still has one new project that has survived the closure: Hulu's Helstrom. It's a bold move for a show to cast A-listers such as Matt Bomer and Brendan Fraser, then hide them behind gauze and a robot suit (respectively) for pretty much the show’s entire runtime, but that's just what makes this one so great. Here's why SYFY's Z Nation was cancelled after five seasons. But the supes didn't get truly satirized until Amazon's comic-based series The Boys, which follows a group of outcasts trying to expose the corruption and general awfulness of all those capes flying around. Denn 2020 haben uns mehr neue Serien als je zuvor erwartet. How Resident Alien transformed from a Dark Horse comic into a SYFY original series Dec 22, 2020 From True Blood to Deathstroke, Joe Manganiello is living the dream Jobs | The season one finale aired on October 31. Syfy Serie. Regardless, seeing how AMC manages to blend horror into another genre, and the question of if it can attract younger viewers in the process, could go a long way in defining just how much life this undead franchise has left. By Kofi Outlaw - March 3, 2020 01:22 pm EST. Syfy has handed out a straight-to-series order for a “Chucky” TV series, based on the possessed doll from the “Child’s Play” film franchise, with the original creators on board. The first season of the Karl Urban-starring series was a massive hit, and fans are eagerly awaiting the second season at some point later in 2020. Das Franchise erhält ein neues Sequel. The show features Scarlet Witch and Vision in what's been described as one of the studio's weirdest and most ambitious shows yet (it apparently takes cues from throwback sitcoms). In dem futuristischen Freizeitpark Westworld lassen der brillante Erfinder Dr. Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins) und sein Team die Träume ihrer wohlhabenden Besucher wahrwerden: In einer täuschend ... Willkommen auf der Erde! Resident Alien: Neuer Trailer zur Syfy-Serie mit Alan Tudyk. There's no set release date yet, but The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will pick up the big screen superhero adventures of the MCU with a few of its A-list stars (namely, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan). The season one finale aired on October 31. With Al Pacino, Logan Lerman, Lena Olin, Jerrika Hinton. ... Whilst Happy! Two more, 'Gateway' and 'Hyperion' are in the development. Raumschiff Enterprise - Das nächste Jahrhundert Neue Intelligenz(Emergence) Data und Picard vertreiben sich die Zeit auf dem Holodeck, als sie beinahe vom Orient-Express überfahren werden. ... As stated above, The Magicians is one of SyFy's longest-running scripted series, which only proves what kind of staying power it really had. 6 Series Orders. It's been a long time coming, but one of Stephen King's most ambitious stories ever put to paper is coming back to the small screen. The show is eyeing a late 2020 premiere date and a reported six-episode run. The first long original Syfy series Monster Man: March 14, 2012: April 18, 2012: Syfy Reality television : Reality show starring special effects artist Cleve Hall and his family, where they take on various projects. Dazu erschien nun ein neues Vorschauvideo, das mit eisigen Landschaften glänzt. Filmmaker Alex Garland has made one heck of a name for himself over the past few years with films such as Ex Machina and Annihilation, and now he's turning his attention to the small screen. Hauptdarsteller Benjamin Wadsworth appelliert nun an Netflix. The series is returning with the back half of season four in March, and the network just announced that those episodes will also be the series' last. Einige sogenannte Stämme („Tribes") kämpfen um die Vorherrschaft auf dem Kontinent. Today, John Cena’s Twitter and Facebook accounts reflected the news as SYFY is ready for “a mutha truckin’ good time” and aims to capture the adult toon fanbase with their space-based screwball comedy. News Neue Serie Resident Alien - Die Sci-Fi Dramedy Serie, die die Welt jetzt braucht! „Spides“: Syfy-Serie bringt eine Alien-Invasion ins reale Berlin. The third season of Stranger Things introduced some new fan favorites into the mix and opened the door to expanding the terrors