The Ultimate Doom, Part 1, Jazz and Trailbreaker at least got to mock the Seekers when the environmental conditions caused their weapons to backfire on them. Metroplex was zapped by the Decepticons' newest weapon, the Madmachine, which scrambled all of Jazz's computers and left Metroplex helpless. - Share your reason with the rest of the community. Kill Switch, As the Autobots picked up the pieces, they encountered a surprising visitor from another dimension: the Bluestreak who hailed from the original, unaltered timeline. Jazz was stationed on Earth at the time, but was lucky enough to avoid contamination. Blacker than the inside of a drive shaft—that's how Jazz described the north side of Cybertron. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky When the Autobot Headmasters arrived to tip the battle in the Autobots' favor, Jazz was able to return to Earth, where he helped co-ordinate the effort to locate the missing Matrix of Leadership. Mad (2010 TV Show) Jazz. Story of Binaltech, Chapter 1. Battle Lines, Part 1 The team was assigned the mission of finding and stopping Megatron, which Jazz posited would be a piece of oil cake. 1. Fight! Cosmic Rust, Jazz and Cliffjumper attended the dedication of an Optimus Prime memorial. First Contact, Several months later, once the Trigger had been repaired, the Decepticons predictably made another play for it, and Jazz was once again present to fight them off. Optimus Prime. Ironhide and Jazz found themselves being saved from some giant Martian ants by the Insecticons. In turn, he and the other Autobots took part in a diversionary attack on Decepticon headquarters, so another team could sneak in and retrieve Sparkplug. Continued interaction between the Autobots and humanity led to a formal alliance being forged between the heroic robots and the government of the United States in the 1990s. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. AumbreSuai Jun 5, 2009. Such travel is hardly a concrete dealbreaker. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1 Luckily, Spike, Carly and the Dinobots brought some more Cybertonium back from Cybertron, and everyone was repaired. Enter the Nightbird, He was impressed by a huge deposit of korlonium crystals, thinking that they put his light and sound show to shame. The explosion created by their combined might was so colossal that Jazz and all the other Transformers were caught in the backwash and sent plummeting down to Earth, burning up in free-fall, not to be heard from again for several months. Cartoon Coloring … 13. Despite his best efforts, Jazz couldn't get Wheeljack and Ratchet to shush during Optimus Prime's speech. SHOW COMMENTS (3) Why Is This One Of Your Favorites? Though most of the Autobots' senior command staff were killed as a result of the Decepticons' attack on the city, Jazz remained on Moonbase One, where he and Cliffjumper survived. Explosion on Mars!! Fire in the Sky, The discovery of dinosaur bones prompted Jazz to opine they must have been mighty ugly. They retreated back to Autobot Headquarters, Jazz using his magnet beams to start locked on Ironhide's tail. Arise! Reply. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/29, After Unicron had devoured one of Cybertron's moon, Jazz wound up within the evil planet, being grappled by its internal defenses. With the Decepticons poised to return to Cybertron with a ship full of energon cubes, Jazz made the call for volunteers to go on the dangerous mission to stop them, and joined in the battle himself. Naturally, after the Martians were defeated, the truce ended. Jazz is the "very cool, very stylish, very competent" member of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Hasbro. He is armed with a rifle that transforms from his muffler. They were unable to prevent Cybertron from being dragged into Earth's orbit. Comments Add a Comment. He was a fan favourite since the beginning with his youthful and earthen personality. Jazz and Sunstreaker cleared a path through the jungle by riding on the sides of Optimus Prime's cab and lasering the way ahead, all so they could reach Megatron's Solar Needle. Childhood. | Full season and episodes - free online streaming fast high quality legal movies and TV television shows He later took part in the attempt to defend the Iron Mountain military base, and he was the only Autobot with the sense to take cover when Shrapnel exploded. