my_alert = my_alert + "� 'What is your mood normally? The Autobots have been kicking Decepticon butt, and we hope that it stays that way. } if (document.my_form.a271164.value == 0) { result = false; The Autobots (an abbreviation for Autonomous Robotic Organisms) are the protagonist faction of the live-action film series. } document.getElementById(my_key).style.borderColor="lightgray"; alert("Please answer the following questions:\n\n"+my_alert); 14 responses 0 by KittyCatLuna. my_alert = my_alert + "� 'What is your hobby? Transformers Boyfriend Scenarios Fanfiction. Autobots who never made it to Earth: 1. } Your Decepticon alter-ego is the cunning Megatron! Pick one of these symbols. But which character from the good guy team would you be? To say it's an incoherent mess and a fucking garbage is understatement. 1. Does Princess Luna like you quiz. My boyfriend doesn’t want to kiss me like he used to anymore. Brawn(Offline; Fate unknown) 2. that you can create and share on your social network. I made this for a friend. Make your choice. '\n"; Bow & Arrow. How does chatbot/autobot technology currently work, and what are the ways it will evolve in the future? Favorite place to visit? Take this quiz to find out! Which Transformer from Transformers Prime do you represent? 47 responses 22 by Mia_the_k1ller. Test it out! Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed. Try it out, okay? Some dude walks up to another guy, punches him, and runs. Which Hero are you? He's eager to fight and prove himself, he is very much the typical brash young youth with a lot of potential. '\n"; She was technically /begging/ me to do this! Lets see which Decepticon you are most like! result = false; I am the first Lieutenant. What do you do in your spare time? Streams of Fire Yandere Boyfriend: Good day love~ I must say,you look beautiful as always my dear~♥ Create Chatbot 🤖 is a service which basically allows you to create your own chatbot for free. It'll be fun! Transformers: The Last Knight. } For every customer that calls, the virtual assistant can help the real life assistant by using all the data and context of the moment to suggest a number of relevant ways on how to help the customer Make a quiz or personality test and send it to your friends. What the title says Your one of the 'bots lovers This one is Bayverse Autobot only Haven't done this before ever XD #ace #autobots #bayverse #boyfriend #bumblebee #crosshairs #drift #gadget #ironhide #jazz #love … Some dude walks up to another guy, punches him, and runs. Sorry I tried to ask this question on another platform or page, but the program told me I didn’t have enough karma or something. Ironhide. Discussion in 'Transformers General Discussion' started by optimus124, Nov 2, 2007. } He has never seen his people's home world of Cybertron, making … Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. They transform into cars, except when they turn into trucks. For other Character Card Lists, see Character Card List. I told her to suck her scrap up and maybe I'll do it. Will it be an Autobot or Decepticon? Take this quiz! Aug 28, 2020 - Explore ArchangelPheonix's board "Quizzes" on Pinterest. Usually he puts a pillow in his lap, but this time he just pulled me onto him without one. The word "Autobot", according to Ratchet, is an abbreviation of the phrase Autonomous robotic organisms, making it seem like Autobot is likely the Transformers species name in this continuity (the irony being that the term robot is derived from the Czech word "robota" for "work" and thus expresses the opposite of autonomy). Autobots Logo PNG The Autobot sign is an essential part of the visual identity of the Autobot army. Staying Cool. result = false; Autobotmedic here! } If you like this quiz, then take my "Which Decepticon are you?" I am the leader of the Autobots. Click to edit and tell customers about your attention to detail and professionalism that is applied in your work. In the beginning Primus created the Transformers, a race of living robots that could change their bodies into the likeness of weapons, vehicles, and machinery, and all Transformers were Autobots, and he saw that they were good. Are you brave and kind or intelligent and determined? This quiz is testing out a new look, and if you notice any visual bugs please report them! '\n"; Sideswipe(Offline; Killed By Cemetery Wind) 2. .q_option_row {padding:5px; border:2px solid lightgray; border-radius:5px; margin:3px; cursor:hand; font-size:14px;} Buzz Saw. We were watching Transformers so there's nothing really sexual, so yeah. BuzzFeed Staff, Mexico BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Take this quiz to find out which Transformer you are! I am the medic in the group. Three months later, I kept my promise! What is your personality like? Have you ever wondered who lives you in TFP? .option_td {padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px;} Which Autobot Are You? Or are you more like Megatron, the charismatic, arrogant founder of the Decepticons? quiz! The opposite of his mortal enemy Optimus Prime, he feels great contempt for other Transformers who, he feels, betray their proud heritage by demanding