#transformers armada #Armada Starscream #alexis thi dang #starscream #starscreamxalexis #my otp #drawing #sketch #lineart #oh my god why am i posting my trash #i swear i … In turn, Rad was annoyed with her drive to change the world, which meant she wouldn't be sticking around. This is quite cute! She hung out with Rad and Carlos some more. When the Decepticon turncoat Starscream joined the ranks of the Autobots, Alexis took a shine to him. When Starscream was destroyed by Unicron, her amulet cracked symbolically, alerting her that something was very wrong. is side-by-side with Alexis (make us think if the writers didn't have something planned for then since the beggining). Despite this, the kids asked Starscream to bring them back a souvenir when the former Decepticon and Jetfire traveled to Mars in search of a Mini-Con panel. History [edit | edit source] Armada [edit | edit source]. Rad, Carlos and Alexis join Hot Shot and Wheeljack in pursuit of Thrust. This was also believed by a young human girl, Alexis, who was a friend of the Autobots. I've always had it (this power), you just never noticed it. Alexis traveled to Ocean City to tell the human crew and their Cybertronian allies about the Federation's decision to declare a neutral position in the latest Transformers conflict. Nov 6, 2016 - Explore Accelerator4lyfe's board "Starscream x Alexis" on Pinterest. And he couldn't figure out why. Though Rad, now an adult, was now smitten with the equally-adult Alexis, she was not happy to learn about his involvement with Alterenergy. This touched Starscream, but he, unfortunately, abandoned the gift ten minutes later when Thrust duped him into returning to the Decepticons, ostensibly to destroy Megatron. This transformers Armada foto might contain anime, komik, manga, and kartun. [Japanese Name] Alexandra "Alexa"(アレクサArekusa) 1 Armadacartoon 2 Transformers Legendsanthology 3 Transformers Legendscomic 4 Energoncartoon 5 DreamwaveArmadaAnd Energon 6 Gallery 7 Trivia One day,RadandCarlosinvited Alexis to go exploring the caverns deep … The Starscream of the "Unicron Trilogy" universe has gone through many notable changes in his personality as his story has progressed. tribute. He, some reason, was concerned about her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There may a been a few bumps on the road but Starscream and the Team were getting along well. What Lies Beneath Twice. Transformers: Armada Official Guidebook backs up the fact that Alexis was 11 years old at the start of Armada. Starscream was later sent to k… Alexis Thi Dang wants to be President when she grows up. I admit that this ship is a little weird and unlikely. Despite his rude, lone-wolf demeanor, Starscream brought back a mysterious green rock for the kids, thus earning him a place in their hearts, in particular Alexis. (even though the shipping between Starscream and Alexis is very weird as a concept, unless they are just friends). Illustration. episode. But I can image how happy Alexis would be if she can meet Starscream from Windblase since he looks so much alike to her Starscream~~ Starscream (c) Transformers: Windblade Alexis (c) Transformers Armada Art (c) me Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tenho saudades desse ship . 21-ago-2020 - Explora el tablero de Ilse Cabrera "Starscream and Alexis" en Pinterest. But that doesn't change the fact that they have a strong connection. Starscream knew Alexis wanted to be alone but he couldn't get the will power to put her down and retreat to the base. TF ARMADA Starscream Alexis. Please read Rules and Info before interacting. Summary: As Starscream tries to figure out his feelings, trouble begins for Alexis. She was present when the Autobots, Decepticons, and Mini-Cons left Earth to defend Cybertron from Unicron. ARMADA Sequel to Starscream and Alexis Series. Bar anything that is illegal. His pleas that he was the wrong Starscream fell on deaf ears, and his attempts to get help from Blackarachnia failed when she sided with Slipstream instead. You can help Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki by expanding it. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Alexis is a human character in the Unicron Trilogy continuity family. What Lies Beneath, Part 3. It also specified that she always got excellent grades and that she was a computer whiz. Running the free world has got to be less troublesome than keeping her friends Carlos and Rad from killing themselves every day. But the two always find a way back to each other again. The first protest she ever participated in was against having to wear the same color every day. Sep 20, 2019 - Starscream/Alexis It is near and is a large distance. Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain also Nazz from Ed, Edd n' Eddy, Jennifer Shope (Purple Battleball) from Supernoobs, Phoebe from Kid vs Kat, Sandi Cracker (Ian's Best Friend) from Being Ian, Cheer Bear from Care Bears, Rarity from My Little Pony, Heloise from Jimmy Two-Shoes, Milo/Captain Flamingo from Captain Flamingo, Pashmina from Hamtaro, Brett from Team Galaxy, Martha the Dog from Martha Speaks, When the Decepticon turncoat Starscream joined the ranks of the Autobots, Alexis took a shine to him. My first Transformers Armada draw!!! It was released in early 2002. See more ideas about transformers armada, transformers art, transformers prime. However, when the Autobots and Decepticons forged their new alliance, she was comforted that Starscream's sacrifice did not go in vain and felt that he would have loved to see the day the Transformers factions joined together. When no one else seemed to trust him, Alexis did. Are there any pictures of Starscream kissing Alexis ? With all that kicks, the "Give me a break" and teen angst attitude! The history of Starscream from the "Unicron Trilogy" of the Transformers franchise. Crack, Much later, she revealed to Starscream that she had fashioned a necklace (that was somehow tied to his very spark) out of the rock he had procured for her. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. Alliance, Soon after the defeat of Unicron and the reunification of the Cybertronians under the Autobot flag, Alexis traveled to Cybertron as part of the human delegation. When the sun was completely gone, both Red Alert and Optimus went inside. Transformers Armada Club Join New Post. Megatron doesn't respect him, doesn't appreciate him, and would casually toss Starscream's life away if it got him something he wanted. So far, I heard that there’s been a Mini-Con distress signal on the planet Mars and Jetfire and Starscream went to investigate it. Transformers Armada episode 2. added by fanfreak2011. Alpha Q tasked Starscream with assassinating Optimus Prime. Now the chamois is all that Starscream has left of Alexis, whom he has grown to love dearly. LG-18 Armada Starscream Super Mode Prologue While working as a waiter, Starscream was attacked by Slipstream, who mistook him for her own hated Starscream. He looked around and saw Alexis. Beginning. A few years have gone by and the treaty is still going strong. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Cramp, Alexis was hit hardest when Optimus Prime reported Starscream's noble death. Ver más ideas sobre transformers, 80 caricaturas, arte gundam. Eu gostei muito do fanart. Saved from deviantart.com. Go home. S04:E08 - Cramp StarScream intervenes in the battle between Galvatron and Optimus Prime. However, Starscream dismissed her and the other human children, as he was only concerned with defeating Megatron. It was the first series co-produced by the American toy company, Hasbro, and their Japanese counterpart, Takara Starscream is Megatron's younger second in command, and a recurring antagonist in Armada.However, unlike other incarnations of Starscream, this version is far more anti heroic. If this connection was love or a deep friendship, is everyone's choice. More Than Meets The Eye. Starscream is disillusioned by his leader Megatron. Despite this, the kids asked Starscream to bring them back a souvenir when the former Decepticon and Jetfire travelled to Mars in search of a Mini-Con panel. Energon Stars. When Starscream brought back a rock from Mars, Alexis made him a chamois to clean his Mini-Cons as a thank-you present. It took a while for Starscream to come to grips with Megatron's faults, but there's no turning back. Between the two of them and their friends they need to overcome many trials but when the Depecti Transformers Illustration More information Transformers Cybertronians and Humans on Earth starscream and alexis transformers armada Armada -* my art drawing lineart sketch traditional art glacialisxqadira.tumblr.com At times he is quite similar to his G1 predecessor, but on many other occasions has displayed markedly different traits to his namesake. Nov 26, 2012 - Image detail for -ARMADA Starscream Alexis by ~ NK0504 Unlike Rad, no one ever strapped her to an explosive asteroid. [[ Muse is an Adult on this blog!!! S02:E12 - Tactician. I think everybody who watch Transformers Armada, ship this two. When she popped up alive and okay, they hugged. However, Starscream dismissed her and the other human children, as he was only concerned with defeating Megatron. Starscream x Alexis - Transformers Armada Chapter 5: Injured. S02:E07 - Reinforcement ... Starscream challenges Megatron for control of the Decepitcons. Cybertron City, Ten years later, Alexis worked as a diplomat on behalf of the Earth Federation, usually as a liaison between the nations of Earth and the Cybertronian Autobot-Decepticon alliance. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. S02:E11 - Chase. Transformers: Armada. Sep 20, 2019 - Starscream/Alexis It is near and is a large distance. Photo of Alexis for fans of Transformers Armada 32989348. Alexis Thi Dang & Starscream (10) Jetfire | Skyfire/Starscream (Transformers) (10) Megatron/Starscream (Transformers) (6) Optimus Prime/Starscream (5) Alexis Thi Dang/Starscream (5) Alexis Thi Dang & Bradley "Rad" White (5) Elita One/Optimus Prime (4) Optimus Prime & Starscream (4) Alexis Thi Dang & Carlos Lopez (4) Include Additional Tags Starscream was later resurrected by Alpha Q in an unstable body, due to Alpha Q not having enough Energon to provide him with a full form. 25 images (& sounds) of the Transformers Armada cast of characters. video. Starscream mentioned by have been created in the Iacon chamber, but was drafted into the Decepticons from the moment of his creation. Especially with the way the lead human (Kicker) acted towards the Autobots when he first met them as a kid which led him into despising anything to do with Transformers in general. One such trip found her in Australia, protesting Alterenergy's 01 Source research. amv. During the war, they fought to obtain the Mini-Cons, to use as powerboosts. TF ARMADA Starscream Alexis. (Okay, I just draw Alexis and Sureshock and Starscream on vehicle-mode, but still...) I was inspired by the episode "Metamorphosis", on the part the kids decide to take the minicons out for a spin and t hey are ambushed by the Decepticons. Red, Carlos and Alexis are sucked into a mystical vortex. While Alexis now represented the interests of Earth, she still had faith in Optimus Prime. Starscream attempted several times to kill Optimus, but failed each time. But a renegade of Transformers who were against the treaty have decided to … Or something. Why does she think she's qualified? Character Illustration. Her group's protest was interrupted by a Terrorcon attack, from which she ended up saving the life of a young teenager named Kicker. (Especially if consider that Alexis only have 12 years). Worst human character EVER! Explore. this is the second episode in the show.