of Hawkins to the world. Find out what shows are renewed, what shows are canceled, and what shows' fates are still hanging in the balance with this breakdown of all the biggest shows on broadcast, cable, and streaming. Votes: 443,795 Die Polizisten Ulrich Nielsen (Oliver Masucci) und Charlotte Doppler (Karoline Eichhorn) ... Seit sieben Jahren ist die Welt von Schnee und Eis bedeckt. It's an animated show about a gang of zoo critters living free and hanging out after the end of the world. The SyFy Channel's TV adaptations of Arthur C. Clarke's 'Childhood's End' and 'The Expanse' book series will debut on Dec. 14. After a buzzy pilot debut at New York Comic Con, this SYFY original (based on the comic of the same name) follows an alien just looking to hideout and make a life for himself on Earth. Fangrrls is about kicking down doors, breaking boundaries and celebrating female fans with fun, witty and entertaining content. Nur im Inneren eines hochmodernen Zuges, der ohne Halt durch die karge Landschaft rast, ist Leben noch möglich. HBO's sexy breakout hit looks to finally take the action outside the park in its eagerly-anticipated third season. Update your browser for more security and the best experience on this site. The full trailer for Syfy’s Resident Alien is equal parts Northern Exposure, Law & Order and The Good Doctor, with a hint of Doom Patrol’s Mr. Nobody thrown in for good measure. Die Liste mit den Besten SciFi-Serien wie Upload, Westworld oder The 100 bei Season 2 was stellar, and the show made the jump to Hulu for an upcoming third season expected in the latter part of 2020. A division of NBCUniversal SYFY Horror 13th Street Universal TV E! Of course, the pressure is also high for this project to knock it out of the park and start things off right in the new era of Marvel TV. Stargate: SG-1. SyFy announced Jan. 11, 2020 that it had ordered a new series based on Chucky, the homicidal toy from the 30-year Child’s Play horror franchise. Even better, Alan Tudyk (Hoban “Wash” Washburne from Firefly) will star as the alien himself.And somehow even better than that, we’ve just got a new trailer for the series… We've put together a rundown of 21 sci-fi shows we're most excited to see this year, though that doesn't mean there aren't plenty more awesome genre projects that will also rock by the time 2021 rolls around. The new show looks to explore a fresh corner of the undead universe, focusing on a younger generation of survivors who have pretty much spent their entire lives in the post-apocalypse — though largely removed from the insanity in a mysterious city-sized settlement teased in recent seasons of TWD and Fear The Walking Dead. Season 2 hits at some point in 2020, and is slated to debut on both DC Universe and HBO Max. Sky Ticket: Neue Serien und Shows im Januar "Scrubs" – Staffeln 1-9 » ab 4. @BoJackBockman folgen Oh yeah, remember The Walking Dead? The show seems like it will reinvent itself in year three after following the theme park uprising and fallout in Seasons 1-2. „Deadly Class“ startete am 1. The story picks up seven years after Earth has become a frozen wasteland, with the only survivors left aboard the Snowpiercer, a perpetual-motion train that spans the globe. Impressum | Filme Spider-Man: Homecoming Hollow Man - Unsichtbare Gefahr Dune - Der Wüstenplanet Chappie Tremors - Im Land der Raketenwürmer . Superheroes became ubiquitous in the past decade or so, with films such as Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool pushing the boundaries of what can be done within the genre. Mit … Syfy TV Schedule 2021: Premieres, Dates & Times | Tonights.TV ... Syfy Bong Joon-Ho's cult-hit 2013 film of the same name, which starred genre heavy-hitters such as Chris Evans and Tilda Swinton, inspired the show, though the small screen version has been through its share of delays and creative differences along the way (it also shifted from TNT to TBS, then finally back to TNT along the way). 