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 Not long after, he defended Cybertron against a massive Decepticon attack, fighting alongside his new leader, Rodimus Prime. Fight! [1], The Autobots were triumphant over Starscream. system based on Jazz's personality, which Jazz decided to nickname "Zoom-Zoom". Fight! Until Megatron ripped him in half. 8:51. Jazz - G1 1984, Fight! At Autobot City, he got word that some Auto-buddies were having Decepticon trouble in Switzerland, so he assembled a team to respond. In the Generation 1 cartoon continuity, Jazz does everything in style. Jazz (Reissue) - Transformers Collection - Toy Gallery (Page #1) is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. Jazz war eines der ursprünglichen Mitglieder der Mannschaft von Optimus Prime, als ihr Schiff auf die Erde abstürzte. mz series. Jazz (G1) Jazz is Optimus Prime's Sub-Commander. Jumpstarter Chapter, In 2004, when Megatron was making his big push to take over Cybertron and the Earth was comparatively unguarded, the Autobots were struck by a Decepticon sneak attack and infected by a plague of Cosmic Rust. Transformers Devastation-Transformers Games-Transformers Cartoons for children ,Cartoons animated anime Tv series movies 2018. tv çizgi. Together, Jazz and Magnus took Metroplex into battle against Trypticon when the giant Decepticon city appeared to be attacking an oil field, but neither Autobot realized they were walking into a trap. 12:30. During a battle at the Great Falls, Jazz and the majority of the Autobot forces were captured, and only an attack by the reactivated Dinobots saved them all from termination. The Core, Jazz took part in attempting to defend the Nova Power Plant against the Insecticons, and he was impressed by Inferno's sharpshooting. Later, with the device in Decepticon hands, Jazz provided a crucial distraction with his sound and light show while Carly and Brawn sabotaged the device. Many of his fellow Autobots were not so lucky, but were saved and made battle-ready again by an alliance with the Earth Defense Command that led to the foundation of the Binaltech Project and the construction of brand new powerful bodies for the fallen warriors. The sheets contain detailed laser etching for easy removal. Rodimus vs. Cyclonus, Jazz was part of the new Autobot military created to be led by Optimus Prime by the Autobot High Council. S.O.S. Magnus sent the Technobots to investigate. When the Decepticons discovered Scramble City's construction site and sent the Constructicons in to destroy it, Jazz was among the Autobots who rolled out to stop them. 4:25. Can be displayed as both cartoon or G1 toy accurate, which was a clever and needed step, as Jazz had two distinct looks. Saved by Christian Szoke. Operation: Carwash Together, the team discovered that there were no true traitors: the moles in the system were unfortunate victims of Arkeville's mind-controlling hypno-chip technology. Battle Lines, Part 6, Jazz was back on Earth in 2010 after Moonbase One got gobbled up by some gi-normous planet. Unfortunately, the Autobots crashed along with the wave, and the Decepticons escaped with the energon they'd collected. Leap, Jazz was a participant in a battle in New York City, early in the Autobot/Decepticon war taking place on Earth. 4:47. Autobot Jazz G1 Cartoon Artwork. Super Robot Lifeform Transformers. They were attacked by Megatron's ship, the Nemesis, and crash landed on Earth, where all on board were preserved in emergency stasis. ID number: 1 1.2. The spark of the BT World's Prowl had previously been lost in a subspace accident, and Bluestreak revealed that it had materialized in his dimension, but that a signal emanating from the BT World was destabilizing it. Amber Morgan. Best Voice in the transformers (besides Soundwave of course).I'll put up another tribute (for a different Transformer) when I hit 10 thumbs up. Accessories: "Photon rifle", missile launcher, 3 missiles 1. alliance apart. Fire on the Mountain, Jazz got to try out some "crazy new waterskis" during an attempt to defend a solar plant on the coast of India, though it all turned out to be a diversion so the Decepticons could kidnap Sparkplug Witwicky. After being led into a quick sand trap, Jazz was able to play Laserbeak, revealing that the Decepticons were heading for Doctor Arkeville's laboratory. ROCKIN AND ROLLIN WITH G1 JAZZ | Transformers: The Game G1 Jazz. Subduing his manic comrade, he and Bumblebee soon discovered that they were the only Autobots not transmutated to an evil state by a personality destabilizer planted in the Autobots' recharging chamber. Регистрация. Watch Transformers: Generation 1 Free Online. Make Tracks Unfortunately for Jazz, he was Kremzeek's first victim, having his circuits thoroughly scrambled by the tiny energy critter. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5, Jazz - or someone who looked a lot like him - was present on the bridge of the Autobot flagship during a doomed assault on a suspected Quintesson base. Despite the failure, Jazz took part in another attack on Megatron's shuttle, and the Autobots were able to destroy it, knocking Cybertron out of orbit. Jazz accompanied the first mission to the offshore oil rig, More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 where his wrist-mounted grappling hook and winch came in handy saving Optimus Prime. 3:05. 248 followers. He's just that cool. The Ultimate Doom, Part 3, Though the Autobots were occupied for a time rebuilding Earth, they were soon able to pick up the Decepticons' trail. Approach of the Demon Meteorite, Jazz returned to defend Cybertron again when Galvatron sought to steal the new Cybertonuron super-metal, and was again seen shooting down Blast Off. At this point, the original timeline was retroactively restored and the events of the. The slang-talking operations specialist was on a recon mission to ascertain Cybertron's bleak energy reserves, and his reports were what prompted the Autobot mission to search for new sources of energy outside of their home world. This battle went strangely: Starscream fused himself with the Trigger and began attacking all the Autobots and Decepticons, requiring Prime and Megatron to unite their power to stop him. Start your engines! The Great Cassette Operation, At Autobot City, Ultra Magnus and Jazz received a report about the mysterious meteorite approaching Earth. One of these bodies was a red version of himself, outfitted with a learning A.I. Monsterkatze Aug 10, 2009. how cute! The Insecticon Syndrome, During another rampage on the part of the Dinobots at Autobot headquarters, Jazz had to get out of the way of Inferno and Red Alert as they rushed to extinguish a fire. In 2005, he met his end at the hands of the Decepticons shortly before the Battle of Autobot City. Transformers Devastation-Transformers Games-Transformers Cartoons for children ,Cartoons animated anime Tv series movies 2018. tv çizgi. Following Spike's realisation that he was on the wrong side, Jazz was present when his mind was transferred back into his human body. Batman Spiderman Transformers G1 Marvel Dc Movies And Tv Shows Robot Movie Tv Jazz Darth Vader Cartoon. Kabam have delivered their June update to Transformers: Forged to Fight players, and we have a very nice addition to the ranks: G1 Jazz.. You will be able to add Jazz to your ranks of playable characters from June 7th at 10.00 AM PDT. Jazz used his sound and light show to scare the cowboys off. Faireborn and Jazz. Hallmark updated our previous reveal of their incoming G1 Jazz Keepsake Ornament with an official product description and photos, including a look at the box art: An expert in sociology and history, Jazz is fascinated with Earth’s pop-culture. Using the Geneva Space Bridge Nexus, the Autobots soon rolled onto the scene and joined the fight against the Syndicate. Full Throttle Scramble Power! Love this drawing! Several Jazz figures are hitting the market, and I feel like this one hits the mark better than others. Sentient robotic beings from Cybertron crash land on Earth, divided into two factions – the Autobots and Decepticons – as they both vie for Energon! Toy Catalogs. Termination, Jazz took part in a battle which resulted in the Decepticons being defeated and captured. Unfinished Business, Part 1 Analyzing Bluestreak's energy wave tracker, Jazz pinpointed the source of the signal and lead an Autobot raiding part straight to it. City of Steel, As one of the faster Autobots, Jazz excelled in the charity race the Autobots organised and even provided some driving music. Войти. ALL VERSIONS. The Autobots were victorious that day. He defended one of the city-states of Cybertron against the onslaught of Jhiaxus's clone soldiers. He possibly regretted his earlier suggestion. Maximus Is in Danger, In year 2025, Jazz joined Grimlock and Bumblebee in battling Starscream in the far reaches of space. You can also upload and share your favorite Transformers G1 wallpapers. His original vehicle mode is a Martini Porsche 935 turbo racing car. After some unsuccessful attempts to engage the combiner in combat, Jazz used his sound and light show to distract the giant long enough for Mirage and Sunstreaker to take him down Imperial walker style, and the Autobots escaped. See no wings Well I fixed it with RtS Jazz. Coli. Whatever surprises the Decepticons spring, Jazz… More. The greatest part of the figure is probably the ease of hiding his door-wings to make the figure more cartoon accurate. 