peace and cooperation with weaker life forms. document.getElementById(my_key).style.backgroundColor="#e3ece9"; que personaje de harry potter es tu alma gemela. Go on! However, we at ensure developing … Who is your NCT 127 soulmate based off your birth chart? Girls only! Jazz. Optimus Prime. Grouchy. Try it out, okay? And their insane names, but that’s neither here nor there. Purge - Click to see latest revision. .outcome_image {height:50px; float:left; display:none;}. A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes my_key = "r" + checkbox_id + "_" + i; Here! If you could have any autobot in your garage, who would it be? This film is an absolute cinema-sins goldmine. Happy. personality quiz. What is your favorite weapon? } result = false; Read When he ask you out (Autobot) from the story Transformer Human Boyfriend Scenario by Usagi-chan252 (UsagiChan) with 422 reads. . Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2014 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line. } What would you do? Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! Bumblebee(Online; Formerly Killed By T.R.F.) I’m new to this so forgive me because this post is R rated. Bazooka. Which weapon do you like best? by Luis Del Valle. Which Autobot from Transformers Prime Loves You? Big Sonic Gun : 2. my_alert = ""; ;-) (NOTE: IT IS NOT COMPLETED YET!) Wondering if they're meant for you? if (document.my_form.a271163.value == 0) { I’m your About section. my_alert = my_alert + "� 'What is your favorite weapon? It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the sequel to Dark of the Moon (2011), taking place five years after its events. Jazz(Offline; Killed By Megatron) 4. Lets see which Autobot you are most like! if (document.my_form.a271160.value == 0) { The red mask has an interesting history. Summary: ... You were currently watching as your once Semi Truck turned into a huge robot that was beating the scrap out of a slender grey robot with wings. if (document.my_form[checkbox_id][i].checked) { So which side would you be on or better yet, which Transformer are you? else { Have you ever wondered who lives you in TFP? Go on! Ratchet(Offline; Killed By Lockdown) 5. Blue Red Gold Purple Transformers do love their matching color schemes, don’t they? If you know your autonomous robotic organisms well enough. What do you do in your spare time? This designation was used primarily in reference to the toyline, and was not reflected as an official subgroup within the comics or animation. 3. '\n"; It'll be fun! Autobotmedic here! It has been exactly three years since the Autobots saw the Decepticons last. .q_image_td {padding-top:11px; padding-bottom:11px; padding-right:7px; padding-left:7px; width:100px;} Planning. Well, you can find out here on this little quiz! Fallen in love with a certain Decepticon? If you like this quiz, then take my "Which Autobot are you?" . for (var i=0; i Are you Optimus Prime, the courageous leader of the Autobots? Transformers Prime: Who is your Guardian? Click to edit and tell customers why they should choose you. What do you love doing? What is your mood normally? } Alert. Spying. With them suddenly on the rise out of no where the Autobots have to move quickly with their three human allies: Jack, Raf, and Miko. my_alert = my_alert + "� 'What is your Favorite Color? Have a look around and see what we're about. Ironhide(Offline; Killed By Sentinel Prime) 2nd wave Autobots: 1. document.getElementById(my_key).style.borderColor="gray"; Joy : 3. Ratchet. personality quiz. Hey! 1 History 1.1 Transformers 1.2 Revenge of the Fallen 1.3 Dark of the Moon 1.4 Age of Extinction 1.5 The Last Knight 2 Known Autobots 3 IDW Autobots 4 Notes & Trivia Eventually, the Autobots made their way to Earth, discovering a link to the AllSpark with Sam Witwicky. Machine Gun. quiz! I’m your About section. return result; function highlightQuizRow(checkbox_id) { The Autobots and Decepticons have been at war for a very long time now, and while both sides are equally powerful, a winner has to be decided. The Twins. function makeSureAnswered() { I am the guardian of Sam. Transformers Prime Boyfriend/ Girlfriend scenarios KittenSisi. Young Autobot is a young soldier and a main protagonist in Transformers The Game: Autobots/Decepticons and he reappears in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen: Autobots/Decepticons as a secondary protagonist.. Relaxed. Sideswipe. Home Theatre Installers You Can Trust. f Share Tweet. They are larger than Mini Autobots. What is your hobby? if (document.my_form.a271157.value == 0) { I made this for a friend. Autobot Cars are a subgroup in the Generation One continuity family. 4 Comments. How Much Do You Know About Transformers Prime. Skids(Offline; Killed in deleted screen By Sentinel Prim… Take this quiz! my_alert = my_alert + "� 'What Do You Do When You Are Bored? Well, you can find out here on this little quiz! } is a service which basically allows you to create your own chatbot for free. I have asked this question before, but I left something out. if (document.my_form.a271167.value == 0) { Build A Transformer And We'll Tell You If You're An Autobot Or A Decepticon.