10. Arriving with a secret mission to kill all humans, Harry starts off living a simple life…but things get a bit rocky when he’s roped into solving a local … But through it all, S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe? Wynonna Earp is coming to an end on SYFY.. The first half of the fifth season hit in 2020, and fans have a sixth and final season to look forward to. This is the way. Spides folgt Nora (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers), einer jungen Frau aus Berlin, die nach Einnahme der Partydroge „Blis“ ohne Erinnerung an ihr früheres Leben aus dem Koma erwacht. It might not have the buzz of a Disney+ or Apple TV+, but DC's niche streaming service, DC Universe, is doing some positively awesome stuff over in its little comic book corner of the internet. It's an animated show about a gang of zoo critters living free and hanging out after the end of the world. We hope that these latest Syfy shows are as good as some of the recent releases. With some insane cliffhangers still dangling, Season 4 promises to be one of the most highly-anticipated shows of the new year. If you gave up after a few episodes, this one is well worth revisiting. Filme Spider-Man: Homecoming Hollow Man - Unsichtbare Gefahr Dune - Der Wüstenplanet Chappie Tremors - Im Land der Raketenwürmer . News Fischige Verwandte erklären uns den Ursprung der Menschheit. … ... SYFY Australia SYFY France SYFY Latin America SYFY Middle East SCI FI Poland SYFY Portugal SCI FI Serbia SCI FI Slovenia SYFY Spain SYFY UK SYFY … From big-budget superhero stuff to high-concept near-future sci-fi, Star Trek, Star Wars, and a whole lot more — here's what we'll definitely be watching over the next year. SYFY zeigt die acht Folgen von Spides als TV-Weltpremiere exklusiv ab 5. Created by Rainer Matsutani. (SYFY is, of course, the parent network of SYFY WIRE.). The full 10-episode first season drops February 7 on Netflix. 14 Tage . Neue Folgen gibt es immer mittwochs und donnerstags ab 20.15 Uhr zu sehen. — AnthonyDiPaola #SaveHappy (@AnthonyDiPaola2) July 20, 2020. This new Netflix original comes from The Office co-creator Greg Daniels and his former star Steve Carell, and is described as a workplace comedy about those tasked with starting up a new armed services wing: The Space Force, which has now been established as a real actual thing by President Trump. The series will be premiering on Thursday, June 18th at 11 PM ET. Pic credit: SyFy. The show will follow Tudyk's character "Harry" in what's been described as a "twisted and comedic fish-out-of-water story" as he tries to decide if humanity really is worth keeping around. The show stars genre fan-favorite Alan Tudyk as an alien who crash-lands and assumes the identity of a small-town doctor. Syfy new shows coming in 2020-2021 and beyond. Captain Future. The original comic is a gorgeous family tale with stunning visuals, and from everything we've seen and heard from the Netflix adaptation, the live-action version should check all those same boxes. In 1977, in New York City, a troubled young Jewish man bent on revenge is taken in by a secret group of Nazi hunters fighting a clandestine war against the cabal of high-ranking Nazi … Seth McFarlane's ambitious space comedy debuted to largely awful reviews on Fox, but finally found its footing halfway through Season 1 to evolve into a fantastic dramedy that lovingly carries on the vibe and tone of classic Star Trek adventures. The story is also said to tie into the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which is still scheduled to release in 2021. 2020-21 Syfy Pilots & Series Orders. Wynonna Earp. The show returns for a final season of 16 episodes in 2020, with the release being split into two eight-episode 'batches.'. The first trailer set up an irreverent spin on class warfare with plenty of jokes to keep it rolling. The big new addition to the cast is Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad) in a mystery role, though he looks to come into contact with a newly-free Dolores roaming around in the real, outside world of humanity. The show stars Tom Austen and Sydney Lemmon as Daimon and Ana Helstrom, who hunt and punish the worst criminals on Earth. It's 2020 — so what should you put at the top of your queue and DVR list? Die Liste mit den Besten SciFi-Serien wie Upload, Westworld oder The 100 bei Alle Serien . The show was created by Philip Levens and Adrian A. Cruz.The pilot was written and executive