90s Toys. As a lieutenant to Optimus Prime, Jazz was charged with assembling a task force to counter a Decepticon raid on an oil rig, calling the Autobots out and assembling them for battle. Divide and Conquer He journeyed with a strike team to the Arctic Circle, where the Decepticons were draining heat energy from the Earth's core, and helped in the battle to stop them. Sparkplug was part of a Decepticon plan to enslave humans using hypno-chips, and when the Autobots attempted to stop the Decepticons' latest scheme, they found themselves being attacked by hypnotised humans. They were even able to take the ruse as far as merging into Menasor, though when the deception was eventually uncovered, they found themselves battling the real thing. Then his sound and light show went on the fritz, and he was blasted by Blitzwing. Generation 1’s legacy would rule the Transformers into a new millennium, having established the universe, the concepts, and the main characters that are still most memorable today. To counteract the Autobots' new strength, the Decepticons, with the aid of Doctor Arkeville and the human cabal known as the Concurrence, infiltrated the Binaltech Project and began co-opting Binaltech bodies for their own soldiers. Much later in the war, Jazz reported the lack of energy in the north side of Cybertron to Optimus, and the Autobot leader decided to lead a mission off the planet to look for more. Forever Is a Long Time Coming Later in the year, when Tornedron attacked Cybertron, Jazz was seen rushing to his post with Bumblebee at his side. Jazz was one of a delegation of Autobots who attended a press conference to announce the creation of the interstellar teleportation system known as the Trigger to the world. Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen - G1 Starscream & G1 Sunstorm Multiplayer Gameplay Commentary w/ Turtle. When the Decepticons began focusing their attacks on Japan in the late 1980s, Jazz was among the Autobots who relocated to the country to help protect it. The car mode is good, but not perfect. He must really not have liked that guy! And that was that for this classic G1 Autobot in the original live-action Transformers movie from director Michael Bay. Traitor When Wheeljack demonstrated his Immobilizer by freezing a river solid, Jazz wasn't quite convinced...until he tried leaping onto the solidified water and found it harder than rock. After a battle with the Decepticons, the Autobots returned to base, only to discover that somehow they'd picked up an extra Optimus Prime. Jazz diente als Rechte Hand für Optimus Prime.Seine Persöhnlichkeit machen ihn zu einem der besten Autobots in der Crew.. Geschichte [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Generation 1 Cartoon [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]. Blaster Blues Jazz was among the Autobots who coated themselves in electrum to strike back against the Decepticons. Jazz helped test out an "attitude exchanger" built by Sparkplug to restore the Autobots to their normal state, first distracting Bluestreak, and later applying exchangers to Hound and Ratchet. The other Autobots weren't nearly as sanguine about the high-volume intrusion, and it stopped them from preventing the theft of the Voltronic Galaxer. I've always wondered why all the Jazz toys have door-wings when the G1 cartoon Jazz does not. Cartoons Transformers for kids … Autobot Spike Following another battle, during which the Autobots were struck down by "energised boulders" and Gears was captured by the Decepticons, the Autobots travelled to Africa to mount a rescue. The Immobilizer, Jazz was present when Optimus called for volunteers to investigate mysterious energy readings at the bottom of the Atlantic, but didn't volunteer.