produced by Philip Levens, who served as the showrunner. Dallas and Robo is the cartoon adventures of Cena’s character Robo and Kat Dennings’ character, Dallas. In more than 25 years on the air, Syfy—formerly Sci-Fi—has produced many memorable TV shows. © Als die beiden das Programm beenden wollen, reagiert der Computer nicht mehr. The story is set in a world that has been decimated by a plague and focuses on humanity's few survivors, who have divided into opposing factions: good and evil. The cast is loaded with A-listers, including James Marsden, Amber Heard, Whoopi Goldberg, Katherine McNamara, and Alexander Skarsgård. With David Bizzaro, Juan Cadavid, Jacqueline Coley, Grant Imahara. The CW TV Shows: 2020-21 Viewer Votes; CBS TV Shows: 2020-21 Viewer Votes; Viewer Votes Ranking for the 2020-21 Network TV Shows; ABC TV Shows: 2020-21 Viewer Votes; NBC TV Shows: 2020 … Januar 2021 "Channel Zero: The Dream Door" – Staffel 4 TNT Serie » ab … Ascension was a 2014 science fiction mystery drama television miniseries which aired on CBC in Canada and Syfy in the United States. Fri Feb 14, 2020 5:01pm 11 comments 5 Favorites [+] Screenshot: Syfy. In the years since S.H.I.E.L.D. The creative team that brought us the beloved political comedy Veep is heading to space. List of Syfy Series on Netflix Last updated: April 2, 2019 Syfy remains an important staple of the Netflix library in the United States with many titles from the networks past and current library on Netflix available to stream right now. Stars: Daniel Lapaine, Hannah John-Kamen, Michaela Coel, Beatrice Robertson-Jones. Die Serie wurde bereits 2019 bei ihrem Heimsender SyFy abgesetzt. Dienstag 15.12.2020 20:00 - Januar 2021 "A Million Little Things" – Staffel 2 Fox » ab 5. Dezember 2020 20.00 Uhr von Bjarne Bock The Outpost: Staffel 3 ab Februar beim deutschen Syfy Beim deutschen Syfy wird ab Februar 2021 die dritte Staffel von The Outpost zu sehen sein. Paste staff and TV contributors select the top 20. Lucifer proved a hit on the streaming service, telling more Castle-esque crime mysteries blended with some fascinating world-building and supernatural twists and drama. The show is said to be a bit scarier than other Marvel TV fare, which could be a fun fit with movies such as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on the way. After Fox pulled the plug on this DC Comics-based fantasy procedural, Netflix stepped in to keep it going for a couple more seasons of devilish fun. Murders, disappearances, and strange occurrences begin piling up in connection with the appearance of a new club drug called "Blis". The OG Marvel TV series that started it all. The long-running zombie franchise is still kicking, with plans to launch its third live-action series at some point in 2020. Think The Office mixed with NASA? 2020-21 Syfy Pilots & Series Orders. October Faction ist eine Science Fiction-Serie aus dem Jahr 2020 mit Tamara Taylor und J.C. MacKenzie. JP (2016) | Mysterythriller, Drama. The series follows a family that returns to their ancestral home that is filled with weird mysteries and, well, a lot of keys. An alien crash lands on Earth and must pass himself off as small-town human doctor Harry Vanderspeigle. Staffel 3 startet am 9. 2 Pilots. However, Syfy is gearing up to premiere several new offerings in the near future, and recently ordered a pair of shows including one inspired by George A. Romero’s “Day of the Dead.” Dezember 2020 um 20.00 Uhr erstmalig veröffentlicht. Looking for cancelled Syfy shows?Searching for renewed HBO shows?Track the status of Syfy TV shows cancelled or renewed for the 2020-21 season below. Plus, Tom Ellis is just deliciously likable in the title role. Zur deutschen Syfy-Eigenproduktion Spides wurde nun ein längerer Trailer veröffentlicht. SYFY unveils official trailer for Alan Tudyk-starring Resident Alien series. Damit ihr den Überblick behaltet, haben wir hier eine Übersicht aller neuen Netflix-Serien. Between network TV, cable, streaming (and all those new streaming services popping up), we're starting to reach a tipping point where there's simply more good stuff than people actually have the time to watch ... so we're trying to cut through the noise for the new year.